Posted in osrs
5:34 am, April 28, 2019

Farming Allotment patch locations

  • The fastest way to get to the Ardougne allotment is using the teleport on the Ardougne cloak 2 and above. Alternatively, players may use the Fishing Guild Teleport in the Lunar spellbook, using a skills necklace to teleport to the Fishing Guild, using a Fishing cape to teleport to the Fishing Guild, or by using the teleport on a quest point cape. Other alternatives include the Ardougne Teleportspell or using a combat bracelet to go to the Ranging Guild.
  • The fastest way to get to the Catherby allotment is using the Catherby Teleport in the Lunar spellbook, with the next best method being the Camelot Teleport.
  • The fastest teleport to the Falador allotment is the Explorer's ring 2 and above. Other alternatives include the Falador Teleport, using an amulet of glory to teleport to Draynor Village, using a ring of wealth to teleport to Falador Park, or having a spirit tree planted in Port Sarim.
  • The fastest way to get to the Port Phasmatys allotment is by using the ectophial and then walking west.
  • The fastest way to get to the Hosidius allotment is to use a Xeric's talisman to teleport to Xeric's Glade.
  • The fastest way to get to the Farming Guild allotment is to teleport there using a Skills necklace.
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