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Kree'arra - Boss Guide with Necromancy GWD1 | Runescape 3

Here is my guide for the God Wars Dungeon One boss Kree'arra, Just a quick one with the basics of how to get there and fight with Necromancy.

4:18 am, November 4, 2023
wIn-Depth F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.4 (last updated 8-18-2020) wIn-Depth F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.4 (last updated 8-18-2020) By Asura Zoma Re-written by Tannerdino This guide aims to give the most efficient approach to maxing..

3:35 am, August 6, 2023
In-Depth F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.1 (last updated 05-06-18) F2P Ironman Guide v2.0.1 (last updated 05-06-18) By Asura Zoma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOT..

3:33 am, August 6, 2023
RS3 Essential Quest Order and Research Notes

After coming back to Runescape after leaving the account for many, many years. I have maxed skills well 99s anyway, but am still missing many quests. Here is my quest log so far. Im missing a lot of t..

4:31 am, July 29, 2023
Slayer Guide - Acheron Mammoths | Runescape 3

Quick guide on how to fight and combat Acheron Mammoths for slayer task. #rs3 #runescape

1:09 am, June 23, 2023
RS3 - Contract Claws - mystery and achievement - Voiced

A Quick Guide on how to complete the Contract Claws Mystery and Achievement

6:43 am, June 9, 2023
RS3 Slayer
How to Slay Abyssal Savage for Slayer Task

What are Abyssal Savage? Abyssal savages are a type of demon players can find in the Senntisten Asylum and the Wilderness. They are the third strongest of the Abyssal Slayer creatures.  They ..

1:45 pm, May 27, 2023
OSRS How to get to Konar Slayer Master using the Fairy Ring

Randomly short video on how to get to Konar, just testing voice to speech and the clip champ for video editing, its a bit lame but seems to work....  ..

12:23 am, January 10, 2023
Video Notes
Video Notes: Stop Being the Nice Guy

A lot of times i find my self watching these "motivational" videos, and i think yeah thats pretty useful to watch that, and then i forget what i watched. So i thought if i write some notes in my own w..

11:29 pm, December 12, 2022
KruXoR - September 2022 - Newsletter #1

View this online here... So its been a busy week for me anyway, like most weeks. I actually decided to start getting up early after reading (or started reading) the 5am club book. Im still not up to ..

4:36 am, September 20, 2022
RS3 Slayer
RS3 Slayer - Feral Dinosaurs

About Feral Dinosaurs Note: Avoid this task, it seems to take ages, and is quite slow although the xp is ok. Good if you want to sit and watch something while AFKing these i guess. i picked this t..

9:49 am, July 24, 2022
RS3 Slayer
RS3 Slayer - Creatures of the Lost Grove - Vine Crawlers - Location and Methods

Just make sure here you dont have any multi target abilities or multiple of these will attack you, i just did this when changing my combat bars, and it didnt end too well for me. About Creatures of..

3:04 am, July 23, 2022
RS3 - How to enable custom Loot Beams

A quick video on how to enable custom loot beams in RS3

12:18 am, June 28, 2022
What's the Point of Docker?

What's the Point of Docker? These are my notes on installing docker on a VPS, there a bit jumbled, but mostly a full collection of the commands i used to get docker working with docker co..

3:47 am, June 16, 2022
Site Updates
KruXoR Site Updates June 2022

I always just keep adding to this site and dont document the changes anywhere, so many changes and no one seems to notice, but I keep improving it anyway. I notice, i guess so its worth it.  I t..

2:53 am, June 10, 2022
Minecraft MultiMC and 1.19 Mods List and Compatibility

Just a quick list of my mods and if they work with 1.19 Minecraft... yet.   TLDR : What Mods Work and Dont Work in 1.19 Java at 8 June 2022? Iris Shaders - Working Lithium - Not working..

6:52 am, June 8, 2022
Data Imports
Importing CSS Reference

I thought it would be kinda cool to have the css reference as some kind of database that i could refer to. this is how to import it somewhere else. Import CSS Reference Function This is the initial..

11:48 pm, February 22, 2022
Runescape RS3 - How to get and drop off Ushabti's

My attempt at a runescape video!  Not sure why i picked this as a howto, but Ushabi's they are a slayer thing. 

3:22 am, February 18, 2022
web development
add a live reloading server with one npm command

I work on a lot of html sites, and usually i go into the editor make a change, go back into the browser and hit reload or clear cache and reload, repeat process. I saw all of these NPM's and other th..

11:43 pm, January 13, 2022
Tools and Utilities

Here is a collection of the tools i have created and also a list of the tools i still want to create.    SEO Tools   SEO Keyword Research This tool allows you to type in a keyword ..

1:22 am, December 9, 2021
So my windows 11 task bar decided to disappear (and how to fix it)

I was just happily extracting a zip file when... Boom no more start menu. I thought ah yeah easy ill just restart and it will come back.  Nope.. it was gone for good. But i could run task manag..

5:59 am, September 3, 2021
Move from Backup and Sync to Google Drive for Desktop

So i saw this update today for google backup and sync, and turns out that is is an awesome update! Now you can stream your files from Google Drive to your PC rather than having to choose which files ..

1:56 am, August 11, 2021
RS3 Post 99 Leveling Log

I will be adding all future levels here from 99 up.  102 Slayer Half a billion XP 103 Dung still going, i missed the screen shot! i hope they close the beach event soon so i can go a..

4:51 am, July 25, 2021
RS3 Soul Cape and where to get it

Not sure how to get it yet, but i want one. Soul Cape Looks like this is the way, but not sure what this is... more research required. 

12:36 am, July 24, 2021
RS3 how to quickly deposit all fish and then return to fishing in the when swarm fishing

this is probably common knowledge but i thought maybe its a handy trick to quickly deposit all your fish and then go back to fishing, the only issue is you have to wait for about 5 seconds while it de..

3:22 am, June 18, 2021
Clean Windows Setup

So i was watching a video today where they went through setting up and cleaning a windows installation, and man i thought i really want to do this.  My PC and Laptop just get so cluttered with a..

6:27 am, June 12, 2021
how to switch chrome to dark and light mode in windows 10

So i was playing around in the settings of chrome, and I could not locate the dark and light mode switch. Well apparently chrome looks at your windows theme and gets its settings from there. I added..

12:58 pm, June 9, 2021
RS3 Construction Log

91 91 - 99 Construction using portable workbench Ok just a few calcs for this one: Doing Flatpacks on skilling portables world. Gives me about 18 seconds between banking. Which is really annoying..

1:46 pm, June 4, 2021
Running Windows on pi400 notes

HDMI sound not working, needs a USB Soundcard. 99p USB Soundcard. if you want a cheap usb one prob just ebay usb soundcard. But sound is not a massive issue for this anyway unless you want to be watch..

12:52 pm, April 19, 2021
site bugs
so i guess i will have to re-think my comments strategy

so i wrote a quick and well not that spam free (apparently) comment system for this site. while i was adding it inbetween test comments i found there was already spam being added, before i had even f..

5:15 am, February 10, 2021
Site Development
Kruxor Moving from Bootstrap to CSS Grid

This is my notes on upgrading this site from bootstrap to css grid.  Mission: Make this look good! and fast :) Mmm… not so good at the moment, removed bootstrap and dark theme. But there..

12:05 am, December 23, 2020
apple ios 14 how to change default app for browser to chrome or safari

Here is a new feature in IOS14 where you can actually set a default app for certain supported apps like your web browser no longer has to be safari, and you can choose a new default mail client. ..

5:38 am, September 29, 2020
How to get spreadsheet data into a meaningful/useful format using php and sqlite

I had some data recently that i thought would be very good in a web page format. So i started copy and pasting it into a html editor and then realised that this data is all in the same format as its i..

12:52 am, August 18, 2020
how to fix - Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding()

I use the php readability library in some of my code, and found on a new server that it was throwing the error. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() For me t..

5:25 am, April 8, 2020
how to
How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 3

How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 1 How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 2 How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 3 O..

2:49 am, January 28, 2020
how to
How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Tutorial, Did you already read Part 1 to this tutorial? If not you can check it out below. How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 1 How to do a simple..

4:14 am, January 21, 2020
how to
How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 1

How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 1 How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 2 How to do a simple bootstrap landing page from Scratch - Part 3 H..

1:22 am, January 21, 2020
how to add a darkmode toggle to switch css and remember it dark mode

So it seems the trend lately is to add darkmode to everything... Dark Mode Light Mode Its actually not that hard to switch style sheets and add a dark version of the same style, it seems to be ..

1:51 am, July 17, 2019
Slayer Task : Warped Jelly - Catacombs of Kourend

I found with these ones at level 80, even sharks didnt cut it you really need to bring prayer pots and use Protect from Melee. What to bring Food: Sharks (prefer prayer pots) Potions: Attack Pot,..

5:44 am, July 4, 2019

Privacy Policy for KruXoR At KruXoR, accessible from, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is ..

10:56 pm, June 24, 2019
Oldschool Runescape Ironman guide By OzirisRS

Oldschool RunescapeIronman guideBy OzirisRSRe-formatting + images + details added by KruXoR Contents Introduction Pre-Text Starting Out Early quests, wintertodt and ardy cloak 1 (71) Lumbrid..

12:31 pm, December 29, 2018
how to
How to do a simple landing page from scratch

Here is my process to create a super simple but responsive and slick looking landing page. Create a HTML File Create a html file called index.html as this is the file used by most web servers as the..

4:28 am, October 2, 2018
CSS Margin and Padding Framework Generator - How to use it

I used to just write this manually, but this generator is much easier than manually typing these margin and padding values. So what this does is generate css for each step so if i do the default se..

5:06 am, September 17, 2018
Image Resizing with PHP and SimpleImage Library

How to resize images with PHP using the SimpleImage Library I always forget how to do this even though its pretty simple once you know what to do. Here is how i resize images if they are over a ce..

12:45 am, September 12, 2018
Top 10 Terraria Houses

I thought that i would extract the top 10 terraria houses from here, just so that i could reference them for ideas. Here we go... 10. TerrarianKhaios 09. MultipleEggs 08. IcyOrio 07. PinoySh..

5:34 am, September 11, 2018
How to Convert text string to lower case

Here is a small tool that converts uppercase or sentence case strings to lower case. Just paste in the string and your set. I also added a small video on how to use the tool (yes its just me copy..

5:08 am, September 5, 2018
How to Extract image links from youtube videos

Sometimes it can be useful to know how to extract the image links from youtube videos, so i have created a tool that can do just that.  All you need to do is paste the youtube video link in an..

6:41 am, September 3, 2018
How to make your code look nice

This one is just in case you don't like using the tab button or maybe you have inherited some code that is just a big mess. Using the Code Beautifier Tool you can just paste in the code, and it adds ..

5:24 am, August 28, 2018
how to
How to record audio from chrome into a file

I had an issue the other day where i needed to record audio from the browser, surprisingly this is not too hard you just have to have the right application and settings. I found the easiest way is ..

3:56 am, April 18, 2018
Windows 10 on a 32 Gig eMMC Drive with Updates - Solved

I have had this issue a couple of times now. You get a cheaper end laptop with a 32gb main drive, and after the 1st round of windows updates. No Disk Space error. There are a couple of things i usual..

1:16 am, April 18, 2018
Adding a template to wordpress to show a list of posts on a custom page template

So i had a request the other day to add a blog to wordpress that had been converted to a promo site with a static front page. Sounds easy, well it is if you know how to add a template to wordpress...

1:40 am, April 17, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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Old programmers never die; they just lose some of their functions.
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The path() CSS function accepts an SVG path string, and is used in CSS Shapes and CSS Motion Path to enable a shape to be drawn.
path() css reference