Quick Summary for text-emphasis-style
The text-emphasis-style CSS property sets the appearance of emphasis marks. It can also be set, and reset, using the text-emphasis shorthand.
Code Usage for text-emphasis-style
/* Initial value */ text-emphasis-style: none; /* No emphasis marks */  /* <string> values */ text-emphasis-style: 'x'; text-emphasis-style: '点'; text-emphasis-style: '\25B2'; text-emphasis-style: '*'; text-emphasis-style: 'foo'; /* Should NOT be used. It may be computed to or rendered as 'f' only */  /* Keyword values */ text-emphasis-style: filled; text-emphasis-style: open; text-emphasis-style: dot; text-emphasis-style: circle; text-emphasis-style: double-circle; text-emphasis-style: triangle; text-emphasis-style: filled sesame; text-emphasis-style: open sesame;  /* Global values */ text-emphasis-style: inherit; text-emphasis-style: initial; text-emphasis-style: revert; text-emphasis-style: unset; 
More Details for text-emphasis-style


The text-emphasis-style CSS property sets the appearance of emphasis marks. It can also be set, and reset, using the text-emphasis shorthand.

/* Initial value */ text-emphasis-style: none; /* No emphasis marks */  /* <string> values */ text-emphasis-style: 'x'; text-emphasis-style: '点'; text-emphasis-style: '\25B2'; text-emphasis-style: '*'; text-emphasis-style: 'foo'; /* Should NOT be used. It may be computed to or rendered as 'f' only */  /* Keyword values */ text-emphasis-style: filled; text-emphasis-style: open; text-emphasis-style: dot; text-emphasis-style: circle; text-emphasis-style: double-circle; text-emphasis-style: triangle; text-emphasis-style: filled sesame; text-emphasis-style: open sesame;  /* Global values */ text-emphasis-style: inherit; text-emphasis-style: initial; text-emphasis-style: revert; text-emphasis-style: unset; 




No emphasis marks.


The shape is filled with solid color. If neither filled nor open is present, this is the default.


The shape is hollow.


Display small circles as marks. The filled dot is '•' (U+2022), and the open dot is '◦' (U+25E6).


Display large circles as marks. The filled circle is '●' (U+25CF), and the open circle is '○' (U+25CB).


Display double circles as marks. The filled double-circle is '◉' (U+25C9), and the open double-circle is '◎' (U+25CE).


Display triangles as marks. The filled triangle is '▲' (U+25B2), and the open triangle is '△' (U+25B3).


Display sesames as marks. The filled sesame is '﹅' (U+FE45), and the open sesame is '﹆' (U+FE46).


Display the given string as marks. Authors should not specify more than one character in <string>. The UA may truncate or ignore strings consisting of more than one grapheme cluster.

Formal definition

Initial valuenone
Applies toall elements
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

none | [ [ filled | open ] || [ dot | circle | double-circle | triangle | sesame ] ] | <string>


Basic example

h2 {   -webkit-text-emphasis-style: sesame;   text-emphasis-style: sesame; } 


CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 # text-emphasis-style-property

See also

The related properties text-emphasis-color, text-emphasis. The text-emphasis-position property allowing to define the position of the emphasis marks.

Last modified: Sep 23, 2021, by MDN contributors

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