Showing page 0 of 62 in words. Total Items: 31241
- -ism
- -scope
- A
- A cappella
- A fortiori
- A posteriori
- A priori
- Account book
- Ad infinitum
- Ad interim
- Advertence
- Advertency
- Agnus Dei
- Air hole
- Air shaft
- Alma Mater
- Am
- Amethyst
- An
- Anti
- Arbor vitae
- Ariel
- Art
- Ascent
- Astound
- At one
- Ate
- Au fait
- Austere
- Ave Maria
- Awaken
- Back door
- Back stairs
- Bail bond
- Baken
- Bark louse
- Bass horn
- Bay window
- Bearing rein
- Beaten
- Beau ideal
- Bed rock
- Bee
- Beetle-browed
- Ben nut
- Bench warrant
- Bent
- Bereft
- Bespitten
- Bested
- Betel nut
- Bid
- Bidding prayer
- Bidding prayer
- Bill broker
- Billy goat
- Black death
- Black hole
- Black letter
- Blood money
- Bloody flux
- Blue book
- Blueprint
- Bon ton
- Bona fide
- Bonne bouche
- Borne
- Bounden
- Brake
- Brazil nut
- Breakbone fever
- Broken wind
- Bugle horn
- Burnt
- C
- Camera lucida
- Can
- Cant hook
- Carte blanche
- Cavilling
- Cheeky
- Chicken pox
- Chromogen
- Chromogen
- Clove
- Cloven
- Cocoa
- Common sense
- Compeer
- Contra
- Copal
- Country seat
- Crown
- Daddy longlegs
- Dagon
- De facto
- Debutant
- Deed poll
- Discretional
- Dog Star
- Douay Bible
- Dove
- Dramatis personae
- Drunk
- Drunken
- Dry dock
- Dung
- Dura mater
- Dyspepsia
- E
- Earth flax
- Eat
- Epigrammatic
- Eu
- Euterpe
- Evil eye
- Ex officio
- Ex parte
- Ex post facto
- Excursion
- Exit
- Fata Morgana
- Fed
- Fit
- Fled
- Flow
- Fond
- Forbade
- Forbid
- Fore tooth
- Forlorn
- Free will
- Fried
- G
- Game fowl
- Gat
- Gila monster
- Gilt
- Got
- Graham bread
- Guest rope
- Gun
- H
- Habeas corpus
- Hairbreadth
- Half blood
- Halt
- Hasty pudding
- Heave offering
- Held
- Hid
- High priest
- Holt
- Holy cross
- Hors de combat
- Hot
- Hung
- Hysteron proteron
- I
- Ignis fatuus
- Imputation
- In vacuo
- Incinerate
- Inferiority
- Intelligibility
- Intelligible
- Jagua palm
- Jocund
- Knight service
- Knitted
- Kyrie eleison
- L
- Lacrymose
- Lad
- Lanate
- Lapis lazuli
- Leap year
- Levee en masse
- Libbard's bane
- Lieutenant general
- Lit
- Liturgic
- Liturgical
- Lock step
- Low
- Lynch law
- M
- Magnate
- Major general
- Manichordon
- Martello tower
- Masula boat
- Materia medica
- Maundy Thursday
- Medication
- Medieval
- Medievalism
- Melic
- Metric system
- Monroe doctrine
- Mortified
- Mote
- Mown
- Muck
- Mumbo Jumbo
- Neckar nut
- Nolle prosequi
- Non compos mentis
- Non est inventus
- Non sequitur
- Nonplussed
- Not
- Notion
- O
- Odd Fellow
- Overfraught
- Overhauling
- Overture
- Overwrought
- Pent
- Perigord pie
- Pizzicato
- Plead
- Plight
- Pro rata
- Proximo
- Pumice stone
- Quasi
- Qui vive
- Quincuncial
- Raft
- Rapt
- Rave
- Re
- Red
- Rid
- Rift
- Riven
- Rose
- Rumbling
- Run
- Rung
- Said
- Sat
- Saw
- Sceptical
- Scepticism
- Sea bird
- Sea card
- Sea cock
- Sea dog
- Sea foam
- Sea god
- Sea king
- Sea lawyer
- Sea legs
- Sea moss
- Sea pig
- Sea room
- Sea salmon
- Sea snake
- Sea turtle
- Sea wrack
- Seen
- Service
- Shake
- Shave
- Shetland pony
- Shined
- Shop
- Shore
- Shorn
- Short circuit
- Shredded
- Shrunk
- Shrunken
- Sit
- Slackening
- Slang
- Slaw
- Sleep
- Slew
- Slit
- Slosh
- Sloshy
- Slow
- Smelt
- Sod
- Sodden
- Sotted
- Sotto voce
- Souari nut
- Span
- Spat
- Specie
- Spoilt
- Sprung
- Squamous
- Staunch
- Staunchly
- Staunchness
- Stove
- Strake
- Strove
- Sub judice
- Sui generis
- Sunken
- Swat
- Swat
- Swollen
- T square
- Tableau vivant
- Tapoa tafa
- Te Deum
- Terza rima
- The gapes
- Thorough bass
- Tight
- Ton
- Tonca bean
- Tret
- Tried
- Tufa
- Ultramontane
- Undone
- Upheld
- V
- Vade mecum
- Vellication
- Venire facias
- Visitor
- Viva voce
- Water bird
- Water dog
- Water level
- Water pipe
- Water wheel
- Waxen
- Weft
- Wend
- West India
- Wilt
- Winded
- Wonted
- Worldling
- Wrong
- Ythrowe
- faux pas
- kin
- salt
- /.
- Mesa
- 3d pers. sing. pres.
- Last
- Compar. & superl. wa
- Much
- Indic. present
- have
- L. catechunenus, Gr.
- Catechumen
- Obs
- Betid
- Sing. pres. ind.
- Mot
- Superl.
- Farthest
- a & adv.
- Heavenward
- a.
- Abase
- Abdominal
- Abecedary
- Aberrant
- Abeyant
- Abhorrent
- Abject
- Abjuratory
- Ablative
- Able-bodied
- Abnormal
- Abominable
- Aboriginal
- Abrase
- Abrasive
- Abrogate
- Abrupt
- Absent
- Absent-minded
- Absolute
- Absolutistic
- Absonant
- Absorbent
- Abstemious
- Abstention
- Abstergent
- Abstinent
- Abstract
- Abstraction
- Abstruse
- Absurd
- Abundant
- Abusive
- Abysmal
- Abyssal
- Academic
- Academical
- Acadian
- Acarpous
- Accelerando
- Accendible
- Acceptable
- Accessible
- Accessory
- Accidental
- Acclivitous
- Accordant
- Accountable
- Accumbent
- Accumulative
- Accurate
- Accusative
- Acerb
- Acerbic
- Acescent
- Acetic
- Acetose
- Acherontic
- Achievable
- Achromatic
- Acicular
- Aciculate
- Acid
- Acidic
- Acidulent
- Acidulous
- Acoustic
- Acquiescent
- Acquisitive
- Acrid
- Acrimonious
- Acrobatic
- Acrocephalic
- Actionable
- Active
- Active
- Actual
- Aculeate
- Aculeiform
- Acuminate
- Acute
- Adamantine
- Adamic
- Adapt
- Adaptable
- Additional
- Additive
- Additory
- Adducible
- Adductive
- Adequate
- Adherent
- Adhesive
- Adipose
- Adjacent
- Adjectival
- Adjunct
- Adjuratory
- Adjustable
- Administrative
- Admirable
- Admissible
- Admissive
- Admissory
- Adolescent
- Adorable
- Adrenal
- Adroit
- Adscititious
- Adulatory
- Adult
- Adust
- Advantageous
- Adventitious
- Adventuresome
- Adversative
- Adverse
- Advertent
- Advisable
- Advisory
- Adynamic
- Aeolian
- Aerial
- Aeriform
- Aerographic
- Aesthetic
- Aestival
- Affable
- Affable
- Affectional
- Affectionate
- Affirmative
- Affirmatory
- Afflictive
- Affluent
- Afghan
- Aforementioned
- Aforesaid
- Aforethought
- After
- Agamic
- Ageless
- Agent
- Aggravative
- Aggressive
- Agile
- Agitable
- Agitative
- Agitato
- Agnate
- Agnostic
- Agrarian
- Agreeable
- Agricultural
- Aguish
- Aidful
- Aimless
- Air-built
- Airless
- Airy
- Akimbo
- Akin
- Al
- Albescent
- Albigensian
- Albuminoid
- Alcaic
- Alcoholic
- Aldern
- Aldine
- Aleatory
- Alert
- Algebraic
- Algid
- Algific
- Alien
- Alienate
- Alike
- Aliquot
- Alive
- All
- Allegorical
- Allegretto
- Allegro
- Alleviative
- Allied
- Alliteral
- Alliterative
- Allowable
- Allusive
- Alluvial
- Almighty
- Alone
- Alpen
- Alpine
- Alterable
- Alterative
- Alternate
- Alternative
- Altruistic
- Alveolar
- Alveolate
- Amaranthine
- Amateurish
- Amative
- Amatory
- Ambidextrous
- Ambient
- Ambiguous
- Ambitious
- Ambrosial
- Ambulant
- Ambulative
- Ambulatory
- Ameliorable
- Ameliorative
- Amenable
- Amendatory
- Amethystine
- Amiable
- Amicable
- Amorous
- Amorphous
- Amphibian
- Amphibious
- Amphibological
- Ample
- Amylaceous
- Anachronistic
- Anacreontic
- Anaemia
- Anaglyphic
- Anal
- Analeptic
- Analogous
- Analytic
- Analytical
- Anarchic
- Anarchical
- Anastatic
- Anatropal
- Ancestorial
- Ancestral
- Ancient
- Ancillary
- Andante
- Andantino
- Androgynous
- Anecdotic
- Anent
- Anesthesia
- Anesthetic
- Angelic
- Angiospermous
- Anguiform
- Anguine
- Angular
- Angustifoliate
- Anhydrous
- Anile
- Animative
- Anime
- Animistic
- Annalistic
- Anniversary
- Annotative
- Annual
- Annul
- Annular
- Annulary
- Annulose
- Anodyne
- Anomalistic
- Anomalous
- Anonymous
- Answerable
- Antagonistic
- Antarctic
- Antecedent
- Antediluvian
- Antenatal
- Antepaschal
- Anteprandial
- Anterior
- Anthelmintic
- Anthropological
- Anthropomorphic
- Antic
- Anticipant
- Anticipative
- Anticipatory
- Anticous
- Antidotal
- Antidotical
- Antinomian
- Antipathetic
- Antipodal
- Antipodean
- Antiquated
- Antique
- Antiseptic
- Antithetic
- Antithetical
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Aperient
- Aphonic
- Aphoristic
- Aphrodisiac
- Apical
- Apish
- Apocalyptic
- Apocryphal
- Apodictic
- Apologetic
- Apophthegmatic
- Apoplectic
- Apostolic
- Appall
- Apparent
- Apparitional
- Appendical
- Appetitive
- Appetizing
- Applicable
- Applique
- Apposite
- Appositive
- Appraisable
- Appreciable
- Appreciative
- Apprehensible
- Apprehensive
- Approbatory
- Appropriate
- Approximate
- Approximative
- Appurtenant
- Apt
- Aquatic
- Aquiline
- Arabic
- Arable
- Arbitrary
- Arborary
- Arboreal
- Arborescent
- Arboriform
- Arcadian
- Arcane
- Archaic
- Archaism
- Archangelic
- Archetypal
- Archetypical
- Architectonic
- Arctic
- Arcual
- Ardent
- Arduous
- Arenaceous
- Arenarious
- Argentine
- Argumental
- Argus-eyed
- Argute
- Arid
- Ariose
- Aristocratic
- Armipotent
- Armor-plated
- Armored
- Aromatic
- Arquated
- Arrant
- Arrogant
- Arterial
- Artful
- Arthritic
- Arthrodial
- Articulate
- Artificial
- Artistic
- Artless
- Artless
- Ascensional
- Ascetic
- Ascititious
- Ascribable
- Ashamed
- Ashen
- Ashy
- Asinine
- Asperous
- Aspirant
- Assertive
- Assessable
- Assiduous
- Assistant
- Assonant
- Assonantal
- Assuasive
- Asteroidal
- Asthenic
- Asthmatic
- Astral
- Astringent
- Astrologic
- Astronomic
- Astronomical
- Astrophysical
- Astute
- Athirst
- Athletic
- Atlantean
- Atmospheric
- Atomic
- Atomistic
- Atrabiliar
- Atrabilious
- Atramentous
- Atrocious
- Attackable
- Attainable
- Attentive
- Attestative
- Attestive
- Attic
- Attractive
- Attributable
- Atypical
- Auburn
- Audacious
- Audible
- Audience
- Audit
- Auditor
- Auditory
- Augural
- August
- Auld
- Aural
- Aureate
- Auric
- Auricular
- Auspice
- Auspicious
- Authoritative
- Autochthonous
- Autocrat
- Autocratic
- Automatic
- Automatous
- Autonomous
- Autopsy
- Auxiliary
- Available
- Avaricious
- Averse
- Avid
- Avoid
- Aware
- Awash
- Aweless
- Awesome
- Awful
- Awkward
- Axial
- Axiom
- Axiomatic
- Azoic
- Aztec
- Azure
- Azured
- Azureous
- Azygous
- Babish
- Babylonian
- Baccate
- Bacchanal
- Bacchanalian
- Bacchic
- Baggy
- Bald
- Baleful
- Balky
- Ballproof
- Balmy
- Balneal
- Balsamic
- Banal
- Bandy-legged
- Baneful
- Baptismal
- Barbarous
- Barbellate
- Bardic
- Bardish
- Bare
- Barefaced
- Baric
- Barmecidal
- Baroque
- Barren
- Barytone
- Basal
- Base
- Basement
- Bashful
- Basic
- Basque
- Basso
- Bathetic
- Batrachian
- Battle
- Batty
- Bawdy
- Bay
- Bayard
- Beady
- Beaked
- Beamy
- Bearable
- Bearish
- Beastlike
- Beastly
- Beatific
- Beauteous
- Beautiful
- Beautiless
- Beefy
- Beery
- Befoul
- Beggarly
- Behind
- Believable
- Bellicose
- Bellied
- Bendable
- Bendy
- Beneficent
- Beneficial
- Beneficiary
- Benevolent
- Benign
- Benignant
- Benumb
- Berkeleian
- Berylline
- Best
- Bestial
- Beteem
- Better
- Biaxial
- Bibacious
- Biblical
- Bicameral
- Bicentenary
- Bicolored
- Biconcave
- Biconjugate
- Bicorn
- Bicuspid
- Biennial
- Bifid
- Bifold
- Biform
- Bifurcate
- Bifurcated
- Big-bellied
- Bigger
- Bigoted
- Bigwig
- Bilateral
- Billowy
- Bimonthly
- Bimuscular
- Binary
- Binate
- Binocular
- Binominal
- Biogenetic
- Biotic
- Biparous
- Bipartite
- Bipetalous
- Bipinnate
- Bisexual
- Biweekly
- Bizarre
- Black
- Black-browed
- Blackish
- Blamable
- Blameful
- Blameless
- Blameworthy
- Blanch
- Bland
- Blank
- Blanket
- Blase
- Blasphemous
- Blasty
- Blatant
- Bleach
- Bleak
- Bleary
- Blebby
- Blighting
- Blind
- Blink-eyed
- Blissful
- Blistery
- Blithe
- Blithesome
- Blockheaded
- Blockish
- Bloodless
- Bloodthirsty
- Bloody
- Bloody-minded
- Bloomy
- Blotch
- Blotched
- Blotchy
- Blotless
- Blowy
- Blowzed
- Blowzy
- Blubbery
- Bluff
- Bluish
- Blunt
- Bluntish
- Blurry
- Boastful
- Bodeful
- Bodily
- Boeotian
- Boggy
- Bogus
- Bohemian
- Boisterous
- Bolognese
- Bombastic
- Bombproof
- Bon
- Bondage
- Bonny
- Bony
- Bookish
- Boorish
- Bootless
- Boozy
- Boreal
- Bosky
- Bosomy
- Bossy
- Boswellian
- Bothersome
- Bottomless
- Botuliform
- Boundless
- Bounteous
- Bountiful
- Bovid
- Bovine
- Bowelless
- Bowery
- Boyish
- Brachyural
- Brackish
- Brainless
- Brainy
- Braky
- Brambly
- Branchy
- Brand-new
- Brandied
- Branny
- Brash
- Brassy
- Bravo
- Brawny
- Brazen
- Brazenfaced
- Breachy
- Bread
- Breakable
- Breathless
- Brecciated
- Breezy
- Bribable
- Bricky
- Brief
- Briery
- Brigandish
- Brighten
- Brillante
- Brimful
- Brinded
- Brindled
- Briny
- Brisk
- British
- Brittle
- Broaden
- Brobdingnagian
- Bronze
- Bronzy
- Broody
- Brotherly
- Brumal
- Brummagem
- Brusque
- Brutal
- Brute
- Brutish
- Bubbly
- Bucolic
- Buffoonish
- Buggy
- Bulbose
- Bulky
- Bullheaded
- Bumptious
- Bunchy
- Burdensome
- Bureaucratic
- Burghal
- Burlesque
- Burly
- Burnable
- Burnish
- Bushy
- Businesslike
- Busy
- Buttery
- Butyraceous
- Buxom
- Bygone
- Cabalistic
- Cacophonous
- Cacuminal
- Cadaverous
- Caddish
- Cadent
- Caitiff
- Calamitous
- Calcariferous
- Calcified
- Calculable
- Calculous
- Calefacient
- Calefactive
- Calefactory
- Calendarial
- Calid
- Caliginous
- Calligraphic
- Callous
- Callow
- Calumniatory
- Calumnious
- Calyculated
- Camel-backed
- Canadian
- Canaliculate
- Canaliculated
- Canary
- Cancellated
- Candent
- Candid
- Candied
- Canescent
- Canicular
- Canine
- Cankered
- Canny
- Canorous
- Cantabile
- Cantankerous
- Capable
- Capacious
- Capricious
- Caprid
- Capsular
- Captious
- Carbonated
- Cardiac
- Cardinal
- Careful
- Careless
- Careworn
- Carious
- Carminative
- Carnal
- Carnal-minded
- Carnivorous
- Carousing
- Carpal
- Carroty
- Cartilaginous
- Caryatid
- Cast-off
- Castalian
- Casual
- Casuistic
- Casuistry
- Catacaustic
- Catachrestic
- Cataclysmal
- Cataclysmic
- Cataleptic
- Catastrophic
- Categorical
- Catenary
- Cathartic
- Catholic
- Cattish
- Caucasian
- Caudal
- Caudated
- Causal
- Causative
- Causeless
- Causidical
- Caustic
- Cautionary
- Cautious
- Ceaseless
- Celestial
- Cemental
- Censorious
- Censurable
- Centenarian
- Centenary
- Centennial
- Centesimal
- Central
- Centric
- Centripetal
- Centumviral
- Cereal
- Cerebral
- Ceremonial
- Ceremonious
- Cerise
- Ceroplastic
- Certain
- Cerulean
- Ceruleous
- Chalky
- Changeable
- Changeful
- Changeless
- Chaotic
- Chapfallen
- Characteristic
- Characterless
- Chargeable
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Chary
- Chaste
- Chatoyant
- Chatty
- Cheerful
- Cheerless
- Cheesy
- Chemical
- Cherubic
- Childish
- Childlike
- Chiliastic
- Chilled
- Chilly
- Chimaeroid
- Chimeric
- Chimerical
- Chinky
- Chippy
- Chirographic
- Chivalric
- Chivalrous
- Chlorotic
- Chock-full
- Choleric
- Choppy
- Choral
- Choric
- Chrismal
- Christianlike
- Christlike
- Christly
- Chromatic
- Chronic
- Chubby
- Chunky
- Churchgoing
- Churlish
- Chylifactive
- Chylific
- Ci-devant
- Cimmerian
- Cinereous
- Circinate
- Circuitous
- Circular
- Circumambient
- Circumferential
- Circumfluent
- Circumfluous
- Circumforaneous
- Circumjacent
- Circumlocutory
- Circumspect
- Circumstantial
- Cirrate
- Cirrose
- Citified
- Citrine
- Civic
- Civil
- Clairvoyant
- Clamant
- Clamorous
- Clandestine
- Clangorous
- Classificatory
- Claudicant
- Claustral
- Clayey
- Clean-cut
- Clear-cut
- Clear-sighted
- Clement
- Clever
- Climacteric
- Clingy
- Clinquant
- Cliquish
- Cloddish
- Clodhopping
- Clodpated
- Closefisted
- Closehauled
- Closemouthed
- Cloud-built
- Cloudless
- Clownish
- Clubbable
- Clubbish
- Coactive
- Coadjutant
- Coadjuvant
- Coadunate
- Coagulate
- Coagulum
- Coalescent
- Coarct
- Coarse-grained
- Coastal
- Cock-a-hoop
- Cocksure
- Cocky
- Coefficient
- Coelodont
- Coequal
- Coetaneous
- Coeternal
- Coexistent
- Coextensive
- Cogitable
- Cognate
- Cognizant
- Cognominal
- Cohere
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coifed
- Coincident
- Coincidental
- Coinstantaneous
- Cold-blooded
- Colicky
- Collatable
- Collateral
- Collective
- Collocate
- Colloid
- Colloquial
- Collusive
- Colonial
- Colorable
- Colorific
- Colorless
- Colossal
- Coltish
- a. & a. pron.
- Every
- a. & adv.
- Adagio
- Ago
- Agog
- Asleep
- Crescendo
- Decrescendo
- Fivefold
- Headlong
- Larghetto
- Largo
- Lento
- Malapropos
- Na
- Outboard
- Overlong
- Parlando
- Piano
- Row
- Skyward
- Tenfold
- a. .
- Fateful
- a. / a. pron.
- Each
- a. Vigorously
- Hard-fought
- a. or pron.
- Both
- a. superl.
- Aftermost
- a., adv., & n.
- Mo
- a/
- Obscene
- adj.
- worthwhile
- ads.
- Breadthwise
- adv.
- Aback
- Abeam
- Abjectly
- Ably
- Abnormally
- Aboard
- Abominably
- Aboveboard
- Abreast
- Abroad
- Abruptly
- Absolutely
- Absurdly
- Abundantly
- Acceptably
- Accidentally
- Accordingly
- Accurately
- Acidly
- Acridly
- Acrook
- Actively
- Actually
- Acutely
- Additionally
- Adequately
- Adoringly
- Adown
- Adroitly
- Advisably
- Advisedly
- Afar
- Affectionately
- Affettuoso
- Affirmatively
- Affrightedly
- Afield
- Afoot
- Aforetime
- Afresh
- Afterward
- Afterwards
- Again
- Agate
- Agilely
- Agonizingly
- Agree
- Agreeably
- Ahead
- Airily
- Airward
- Ajar
- Alee
- Alias
- Almost
- Aloft
- Along
- Alongside
- Aloud
- Already
- Alternately
- Altogether
- Always
- Amiably
- Amicably
- Amiss
- Amorously
- Amply
- Ana
- Analytically
- Anew
- Animatedly
- Anon
- Anyhow
- Anyway
- Anywise
- Apace
- Apart
- Apiece
- Apocalyptically
- Apoise
- Aport
- Apparently
- Appropriately
- Approximately
- Aptly
- Archly
- Ardently
- Arduously
- Aright
- Around
- Arrantly
- Arrear
- Artfully
- Aside
- Askance
- Askant
- Asquint
- Assuredly
- Astern
- Astraddle
- Astride
- Asunder
- Ataunt
- Atilt
- Atop
- Away
- Aweather
- Aweigh
- Awfully
- Aye
- Backward
- Backwards
- Badly
- Baldly
- Balefully
- Barely
- Basely
- Becomingly
- Beforehand
- Beforetime
- Bendwise
- Besides
- Bestially
- Betimes
- Bis
- Bitterly
- Blatantly
- Bluntly
- Boldly
- Brazenly
- Breathlessly
- Brief
- Briefly
- Broadly
- Broadwise
- Brokenly
- Brutally
- Calmly
- Candidly
- Cannily
- Capitally
- Carefully
- Carelessly
- Casually
- Categorically
- Caustically
- Cautiously
- Cavalierly
- Certainly
- Chaotically
- Characteristically
- Cheerfully
- Cheerily
- Chevronwise
- Chiefly
- Churlishly
- Circumspectly
- Clearly
- Cleverly
- Closely
- Coequally
- Coherently
- Collectively
- Commodiously
- Commonly
- Compactly
- Comparatively
- Competently
- Completely
- Compliantly
- Comprehensively
- Con
- Concernedly
- Conclusively
- Concretely
- Condignly
- Conformably
- Confoundedly
- Congenially
- Congruously
- Conjointly
- Connectedly
- Conscientiously
- Consciously
- Consecutively
- Consentingly
- Consequentially
- Consequently
- Considerably
- Consistently
- Constantly
- Consummately
- Contemptibly
- Continually
- Continuously
- Contrarily
- Contrariwise
- Conveniently
- Conversely
- Copiously
- Cordially
- Corporately
- Correctly
- Correspondently
- Correspondingly
- Counter
- Counterfeit
- Country
- Covertly
- Cozily
- Creepingly
- Crisply
- Critically
- Crookedly
- Crosswise
- Cruelly
- Crustily
- Cursorily
- Curtly
- Customarily
- Damnably
- Dearly
- Decidedly
- Declaratively
- Deeply
- Definitely
- Definitively
- Deftly
- Degenerously
- Deliberately
- Delicately
- Demurely
- Deplorably
- Deservedly
- Designedly
- Desirably
- Despicably
- Desultorily
- Determinedly
- Devoutly
- Difficultly
- Diffusely
- Dilatorily
- Diligently
- Diminuendo
- Dimly
- Directly
- Discriminatively
- Disinterestedly
- Dismally
- Disreputably
- Distinctively
- Distinctly
- Distractedly
- Distributively
- Diversely
- Divinely
- Doggedly
- Dolce
- Doubtlessly
- Downhill
- Downright
- Downstairs
- Downward
- Downwards
- Dreadfully
- Drearily
- Dryly
- Dubiously
- Dully
- Duly
- Eagerly
- Early
- Earnestly
- Easily
- Eccentrically
- Economically
- Edgeways
- Edgewise
- Eerily
- Effectively
- Effectually
- Egregiously
- Elegantly
- Elsewhere
- Eminently
- Emphatically
- Encounter
- Endlessly
- Endways
- Endwise
- Entirely
- Equally
- Equitably
- Equivalently
- Ere
- Erectly
- Erewhile
- Erst
- Erstwhile
- Especially
- Eternally
- Evenly
- Ever
- Everlastingly
- Evermore
- Everywhere
- Evidently
- Evilly
- Exactly
- Exceedingly
- Excellently
- Exorbitantly
- Explicitly
- Explosively
- Expressly
- Exquisitely
- Extempore
- Extensively
- Exteriorly
- Externally
- Extraordinarily
- Extravagantly
- Extremely
- Faintly
- Fairly
- Fallibly
- Familiarly
- Famously
- Fantastically
- Far
- Farthermore
- Fatally
- Fearfully
- Feebly
- Felly
- Fern
- Finally
- Finely
- Firmly
- Firstly
- Fitly
- Fixedly
- Flagrantly
- Flaringly
- Flatly
- Flatulently
- Flauntingly
- Fleetingly
- Flickeringly
- Fluently
- Fondly
- Forcibly
- Forever
- Formally
- Formerly
- Forsooth
- Forth
- Forthright
- Forthwith
- Fortissimo
- Forwards
- Frankly
- Freely
- Frightfully
- Fro
- Frugally
- Fully
- Functionally
- Fundamentally
- Further
- Furthermore
- Furtively
- Fussily
- Gaily
- Generally
- Genially
- Genteelly
- Gently
- Glancingly
- Glibly
- Glidingly
- Glowingly
- Goodly
- Grandly
- Graphically
- Gratis
- Gravely
- Greatly
- Grossly
- Grotesquely
- Grovel
- Grumbly
- Halfway
- Haltingly
- Handily
- Happily
- Hard
- Hardly
- Harshly
- Hastily
- Haughtily
- Headfirst
- Heartily
- Helter-skelter
- Hence
- Henceforth
- Hereabouts
- Hereafter
- Hereby
- Herein
- Hereinafter
- Hereinbefore
- Hereinto
- Hereto
- Heretofore
- Hereunto
- Herewith
- Higgledy-piggledy
- Highly
- Historically
- Hither
- Hitherto
- Holly
- Horribly
- Hotfoot
- How
- However
- Humbly
- Humorously
- Ibidem
- Ideally
- Identically
- Idly
- Ignominiously
- Illiberally
- Immeasurably
- Immediately
- Immensely
- Imminently
- Immoderately
- Immovably
- Impalpably
- Impersonally
- Implacably
- Importantly
- Imposingly
- Improperly
- Impulsively
- Incessantly
- Inclemently
- Inclusively
- Incog
- Incompletely
- Inconsistently
- Inconstantly
- Incredibly
- Indecently
- Indeed
- Indefinably
- Indefinitely
- Independently
- Indifferently
- Individually
- Inelegantly
- Inevitably
- Inexcusably
- Inexorably
- Infallibly
- Infamously
- Infernally
- Infinitely
- Inflexibly
- Infra
- Infrequently
- Ingenuously
- Iniquitously
- Innately
- Inside
- Insignificantly
- Insipidly
- Insistently
- Instantly
- Insufficiently
- Integrally
- Intelligently
- Intelligibly
- Intemperately
- Intensely
- Intensively
- Interiorly
- Interminably
- Intermittently
- Internally
- Intimately
- Inversely
- Inveterately
- Inwardly
- Irregularly
- Irrepressibly
- Item
- Judiciously
- Jump
- Keenly
- Knavishly
- Knowingly
- Laconically
- Largely
- Lastly
- Lately
- Latterly
- Lavishly
- Leastwise
- Lengthily
- Lengthways
- Lengthwise
- Liberally
- Lightly
- Limpingly
- Lingeringly
- Literally
- Literatim
- Loco
- Loftily
- Longitudinally
- Longways
- Longwise
- Loudly
- Lovingly
- Loyally
- Magically
- Magisterially
- Magnanimously
- Magnificently
- Mainly
- Malignantly
- Marvelously
- Masterfully
- Materially
- Meagerly
- Meanly
- Meekly
- Meetly
- Melancholily
- Merely
- Midships
- Midway
- Mightily
- Mildly
- Minutely
- Miserably
- Moderately
- Momentarily
- Momently
- Moneyed
- Monstrously
- Moreover
- Mortally
- Mostly
- Mourningly
- Mysteriously
- Nakedly
- Narrowly
- Naturally
- Naught
- Nay
- Near
- Nearly
- Neatly
- Necessarily
- Nefarious
- Negation
- Neglect
- Never
- Newly
- Nicely
- Nimbly
- Nobly
- Noisily
- Normally
- Notably
- Noticeably
- Now
- Nowadays
- Noway
- Noways
- Obliquely
- Obscurely
- Occasionally
- Off
- Oft
- Often
- Once
- Onerously
- Onwards
- Openly
- Ostensibly
- Ostensively
- Outright
- Outward
- Outwards
- Overall
- Overhead
- Oversoon
- Paramountly
- Parenthetically
- Partially
- Participantly
- Particularly
- Partly
- Passim
- Passionately
- Patently
- Patiently
- Peculiarly
- Pellucidly
- Perennially
- Perfectly
- Perhaps
- Permanently
- Perpetually
- Persistently
- Personally
- Pettily
- Piecemeal
- Pitapat
- Plainly
- Pleasantly
- Plump
- Ponderously
- Poorly
- Positively
- Possibly
- Practically
- Precipitately
- Precociously
- Predominantly
- Preeminently
- Pregnantly
- Prescriptively
- Prestissimo
- Prevailingly
- Previously
- Primarily
- Primly
- Principally
- Privately
- Probably
- Professedly
- Profoundly
- Prominently
- Promiscuously
- Promptly
- Properly
- Proportionately
- Proudly
- Providently
- Prudently
- Publicly
- Punctually
- Pungently
- Purely
- Purposely
- Quaintly
- Queerly
- Quickly
- Quietly
- Rancorously
- Randomly
- Rankly
- Rapidly
- Rarely
- Rationally
- Ravishingly
- Realistically
- Really
- Rear
- Reasonably
- Regally
- Regularly
- Relatively
- Relevantly
- Representatively
- Repugnantly
- Resinously
- Resolutely
- Resolvedly
- Richly
- Righteously
- Rightfully
- Rightly
- Ritually
- Robustly
- Roisterly
- Rough
- Roughly
- Roundly
- Sadly
- Saliently
- Savagely
- Scantily
- Scarcely
- Scherzando
- Scurvily
- Secretly
- Self-reprovingly
- Sensibly
- Severally
- Shabbily
- Sharply
- Sheerly
- Shilly-shally
- Shortly
- Sideling
- Sidelong
- Sideways
- Sidewise
- Signally
- Significantly
- Similarly
- Simply
- Since
- Singly
- Singularly
- Skew
- Skippingly
- Slam-bang
- Slantwise
- Slapdash
- Slightly
- Slovenly
- Slowly
- Slyly
- Smartly
- So
- Soberly
- Softly
- Solely
- Solemnly
- Solidly
- Somberly
- Sometime
- Sometimes
- Somewhen
- Somewhere
- Soon
- Soothingly
- Sorely
- Sortably
- Soundly
- Sparsedly
- Sparsely
- Sparsim
- Specially
- Speedily
- Splendidly
- Sporadically
- Squarely
- Stabbingly
- Staggeringly
- Staidly
- Stalwartly
- Staringly
- Startlingly
- Statically
- Steadfastly
- Steadily
- Sternly
- Stiffly
- Still
- Stormily
- Strangely
- Strictly
- Strongly
- Subito
- Subsequently
- Substantially
- Sufficiently
- Summarily
- Sundrily
- Supra
- Supremely
- Surely
- Swiftly
- Systematically
- Tamely
- Tardily
- Tartly
- Tawdrily
- Temperately
- Tenderly
- Terrifically
- Then
- Thence
- Thenceforth
- Thenceforward
- Thereabout
- Thereabouts
- Thereafter
- Thereat
- Thereby
- Therefor
- Therefore
- Therefrom
- Therein
- Thereof
- Thereon
- Theretofore
- Thereupon
- Therewith
- Therewithal
- Thither
- Thitherward
- Thoroughly
- Thoughtless
- Thriftily
- Thwartly
- Tightly
- Tomorrow
- Too
- Topsy-turvy
- Totally
- Toughly
- Tranquilly
- Transcendently
- Transversely
- Trenchantly
- Triangularly
- Trimly
- Trippingly
- Truly
- Twice
- Ultimately
- Unawares
- Uncertainly
- Undeniably
- Underhandedly
- Underneath
- Unduly
- Unequally
- Unerringly
- Ungenerously
- Uniformly
- Unluckily
- Unoften
- Up
- Uphill
- Uprightly
- Upstairs
- Upstream
- Uptown
- Upward
- Upwards
- Utterly
- Vaguely
- Variably
- Verbally
- Verbatim
- Verily
- Virtually
- Vulgarly
- Wanderingly
- Wantonly
- Warmly
- Way
- Weakly
- Well-nigh
- Westward
- When
- Whence
- Whereas
- Whereat
- Whereby
- Whereon
- Whereto
- Whereunto
- Whereupon
- Wherewith
- Whimsically
- Whisperously
- Whizzingly
- Wholly
- Why
- Wildly
- Winningly
- Wisely
- Wishedly
- Woefully
- Worthily
- Wretchedly
- Yea
- Yes
- Yore
- adv. & a.
- Ablaze
- Adrift
- Afire
- Aflame
- Aflicker
- Afloat
- Aflutter
- Afoul
- Aft
- Agape
- Aglow
- Aground
- Arioso
- Askew
- Aslant
- Aslope
- Astir
- Astray
- Awry
- Behindhand
- Tandem
- adv. & n.
- Wherewithal
- adv. / a.
- Impromptu
- adv. / conj.
- Nevertheless
- adv. / interj.
- Encore
- adv., & n.
- Moo
- adv., prep., & conj.
- Sin
- b.
- Elan
- comp.
- Upper
- compar.
- Worse
- conj. / adv.
- Ergo
- dat. & obj.
- You
- e. i.
- Gride
- fem.
- Nix
- imp.
- Bad
- Beat
- Begirt
- Bore
- Bound
- Browbeat
- Cleft
- Drove
- Engraved
- Fell
- Frightened
- Graved
- Hid
- Lay
- Lope
- Might
- Mowed
- Outbid
- Redrew
- Rose
- Say
- Shaped
- Shaved
- Sheared
- Slew
- Stole
- Stroke
- Sunk
- Swank
- Swelled
- Tare
- Throng
- Thunderstruck
- Wan
- Ware
- Wedded
- Wreathed
- broke
- imp. & p. p.
- Abandoned
- Abased
- Abashed
- Abated
- Abbreviated
- Abjured
- Abode
- Abridged
- Absolved
- Abstracted
- Accented
- Accepted
- Acclimated
- Acclimatized
- Accommodated
- Accomplished
- Accorded
- Accredited
- Accumulated
- Accused
- Accustomed
- Ached
- Acknowledged
- Acquainted
- Acquired
- Acquitted
- Actuated
- Adapted
- Added
- Addicted
- Addled
- Adjusted
- Admired
- Admitted
- Adulterated
- Advanced
- Advantaged
- Advised
- Advocated
- Affected
- Affiliated
- Affirmed
- Afflicted
- Aged
- Aggrandized
- Aggravated
- Aggrieved
- Agitated
- Agonized
- Agreed
- Aimed
- Alienated
- Allayed
- Alleged
- Allowed
- Amalgamated
- Amassed
- Amazed
- Ameliorated
- Amplified
- Amused
- Angered
- Animated
- Announced
- Annoyed
- Antedated
- Anticipated
- Aped
- Appalled
- Appareled
- Applauded
- Appointed
- Apprised
- Approved
- Arched
- Armed
- Aroused
- Arraigned
- Arranged
- Arrayed
- Arrested
- Articled
- Articulated
- Ascertained
- Assayed
- Assembled
- Asseverated
- Assigned
- Assimilated
- Associated
- Assorted
- Assumed
- Assured
- Astonished
- Astounded
- Attached
- Attained
- Attenuated
- Attested
- Attired
- Augmented
- Authenticated
- Authorized
- Averred
- Avouched
- Avowed
- Awed
- Backed
- Badgered
- Baffled
- Baited
- Baked
- Balanced
- Balked
- Bamboozled
- Banded
- Banned
- Barbed
- Bared
- Barred
- Bated
- Bathed
- Battled
- Bayed
- Beaded
- Beatified
- Beautified
- Beclouded
- Bedecked
- Bedraggled
- Befooled
- Befouled
- Befuddled
- Beggared
- Beguiled
- Behooved
- Bejeweled
- Belabored
- Belated
- Beleaguered
- Belied
- Belittled
- Beloved
- Belted
- Benumbed
- Bereaved
- Beset
- Besieged
- Besmirched
- Besotted
- Bespangled
- Bespeckled
- Bespread
- Bestowed
- Betrayed
- Betrothed
- Bettered
- Bewildered
- Bewitched
- Biased
- Bilked
- Billed
- Bisected
- Blamed
- Blanched
- Blared
- Blasted
- Bleached
- Bleared
- Blemished
- Blended
- Blessed
- Blighted
- Blindfolded
- Blistered
- Bloated
- Blockaded
- Blocked
- Blotted
- Blurred
- Bobbed
- Boiled
- Bonded
- Booked
- Boosted
- Bored
- Bossed
- Botched
- Bothered
- Bowed
- Braced
- Bracketed
- Branched
- Breeched
- Bridled
- Brightened
- Bristled
- Broadened
- Broiled
- Bronzed
- Browned
- Brutalized
- Built
- Bulged
- Bumped
- Bunched
- Burdened
- Buried
- Burled
- Burned
- Burnished
- Burst
- Bushed
- Butchered
- Cabined
- Caged
- Caked
- Called
- Calmed
- Calved
- Camerated
- Canceled
- Cankered
- Canned
- Canonized
- Canted
- Capped
- Capsized
- Captivated
- Carved
- Cased
- Cast
- Castrated
- Catenated
- Caught
- Caused
- Ceded
- Ceiled
- Celebrated
- Centralized
- Certified
- Chafed
- Chagrined
- Chamfered
- Chanced
- Changed
- Charged
- Charmed
- Charted
- Chartered
- Chased
- Chastened
- Checked
- Checkered
- Cherished
- Chilled
- Chipped
- Chivied
- Choked
- Circumscribed
- Cited
- Civilized
- Clamped
- Clarified
- Clawed
- Cleaned
- Cleared
- Clipped
- Cloaked
- Clogged
- Cloistered
- Closed
- Clothed
- Clotted
- Clouded
- Cloyed
- Clustered
- Coached
- Coated
- Cocked
- Coddled
- Coiled
- Coined
- Collected
- Colored
- Combined
- Comminuted
- Committed
- Compacted
- Compassed
- Completed
- Complicated
- Composed
- Compounded
- Compressed
- Concatenated
- Concaved
- Concealed
- Conceded
- Concentrated
- Concerned
- Concerted
- Concluded
- Concocted
- Condemned
- Condensed
- Conditioned
- Condoned
- Confederated
- Confessed
- Confined
- Confounded
- Confused
- Confuted
- Congealed
- Conglobed
- Conjectured
- Conjoined
- Connected
- Conquered
- Consecrated
- Conserved
- Considered
- Consolidated
- Constipated
- Constituted
- Constrained
- Constricted
- Constructed
- Consumed
- Consummated
- Contaminated
- Contemned
- Contemplated
- Continued
- Contracted
- Contrasted
- Contrived
- Controlled
- Converted
- Convinced
- Convulsed
- Cooked
- Cooped
- Coordinated
- Coped
- Copied
- Cornered
- Corroborated
- Corrugated
- Corrupted
- Countercharmed
- Counterfeited
- Counterpoised
- Countersigned
- Coupled
- Covered
- Cowed
- Cracked
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Crazed
- Creased
- Created
- Crested
- Cribbed
- Crimped
- Crinkled
- Crippled
- Crisped
- Croaked
- Crooked
- Cropped
- Crossed
- Crowded
- Crucified
- Crunched
- Crushed
- Crusted
- Crystallized
- Cubed
- Cultivated
- Cultured
- Cumbered
- Cupped
- Curbed
- Curded
- Curdled
- Curled
- Cursed
- Curtailed
- Curtained
- Curved
- Cushioned
- Cusped
- Cut
- Damages
- Damned
- Damped
- Darned
- Dashed
- Dated
- Dazed
- Dazzled
- Deadened
- Debased
- Debauched
- Debilitated
- Decayed
- Deceased
- Deceived
- Decided
- Decked
- Declared
- Declined
- Decomposed
- Decorated
- Decreased
- Decreed
- Decussated
- Dedicated
- Deduced
- Deemed
- Deepened
- Defaced
- Defeated
- Defended
- Defied
- Defiled
- Defined
- Deflected
- Deformed
- Defrayed
- Degraded
- Dejected
- Delayed
- Deleted
- Deliberated
- Delighted
- Delivered
- Deluded
- Deluged
- Demised
- Denied
- Denominated
- Denounced
- Dented
- Departed
- Depleted
- Deployed
- Deported
- Deposed
- Deposited
- Depraved
- Depressed
- Deprived
- Deranged
- Derived
- Deserted
- Deserved
- Desiccated
- Designated
- Designed
- Desired
- Desolated
- Despoiled
- Destined
- Destroyed
- Detached
- Detailed
- Detained
- Deteriorated
- Determined
- Developed
- Deviled
- Devised
- Devoted
- Diced
- Dictated
- Diffracted
- Diffused
- Dight
- Dilapidated
- Diluted
- Diminished
- Dimmed
- Dimpled
- Dipped
- Directed
- Disabled
- Disaffected
- Disappeared
- Disapproved
- Disarming
- Disarranged
- Disassociated
- Discarded
- Discerned
- Discharged
- Disciplined
- Disclosed
- Discolored
- Discomfited
- Discomforted
- Discomposed
- Disconcerted
- Disconnected
- Discontented
- Discontinued
- Discounted
- Discouraged
- Discriminated
- Disdained
- Diseased
- Disengaged
- Disfigured
- Disguised
- Disgusted
- Disheartened
- Dished
- Disheveled
- Disinclined
- Disinfected
- Disintegrated
- Disjoined
- Disjointed
- Dislocated
- Dismayed
- Dismissed
- Disordered
- Disorganized
- Disowned
- Dispersed
- Displaced
- Displeased
- Disposed
- Disproved
- Disqualified
- Disquieted
- Disregarded
- Dissatisfied
- Disseminated
- Dissipated
- Dissociated
- Distended
- Distilled
- Distinguished
- Distorted
- Distracted
- Distressed
- Distributed
- Disturbed
- Disunited
- Disused
- Diverted
- Divided
- Divorced
- Docked
- Dogged
- Domesticated
- Domiciled
- Doomed
- Dotted
- Doubled
- Dovetailed
- Draggled
- Drained
- Draped
- Dreaded
- Drenched
- Dressed
- Dried
- Dropped
- Drowned
- Drugged
- Dubbed
- Dug
- Dunged
- Duplicated
- Dusted
- Dwarfed
- Dyed
- Earned
- Echoed
- Eclipsed
- Edged
- Educated
- Ejected
- Elaborated
- Elapsed
- Elated
- Electroplating
- Elevated
- Elided
- Elongated
- Emancipated
- Emasculated
- Embalmed
- Embarrassed
- Embayed
- Embedded
- Embellished
- Embossed
- Embraced
- Embroidered
- Employed
- Empowered
- Enamored
- Enchanted
- Enchased
- Encircled
- Encumbered
- Ended
- Endorsed
- Endowed
- Endued
- Energized
- Enervated
- Enfeebled
- Enfeoffed
- Enfranchised
- Engaged
- Engorged
- Engrossed
- Engulfed
- Enhanced
- Enlivened
- Ennobled
- Enraged
- Enraptured
- Ensconced
- Enshrined
- Entailed
- Entangled
- Entertained
- Entitled
- Entranced
- Enunciated
- Enveloped
- Envenomed
- Envisaged
- Equalized
- Equibalanced
- Equipped
- Eroded
- Espoused
- Essenced
- Established
- Esteemed
- Estranged
- Etched
- Etiolated
- Evaporated
- Everted
- Exaggerated
- Exalted
- Excepted
- Exchanged
- Excised
- Excited
- Excluded
- Exculpated
- Excused
- Executed
- Exempted
- Exercised
- Exhausted
- Exhilarated
- Exiled
- Exonerated
- Expanded
- Expected
- Expelled
- Expended
- Experienced
- Expired
- Exposed
- Expunged
- Expurgated
- Extended
- Extracted
- Extricated
- Fabled
- Fabricated
- Faded
- Fagged
- Failed
- Falsified
- Famed
- Familiarized
- Famished
- Fascinated
- Fashioned
- Fastened
- Fatigued
- Favored
- Feared
- Feathered
- Feed
- Feigned
- Felled
- Felt
- Festooned
- Fevered
- Figured
- Filed
- Filled
- Fingered
- Finished
- Fired
- Fitted
- Fixed
- Flammed
- Flawed
- Flecked
- Fleeced
- Flexed
- Flicked
- Flipped
- Flooded
- Floored
- Flowered
- Flushed
- Flustered
- Fluted
- Foaled
- Fogged
- Foiled
- Folded
- Foliated
- Footed
- Forced
- Forewarned
- Forfeited
- Forged
- Forked
- Formed
- Fossilized
- Fouled
- Found
- Foundered
- Foxed
- Franchised
- Frayed
- Freckled
- Freed
- Freighted
- Fretted
- Frizzed
- Frustrated
- Fulfilled
- Furbished
- Furnished
- Furrowed
- Fused
- Fussed
- Galled
- Gangrened
- Garbled
- Garnered
- Garnished
- Gashed
- Gathered
- Gauged
- Geared
- Gelded
- Geniculated
- Gifted
- Gilded
- Girt
- Globed
- Glorified
- Glued
- Glutted
- Gorged
- Gouged
- Graded
- Grained
- Granted
- Granulated
- Grated
- Gratified
- Grieved
- Grilled
- Griped
- Grooved
- Ground
- Grouped
- Guarded
- Gulled
- Gutted
- Guyed
- Habited
- Habituated
- Hackneyed
- Had
- Hallowed
- Halved
- Hampered
- Handed
- Harassed
- Hardened
- Harmed
- Harmonized
- Harried
- Harrowed
- Harvested
- Hashed
- Hatched
- Haunted
- Headed
- Heaped
- Heated
- Heavened
- Hectored
- Hedged
- Heeled
- Hemmed
- Henpecked
- Hinted
- Hired
- Hobbled
- Hollowed
- Honeyed
- Honored
- Hooded
- Hooked
- Hounded
- Housed
- Hushed
- Hydrated
- Hypnotized
- Idealized
- Ignited
- Ignored
- Illuminated
- Imagined
- Imitated
- Immersed
- Immitted
- Immortalized
- Immured
- Impaired
- Impeached
- Impeded
- Impelled
- Implanted
- Implicated
- Imposed
- Impoverished
- Impressed
- Imprisoned
- Improved
- Impugned
- Incapacitated
- Incarcerated
- Incarnated
- Incensed
- Incinerated
- Incised
- Inclined
- Incommodated
- Incorporated
- Increased
- Incriminated
- Incrusted
- Inculcated
- Inculpated
- Incurvated
- Incurved
- Indented
- Indicated
- Indicted
- Indisposed
- Indulged
- Inebriated
- Infatuated
- Infected
- Inferred
- Infested
- Infixed
- Inflamed
- Inflated
- Informed
- Infuriated
- Ingrained
- Inherited
- Inhibited
- Initiated
- Injured
- Inlaied
- Inoculated
- Inscribed
- Inspired
- Inspirited
- Inspissated
- Installed
- Instilled
- Insured
- Integrated
- Intended
- Interchanged
- Interdicted
- Interested
- Interlaced
- Interrupted
- Intersected
- Intonated
- Intoxicated
- Intrigued
- Introverted
- Inundated
- Inured
- Invented
- Invested
- Involved
- Irradiated
- Irritated
- Isolated
- Italicized
- Jaded
- Jagged
- Jammed
- Jarred
- Jawed
- Jeweled
- Jilted
- Joined
- Jolted
- Jumbled
- Justified
- Kept
- Kindled
- Kinked
- Knit
- Knotted
- Labored
- Laced
- Lacerated
- Laminated
- Lapidified
- Lapped
- Lapsed
- Lathered
- Lauded
- Leached
- Learned
- Leased
- Leaved
- Left
- Legitimized
- Lengthened
- Lent
- Lettered
- Liberated
- Licensed
- Licked
- Lied
- Lifted
- Lighted
- Lightened
- Limited
- Lined
- Linked
- Lipped
- Liquefied
- Listed
- Littered
- Loaded
- Located
- Logged
- Loomed
- Loosened
- Lopped
- Loppered
- Loricated
- Losing
- Loved
- Lowered
- Lumped
- Macerated
- Magnetized
- Magnified
- Mailed
- Maimed
- Mangled
- Mantled
- Manufactured
- Mapped
- Marbled
- Marbleized
- Marked
- Marred
- Married
- Marshaled
- Martyred
- Masked
- Massed
- Mastered
- Masticated
- imp. & p. p. Adored
- Adoring
- imp. & p. p. Fenced
- Fencing
- imp. & p. p.,
- Fuddled
- imp. & pp.
- Classified
- imp. / p. p.
- Affianced
- imp. p. p.
- Chained
- imp., p. p., & a.
- Paid
- imperative sing.
- Dele
- inf.
- Wit
- interj. & adv.
- Adieu
- interj., adv., & n.
- Amen
- n.
- Ab
- Abacus
- Abalienation
- Abandonment
- Abashment
- Abatement
- Abatis
- Abba
- Abbacy
- Abbe
- Abbess
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbreviation
- Abbreviature
- Abdal
- Abdomen
- Abduction
- Abecedarian
- Aberrance
- Aberrancy
- Aberration
- Abetment
- Abettor
- Abeyance
- Abhorrence
- Abidance
- Ability
- Abiogenesis
- Abjection
- Abjectness
- Abjuration
- Abjurement
- Ablation
- Ablaut
- Ableness
- Ablution
- Abnegation
- Abnormality
- Abnormity
- Abolishment
- Abolition
- Abomasum
- Abominableness
- Abomination
- Abracadabra
- Abradant
- Abram-man
- Abrasion
- Abridger
- Abridgment
- Abrogation
- Abruptness
- Abscess
- Abscissa
- Abscission
- Abscondence
- Absconder
- Absence
- Absentation
- Absenteeism
- Absinthe
- Absoluteness
- Absolution
- Absolutism
- Absolutist
- Absorbency
- Absorption
- Abstainer
- Abstractedness
- Abstracter
- Abstruseness
- Absurdity
- Absurdness
- Abuna
- Abundance
- Abusiveness
- Abutment
- Abysm
- Abyss
- Acacia
- Academe
- Academy
- Accedence
- Acceleration
- Accelerator
- Accent
- Acceptance
- Acceptation
- Accepter
- Acception
- Access
- Accessibility
- Accession
- Accessoriness
- Acciaccatura
- Accidence
- Accident
- Accidentality
- Acclamation
- Acclimation
- Acclivity
- Accolade
- Accommodation
- Accompanier
- Accompaniment
- Accomplice
- Accomplishment
- Accordance
- Accouchement
- Account
- Accountability
- Accountant
- Accretion
- Accrual
- Accrue
- Accumulation
- Accumulator
- Accuracy
- Accusal
- Accusant
- Accusation
- Accuse
- Accuser
- Ace
- Acerbity
- Acervation
- Acescence
- Acescency
- Acetate
- Acetification
- Acetylene
- Ache
- Acheron
- Achievement
- Achromatism
- Acidification
- Acidity
- Acidness
- Acknowledgment
- Acme
- Acne
- Acolyte
- Acorn
- Acquaintance
- Acquiescence
- Acquirement
- Acquirer
- Acquisition
- Acquisitiveness
- Acquitment
- Acquittal
- Acquittance
- Acreage
- Acridity
- Acridness
- Acrimony
- Acrobat
- Acropolis
- Across
- Acrostic
- Act
- Action
- Activity
- Actor
- Actuality
- Actuary
- Actuation
- Actuator
- Acuity
- Aculeus
- Acumen
- Acumination
- Acuteness
- Adage
- Adam
- Adamant
- Adamite
- Adaptability
- Adaptation
- Adaptation
- Addendum
- Adder
- Addictedness
- Addiction
- Additament
- Addition
- Addle
- Addressee
- Adduction
- Adductor
- Adept
- Adeptness
- Adequacy
- Adherence
- Adhesiveness
- Adit
- Adjournal
- Adjuration
- Adjustment
- Adjutage
- Adjuvant
- Administration
- Administrator
- Admiral
- Admiration
- Admissibility
- Admission
- Admittance
- Admixture
- Admixture
- Admonishment
- Admonition
- Ado
- Adobe
- Adolescence
- Adonis
- Adoption
- Adoration
- Adorer
- Adornment
- Adroitness
- Adulation
- Adulteration
- Adultery
- Adultness
- Adumbration
- Aduncity
- Advantage
- Advantageousness
- Advent
- Adventure
- Adventurer
- Adventuress
- Adventurous
- Adventurousness
- Adversary
- Adversity
- Advertisement
- Advice
- Advisement
- Adviser
- Advocacy
- Advocate
- Advocation
- Advowson
- Adytum
- Adz
- Aedileship
- Aegis
- Aeon
- Aeration
- Aerator
- Aerie
- Aerification
- Aerodynamics
- Aeronautics
- Aeroplane
- Aeroscope
- Aerosphere
- Aerostat
- Aery
- Aesthetics
- Affability
- Affair
- Affectation
- Affectedness
- Affecter
- Affection
- Affectionateness
- Affiance
- Affidavit
- Affiliation
- Affinity
- Affirmance
- Affirmation
- Affliction
- Affluence
- Afflux
- Affluxion
- Afforestation
- Affranchisement
- Affusion
- Afreet
- Afterbirth
- Aftercrop
- Aftergrass
- Aftermath
- Afterpiece
- Aftertaste
- Afterthought
- Agama
- Age
- Agency
- Agentship
- Aggeneration
- Agglomeration
- Agglutination
- Aggrandizement
- Aggravation
- Aggregation
- Aggression
- Agility
- Agio
- Agiotage
- Agitation
- Agitation
- Agitator
- Agnation
- Agnosticism
- Agonistics
- Agony
- Agora
- Agreeability
- Agreeableness
- Agreement
- Agriculture
- Agronomist
- Ague
- Aid-major
- Aider
- Ailanthus
- Ailment
- Air
- Airiness
- Aisle
- Ait
- Ala
- Alabaster
- Alacrity
- Alarm
- Alarum
- Albatross
- Albedo
- Albinoism
- Album
- Albumen
- Alchemy
- Alcohol
- Alcove
- Aldebaran
- Alder
- Alderman
- Ale
- Alembic
- Alertness
- Alevin
- Alfilaria
- Algidity
- Algol
- Algorithm
- Alibi
- Alienation
- Alignment
- Aliment
- Alkali
- Alkalization
- Allayment
- Allegation
- Allegement
- Allegorist
- Allegory
- Alleluia
- Alleviation
- Alleviator
- Alley
- Alleyway
- Alliance
- Alligator
- Alliteration
- Allness
- Allocation
- Allocation
- Allomorph
- Allotment
- Allowance
- Alloyage
- Allurement
- Allusion
- Alluvion
- Alluvium
- Almadia
- Almanac
- Almond
- Almoner
- Almsgiving
- Almsman
- Aloneness
- Aloof
- Aloofness
- Alp
- Alpaca
- Alpenstock
- Alpha
- Alphabet
- Alpinist
- Altarpiece
- Alterability
- Alteration
- Altercation
- Alternate
- Alternation
- Althorn
- Altimetry
- Altitude
- Alto
- Altruism
- Alum
- Aluminum
- Alveolus
- Amadou
- Amain
- Amalgamation
- Amanuensis
- Amassment
- Amateur
- Amaurosis
- Amazement
- Amazon
- Ambassador
- Ambassadress
- Amber
- Ambergris
- Ambidexterity
- Ambiguity
- Ambiguousness
- Ambit
- Ambition
- Ambitiousness
- Ambler
- Ambo
- Ambrosia
- Ambry
- Ambulation
- Amelioration
- Amenability
- Amendment
- Amenity
- Ament
- Amentia
- Amercement
- Americanism
- Americanization
- Amiability
- Amicability
- Amicableness
- Amine
- Amity
- Ammonia
- Ammonite
- Ammunition
- Amnion
- Amoeba
- Amontillado
- Amoroso
- Amorphism
- Amortization
- Amortizement
- Amotion
- Amount
- Amour
- Ampere
- Ampersand
- Amphibology
- Amphiboly
- Amphimacer
- Amphitheater
- Ampleness
- Ampliation
- Amplification
- Amplitude
- Amulet
- Amusement
- Anabasis
- Anacrusis
- Anaesthetization
- Anaglyptics
- Anagnorisis
- Analgesia
- Analogon
- Analogue
- Analogy
- Analysis
- Analyzation
- Analyzer
- Anamnesis
- Anamorphosis
- Ananas
- Anarch
- Anarchism
- Anarchist
- Anarchy
- Anastrophe
- Anathema
- Anatomization
- Anatomy
- Ancestor
- Ancestry
- Anchor
- Anchorage
- Anchoress
- Anchorite
- Anchorite
- Andiron
- Androecium
- Anecdotist
- Anemograph
- Anfractuosity
- Angel
- Angelicalness
- Angelology
- Angelophany
- Angelus
- Anger
- Angina
- Angiosperm
- Angle
- Angler
- Anglicanism
- Anglicism
- Anglophobia
- Angora
- Angriness
- Anguish
- Angwantibo
- Animadversion
- Animal
- Animalism
- Animality
- Animation
- Animator
- Animism
- Animist
- Animus
- Anion
- Ankle
- Anklet
- Ankylosis
- Anna
- Annalist
- Annihilation
- Annotate
- Annotation
- Annotator
- Announcement
- Announcer
- Annoy
- Annoyance
- Annoyer
- Annuity
- Annulate
- Annulation
- Annulet
- Annulment
- Annulus
- Annunciation
- Annunciator
- Anode
- Anointment
- Anomalousness
- Anomaly
- Anonym
- Anonymity
- Answer
- Ant
- Antacid
- Antagonism
- Antagonist
- Ante
- Antecedency
- Antecedent
- Antelope
- Antepast
- Anteriority
- Anteroom
- Anthelion
- Anthem
- Anther
- Anthesis
- Anthology
- Anthomania
- Anthrax
- Anthropophagite
- Anthroposophy
- Anticipation
- Anticlimax
- Antimacassar
- Antimony
- Antinomianism
- Antinomy
- Antipathy
- Antiphon
- Antiphon
- Antiphony
- Antiphrasis
- Antipode
- Antipodes
- Antipole
- Antipope
- Antiquation
- Antiquity
- Antispast
- Antistrophe
- Antithesis
- Antitoxin
- Antitype
- Antler
- Antlia
- Antonomasia
- Antonym
- Antre
- Antrum
- Anubis
- Anus
- Anvil
- Anxiety
- Anxiousness
- Anyone
- Aorist
- Aorta
- Aoudad
- Apar
- Apartment
- Apathy
- Ape
- Aperture
- Apex
- Aphasia
- Aphid
- Aphis
- Aphonia
- Aphorism
- Aphrodite
- Apiary
- Aplomb
- Apocalypse
- Apodosis
- Apogee
- Apogeotropism
- Apograph
- Apollo
- Apologetics
- Apologist
- Apologizer
- Apologue
- Apology
- Apophasis
- Apophthegm
- Apoplexy
- Aporia
- Aposiopesis
- Apostasy
- Apostate
- Aposteme
- Apostle
- Apostleship
- Apostrophe
- Apothegm
- Apparel
- Apparition
- Appearance
- Appeasement
- Appellation
- Appendage
- Appendix
- Apperception
- Appetence
- Appetency
- Appetite
- Appetition
- Applause
- Apple
- Appliance
- Applicability
- Applicant
- Application
- Application
- Applotment
- Appoggiatura
- Appointment
- Appointment
- Apportionment
- Apposition
- Appraisal
- Appraisement
- Appraiser
- Appreciation
- Appreciativeness
- Apprehension
- Apprentice
- Apprenticeship
- Approbation
- Appropinquation
- Appropriateness
- Appropriation
- Approval
- Approximation
- Appulse
- Appurtenance
- Apricot
- Apriorism
- Apron
- Apse
- Aptitude
- Aptness
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Aquarelle
- Aquarium
- Aquarius
- Aquatint
- Aqueduct
- Arab
- Arabesque
- Arachnid
- Arbalest
- Arbiter
- Arbitrage
- Arbitrariness
- Arbitrator
- Arbor
- Arboretum
- Arc
- Arcade
- Arcadia
- Arcanum
- Arch
- Archaeology
- Archbishop
- Archbishopric
- Archdeacon
- Archdeaconry
- Archdiocese
- Archduchy
- Archduke
- Archdukedom
- Archer
- Archery
- Archetype
- Archiepiscopacy
- Archiepiscopate
- Archipelago
- Architect
- Architectonics
- Architecture
- Archive
- Archivist
- Archon
- Archpriest
- Archtraitor
- Archway
- Arcuation
- Ardency
- Ardor
- Arduousness
- Area
- Arena
- Areola
- Areopagus
- Aretaics
- Argent
- Argentine
- Argon
- Argonaut
- Argosy
- Argot
- Argument
- Argumentation
- Argumentation
- Argus
- Arguteness
- Aria
- Aridity
- Aridness
- Arietta
- Aristocracy
- Aristocrat
- Aristology
- Ark
- Arm
- Armadillo
- Armament
- Armature
- Armchair
- Armful
- Armhole
- Armiger
- Armipotence
- Armlet
- Armor
- Armory
- Armozine
- Armpit
- Arms
- Army
- Arnica
- Aroma
- Arousal
- Arraignment
- Arrangement
- Arranger
- Arras
- Array
- Arrearage
- Arrestation
- Arrestment
- Arrival
- Arrogance
- Arrogation
- Arrondissement
- Arrow
- Arrowhead
- Arroyo
- Arse
- Arsenal
- Arsis
- Artery
- Artfulness
- Arthropod
- Article
- Articulation
- Artifice
- Artificer
- Artificiality
- Artillery
- Artisan
- Artist
- Artiste
- Artistry
- Artistry
- Artlessness
- Aryan
- Asbestos
- Ascendancy
- Ascendant
- Ascension
- Asceticism
- Ascription
- Ash
- Ashlar
- Ashtoreth
- Asininity
- Asker
- Asp
- Aspect
- Aspen
- Asperges
- Aspergillum
- Asperity
- Aspersion
- Asphalt
- Asphyxiation
- Aspic
- Aspic
- Aspiration
- Asportation
- Ass
- Assailment
- Assassin
- Assassination
- Assassinator
- Assault
- Assay
- Assemblage
- Assembler
- Assembly
- Assentation
- Assertion
- Assessment
- Asset
- Asseveration
- Assibilation
- Assiduity
- Assignat
- Assignation
- Assignment
- Assimilation
- Assinego
- Assistance
- Assize
- Association
- Assonance
- Assortment
- Assuagement
- Assuetude
- Assument
- Assumption
- Assurance
- Assuredness
- Astarte
- Aster
- Asterisk
- Asthma
- Astonishment
- Astoundment
- Astriction
- Astringency
- Astrology
- Asylum
- Asymmetry
- Asymptote
- Ataraxia
- Ataraxy
- Atavism
- Ataxia
- Atelier
- Atheism
- Atheling
- Athlete
- Athletics
- Atlas
- Atmosphere
- Atoll
- Atom
- Atomization
- Atonement
- Atony
- Atrocity
- Atrophy
- Attachment
- Attainment
- Attar
- Attender
- Attention
- Attenuation
- Attestation
- Attester
- Atticism
- Attitude
- Attitudinarianism
- Attorney
- Attraction
- Attractivity
- Attribution
- Attrition
- Aubade
- Auction
- Audaciousness
- Audacity
- Audacity
- Audibility
- Audition
- Auditorium
- Auger
- Aught
- Augmentation
- Augur
- Augury
- Augustness
- Aulnage
- Aunt
- Auntie
- Aura
- Aureole
- Auricle
- Auriscope
- Auriscopy
- Aurora
- Auscultation
- Austerity
- Austrian
- Autarchy
- Authentic
- Authenticity
- Author
- Authoress
- Authority
- Authorization
- Authorship
- Autobiography
- Autochthon
- Autoclave
- Autocracy
- Autograph
- Autonomy
- Autumn
- Avalanche
- Avatar
- Ave
- Avengement
- Avenger
- Avenue
- Aver
- Average
- Averseness
- Avert
- Aviary
- Avidity
- Avifauna
- Avocado
- Avocation
- Avocation
- Avoidance
- Avoirdupois
- Avouchment
- Avowal
- Awe
- Awesomeness
- Awfulness
- Awl
- n. & interj.
- Hallelujah
- n. & v
- Distill
- n. .
- Tunnel
- n. fem.
- Confidant
- Confidante
- n. masc.
- Figurant
- n. pl.
- Accouterments
- Adversaria
- Ambages
- Anagogics
- Analects
- Annals
- Apotheosis
- Ashes
- Assets
- Asteridea
- Bacchanalia
- Banns
- Bedclothes
- Belles-lettres
- Bitters
- Calipers
- Canonry
- Castanets
- Catamenia
- Cattle
- Chaps
- Chilopoda
- Chitterlings
- Chops
- Chordata
- Cilia
- Commons
- Crossbones
- Data
- Dejecta
- Delawares
- Draughts
- Duds
- Eaves
- Echiuroidea
- Egesta
- Entoprocta
- Entrails
- Environs
- Errata
- Excreta
- Facetiae
- Fantoccini
- Feces
- Feet
- Fives
- Foots
- Fungi
- Giblets
- Goods
- Grains
- Graves
- Groats
- Guards
- Hemorrhoids
- Hysterics
- Ingesta
- Insignia
- Jutes
- Kie
- Labia
- Laemodipoda
- Leavings
- Lemures
- Lights
- Manes
- Marginalia
- Memorabilia
- Meninges
- Microzoa
- Miscellanea
- Myriopoda
- Nares
- Nates
- Nippers
- Nones
- Ophidia
- Pampas
- Paraphernalia
- Penetralia
- Pierides
- Piles
- Pincers
- Pleadings
- Pleiades
- Pliers
- Principia
- Proceeds
- Prognathi
- Protozoa
- Pudenda
- Raphides
- Regalia
- Reins
- Reliquiae
- Reptilia
- Rotatoria
- Saturnalia
- Scholia
- Scissors
- Sigillaria
- Singles
- Soapsuds
- Stelmatopoda
- Suds
- Sulks
- Sundries
- Sweepings
- Teens
- Tights
- Tongs
- Trappings
- Traps
- Tweezers
- Unmentionables
- Victuals
- Vitals
- Wares
- n. sing & pl.
- Congeries
- n. sing.
- Headquarters
- n. t.
- Deprave
- n./
- Ribald
- n.masc.
- Buffo
- n.p.
- Bacteria
- n.sing. & pl.
- Offspring
- p. & a.
- Laden
- p. p.
- Acquit
- Addict
- Become
- Beholden
- Blown
- Born
- Broken
- Chosen
- Come
- Depict
- Distraught
- Done
- Drawn
- Eaten
- Fallen
- Forbidden
- Foregone
- Foreknown
- Forgiven
- Forgotten
- Forsaken
- Forsworn
- Frozen
- Given
- Go
- Gone
- Graven
- Grown
- Interwoven
- Known
- Molten
- Nomen
- Outdone
- Outrun
- Overcome
- Overdone
- Overdrawn
- Overgrown
- Overladen
- Overridden
- Overrun
- Overthrown
- Reborn
- Sconce
- Shaken
- Shown
- Shriven
- Spoken
- Strown
- Sworn
- Take
- Tattered
- Thrown
- Torn
- Underwritten
- Wiredrawn
- Withdrawn
- Worn
- Woven
- Written
- strewn
- p. p., fem.
- Nee
- p. pr & vb. n.
- Coming
- Commissioning
- Cooking
- Expiring
- Numbering
- Overcoming
- p. pr. & pr. & vb. n
- Hating
- p. pr. & vb n.
- Smoking
- p. pr. & vb.
- Cushioning
- p. pr. & vb. a.
- Fringing
- p. pr. & vb. e.
- Growling
- p. pr. & vb. n
- Compelling
- Consenting
- Nearing
- Neighboring
- p. pr. & vb. n.
- Abating
- Abiding
- Abounding
- Absenting
- Absorbing
- Abstaining
- Abutting
- Accepting
- Accommodating
- Accompanying
- According
- Accounting
- Accusing
- Aching
- Acidifying
- Acquiescing
- Acquiring
- Acting
- Adding
- Adjoining
- Adjusting
- Administering
- Admiring
- Advancing
- Advising
- Advocating
- Affecting
- Affronting
- Aggravating
- Aging
- Agitating
- Agonizing
- Agreeing
- Aiding
- Ailing
- Airing
- Alarming
- Allaying
- Allegorizing
- Alleviating
- Allowing
- Alluring
- Altering
- Alternating
- Amalgamating
- Amazing
- Ambling
- Amplifying
- Amusing
- Analyzing
- Anathematizing
- Anatomizing
- Angling
- Animating
- Annoying
- Annulling
- Anointing
- Answering
- Aping
- Apostrophize
- Appalling
- Appealing
- Appearing
- Appeasing
- Appertaining
- Applying
- Appraising
- Apprehending
- Approaching
- Approving
- Approximating
- Arching
- Arousing
- Arranging
- Arraying
- Ascending
- Asking
- Aspiring
- Assailing
- Assaying
- Assembling
- Assenting
- Assessing
- Assimilating
- Assuaging
- Assuring
- Astonishing
- Astounding
- Astringing
- Atoning
- Attending
- Auguring
- Avenging
- Averting
- Awaiting
- Awakening
- Awarding
- Awing
- Babbling
- Backing
- Backsliding
- Baffling
- Bagging
- Baking
- Balancing
- Balking
- Balling
- Bandaging
- Banging
- Banking
- Bantering
- Barbecuing
- Bargaining
- Baring
- Barking
- Barring
- Bartering
- Basting
- Bathing
- Battering
- Battling
- Bawling
- Beading
- Beaming
- Bearing
- Beating
- Beckoning
- Becoming
- Bedazzling
- Bedding
- Beetling
- Befitting
- Befooling
- Befouling
- Begetting
- Begging
- Beginning
- Begrudging
- Beguiling
- Beheading
- Being
- Believing
- Belittling
- Bellowing
- Bellying
- Belting
- Bemoaning
- Bending
- Benumbing
- Berating
- Beseeching
- Besetting
- Bespeaking
- Bettering
- Betting
- Bewailing
- Bewildering
- Bewitching
- Bickering
- Bidding
- Billeting
- Billowing
- Binding
- Birring
- Biting
- Bivouacking
- Blackballing
- Blackening
- Blanching
- Blandishing
- Blanketing
- Blaring
- Blarneying
- Blasting
- Blazing
- Bleaching
- Bleeding
- Blending
- Blessing
- Blinding
- Blinking
- Blistering
- Bloating
- Blockading
- Blocking
- Blooming
- Blossoming
- Blotting
- Blowing
- Blubbering
- Bluffing
- Blundering
- Blunting
- Blushing
- Blustering
- Boarding
- Boasting
- Boding
- Boggling
- Boiling
- Bolstering
- Bolting
- Boning
- Booking
- Booming
- Bordering
- Boring
- Borrowing
- Bossing
- Botching
- Bothering
- Bottling
- Bouncing
- Bounding
- Bowing
- Bowling
- Boxing
- Bracing
- Bracketing
- Bragging
- Braiding
- Branching
- Brandishing
- Brawling
- Breaking
- Breasting
- Breathing
- Breeching
- Breeding
- Brewing
- Brightening
- Brimming
- Bristling
- Broaching
- Broadening
- Broiling
- Brooding
- Brushing
- Bubbling
- Bucking
- Budding
- Building
- Bulging
- Bulldozing
- Bullying
- Bumping
- Bundling
- Bungling
- Burning
- Burnishing
- Bursting
- Burying
- Bushing
- Butchering
- Buttressing
- Buying
- Buzzing
- Cadging
- Caging
- Cajoling
- Caking
- Calcining
- Calculating
- Calling
- Calming
- Canceling
- Caning
- Cankering
- Cannonading
- Canting
- Canvassing
- Capering
- Capping
- Captivating
- Careening
- Caressing
- Caring
- Carping
- Carrying
- Carving
- Casing
- Casting
- Catching
- Catering
- Cautioning
- Caviling
- Ceiling
- Celebrating
- Centering
- Chaffering
- Chaffing
- Chaining
- Challenging
- Chambering
- Changing
- Chanting
- Characterizing
- Charging
- Charming
- Chasing
- Chastening
- Chattering
- Cheapening
- Cheating
- Cheering
- Chewing
- Chide
- Chilling
- Chiming
- Chiseling
- Choking
- Choosing
- Christening
- Chronicling
- Chucking
- Churning
- Circling
- Circumscribing
- Clamping
- Clanging
- Clanking
- Clapping
- Clarifying
- Clashing
- Clasping
- Classifying
- Clawing
- Cleaning
- Cleansing
- Clearing
- Cleaving
- Climbing
- Clinking
- Clipping
- Cloaking
- Clogging
- Closing
- Clothing
- Clotting
- Clouding
- Cloying
- Clubbing
- Clustering
- Coaching
- Coating
- Coaxing
- Coexisting
- Coextending
- Cohering
- Coinciding
- Collapsing
- Collating
- Coloring
- Combining
- Commanding
- Communicating
- Comparing
- Compensating
- Competing
- Complaining
- Completing
- Complying
- Composing
- Comprising
- Computing
- Concentrating
- Concerning
- Concluding
- Concurring
- Conditioning
- Condoling
- Confiding
- Confining
- Conflicting
- Conforming
- Confounding
- Confronting
- Confusing
- Congealing
- Connecting
- Conning
- Conquering
- Conserving
- Considering
- Constituting
- Constraining
- Consuming
- Containing
- Contemplating
- Contending
- Contesting
- Continuing
- Contradicting
- Contrasting
- Contriving
- Controlling
- Converging
- Conversing
- Convincing
- Cooling
- Cooperating
- Coping
- Copying
- Corking
- Corning
- Corralling
- Correcting
- Corresponding
- Corroding
- Corrupting
- Coughing
- Counseling
- Counteracting
- Counterbalancing
- Countervailing
- Counting
- Coupling
- Coursing
- Courting
- Covering
- Coveting
- Cowering
- Cowing
- Cracking
- Cradling
- Cramming
- Cramping
- Crashing
- Crawling
- Creaking
- Creasing
- Creating
- Crediting
- Creeping
- Cribbling
- Cringing
- Crinkling
- Croaking
- Cropping
- Cross-questioning
- Crossing
- Crowding
- Crowning
- Cruising
- Crumbling
- Crushing
- Crying
- Cuddling
- Cudgeling
- Culminating
- Cupping
- Curbing
- Curing
- Cursing
- Curtaining
- Curving
- Cutting
- Dabbing
- Dabbling
- Dallying
- Damaging
- Damning
- Dampening
- Damping
- Dancing
- Dangling
- Daring
- Darkening
- Dashing
- Daunting
- Dawdling
- Dawning
- Dazzling
- Deadening
- Deafening
- Dealing
- Debarring
- Debasing
- Debating
- Debilitating
- Deceiving
- Declining
- Decomposing
- Decreasing
- Deeming
- Deepening
- Defeating
- Defiling
- Defining
- Defying
- Degrading
- Delaying
- Deliberating
- Delighting
- Demanding
- Demeaning
- Demolishing
- Demurring
- Departing
- Depending
- Depluming
- Depressing
- Deriding
- Deriving
- Descending
- Deserving
- Designing
- Desiring
- Desolating
- Despairing
- Despising
- Desponding
- Destroying
- Deteriorating
- Determining
- Deterring
- Detracting
- Devastating
- Developing
- Deviating
- Deviling
- Devising
- Devouring
- Dewing
- Dieting
- Differencing
- Differing
- Digging
- Diminishing
- Dinging
- Dining
- Dipping
- Directing
- Disappearing
- Disappointing
- Disbelieving
- Discarding
- Discerning
- Discharging
- Disciplining
- Disclosing
- Discomforting
- Discomposing
- Disconcerting
- Discounting
- Discouraging
- Discrediting
- Discriminating
- Disgusting
- Disheartening
- Dishonoring
- Disintegrating
- Disjointing
- Disliking
- Dismaying
- Disparaging
- Displacing
- Displaying
- Displeasing
- Disproving
- Disputing
- Disqualifying
- Disquieting
- Dissembling
- Dissenting
- Dissolving
- Distilling
- Distinguishing
- Distracting
- Distressing
- Disturbing
- Diverging
- Diving
- Divining
- Dodging
- Dogging
- Dogmatizing
- Doing
- Doling
- Dominating
- Domineering
- Doting
- Doubling
- Doubting
- Dousing
- Dovetailing
- Drafting
- Dragging
- Draining
- Drawing
- Drawling
- Dreaming
- Dredging
- Dressing
- Drifting
- Drilling
- Drinking
- Dripping
- Driveling
- Driving
- Drizzling
- Drolling
- Droning
- Drooling
- Drooping
- Dropping
- Drowning
- Drowsing
- Drubbing
- Drumming
- Drying
- Ducking
- Dulling
- Dumping
- Dwelling
- Dwindling
- Dying
- Earing
- Earmarking
- Easing
- Eating
- Ebbing
- Echoing
- Eclipsing
- Economizing
- Edging
- Edifying
- Educating
- Effervescing
- Electrifying
- Emanating
- Embalming
- Embarrassing
- Embaying
- Embodying
- Embracing
- Emerging
- Emptying
- Enacting
- Enameling
- Enchanting
- Encircling
- Encompassing
- Encouraging
- Encumbering
- Ending
- Endorsing
- Enduring
- Energizing
- Enervating
- Enfranchising
- Engaging
- Engraving
- Engrossing
- Enkindling
- Enlarging
- Enlivening
- Enshrining
- Ensuing
- Entering
- Entertaining
- Enticing
- Entrancing
- Entreating
- Enveloping
- Environing
- Envisaging
- Equalizing
- Equivocating
- Erring
- Etching
- Evaporating
- Evening
- Eventuating
- Evolving
- Exacting
- Exaggerating
- Examining
- Exasperating
- Exceeding
- Excelling
- Excepting
- Excluding
- Excreting
- Excruciating
- Execrating
- Exercising
- Exhausting
- Existing
- Expanding
- Expecting
- Expediting
- Expending
- Exploding
- Extending
- Extenuating
- Facilitating
- Facing
- Factoring
- Fading
- Failing
- Fainting
- Falling
- Falsifying
- Faltering
- Fascinating
- Fashioning
- Fastening
- Fasting
- Fathering
- Fathoming
- Fatiguing
- Favoring
- Fawning
- Fearing
- Feasting
- Feeling
- Feigning
- Fertilizing
- Festering
- Fetching
- Fibbing
- Fiddling
- Fighting
- Figuring
- Filibustering
- Filing
- Filling
- Filtering
- Finding
- Fingering
- Finishing
- Fitting
- Fixing
- Fizzling
- Flagging
- Flaming
- Flanking
- Flapping
- Flaring
- Flashing
- Flattening
- Flattering
- Flaunting
- Flaying
- Fleeing
- Fleering
- Fleeting
- Flickering
- Flitting
- Floating
- Flogging
- Flooding
- Flooring
- Flourishing
- Flouting
- Flowering
- Flowing
- Fluctuating
- Flushing
- Fluting
- Flying
- Foiling
- Folding
- Following
- Fondling
- Fooling
- Footing
- Forbearing
- Forbidding
- Forcing
- Foreboding
- Foregoing
- Forestalling
- Foretelling
- Foretokening
- Forewarning
- Forgetting
- Forging
- Forgiving
- Forgoing
- Forking
- Forming
- Forswearing
- Fortifying
- Forwarding
- Fostering
- Fouling
- Framing
- Freeing
- Freezing
- Freighting
- Fretting
- Frightening
- Frilling
- Fronting
- Frosting
- Frothing
- Frowning
- Frustrating
- Frying
- Fulfilling
- Fulminating
- Fumbling
- Fuming
- Funding
- Furloughing
- Furnishing
- Furring
- Furthering
- Fusing
- Fussing
- Gadding
- Gagging
- Gaining
- Gainsaying
- Galling
- Galloping
- Gaming
- Gaping
- Garbling
- Gathering
- Gauging
- Gazing
- Gearing
- Gelding
- Gerrymandering
- Getting
- Gibbering
- Gibing
- Gifting
- Gilding
- Giving
- Gladdening
- Glancing
- Glaring
- Gleaming
- Gleaning
- Gliding
- Glimmering
- Glinting
- Glistening
- Glistering
- Glittering
- Glooming
- Glossing
- Glowering
- Glowing
- Gnawing
- Gobbling
- Going
- Goring
- Gossiping
- Governing
- Grading
- Grafting
- Gratifying
- Graving
- Grazing
- Greeting
- Grieving
- Grilling
- Grinding
- Grinning
- Griping
- Groaning
- Groping
- Grouping
- Groveling
- Growing
- Grudging
- Grumbling
- Guessing
- Gulping
- Gurgling
- Gushing
- Guttering
- Guzzling
- Gyrating
- Hackling
- Halfcocking
- Hallowing
- Halting
- Halving
- Hammering
- Hampering
- Handling
- Hanging
- Hankering
- Happening
- Harassing
- Hardening
- Harping
- Harrowing
- Harrying
- Harvesting
- Hastening
- Hatching
- Hauling
- Haunting
- Hawking
- Hazing
- Heading
- Hearing
- Heating
- Heaving
- Hectoring
- Hedging
- Heeding
- Heeling
- Heightening
- Helping
- Hesitating
- Hibernating
- Hiding
- Higgling
- Hindering
- Hiring
- Hissing
- Hitting
- Hobbling
- Holding
- Hooking
- Hooting
- Hoping
- Hopping
- Horrifying
- Hounding
- Housing
- Howling
- Huffing
- Humbling
- Humiliating
- Humming
- Humoring
- Hunting
- Hurrying
- Hurting
- Hushing
- Hustling
- Icing
- Identifying
- Idling
- Idolizing
- Ignoring
- Illuminating
- Imaging
- Imagining
- Imbibing
- Impaling
- Impeding
- Impelling
- Impending
- Impinging
- Imploring
- Importing
- Imposing
- Improving
- Inbreeding
- Inclining
- Including
- Incorporating
- Increasing
- Incurving
- Indexing
- Indicating
- Indwelling
- Inebriating
- Inflaming
- Informing
- Inhabiting
- Inhibiting
- Inning
- Inscribing
- Insinuating
- Inspiring
- Inspiriting
- Insulting
- Intensifying
- Intercrossing
- Interesting
- Interfering
- Interlacing
- Interloping
- Intermitting
- Interrupting
- Intervening
- Interweaving
- Intoxicating
- Intriguing
- Inventorying
- Invigorating
- Inviting
- Involving
- Irritating
- Itching
- Jading
- Jangling
- Jeering
- Jerking
- p. pr. & vb/ n.
- Refraining
- p. pr. &. vb. n.
- Grating
- p. pr. &vb. n.
- Canning
- Cashiering
- p. pr.& vb. n.
- Siding
- p.a.
- Convict
- p]. pr. & vb. n.
- Honing
- pl.
- Acini
- Activities
- Addenda
- Agenda
- Agni
- Algae
- Aloes
- Amenities
- Anniversaries
- Apologies
- Apparatus
- Archives
- Auspices
- Babies
- Bass
- Baths
- Blue
- Bodies
- Bosses
- Boundaries
- Brasses
- Cannon
- Caries
- Ceremonies
- Cherubim
- Children
- Choses
- Civilities
- Clothes
- Commodities
- Contents
- Credenda
- Die
- Dietaries
- Difficulties
- Dignities
- Doings
- Dozen
- Dummies
- Duties
- Earnings
- Epitheliums
- Espies
- Exorhizae
- Facilities
- Fasces
- Fistulae
- Flagella
- Flatus
- Flies
- Folia
- Formalities
- Frugalities
- Gallows
- Gases
- Gonads
- Groceries
- Gymnasia
- Heathen
- Hiatus
- Hose
- Hostilities
- Houses
- Incunabula
- Ivories
- Kidneys
- Kine
- Kinsmen
- Knives
- Laymen
- Lees
- Liabilities
- Luminaries
- Maxillae
- Memories
- Minutiae
- Moneys
- Moslem
- Musae
- Narrows
- Necessaries
- Necessities
- Notopodia
- Novelties
- Oats
- Olfactories
- Orreries
- Orts
- Ourselves
- Oxen
- Pedes
- Phases
- Phylacteries
- Pities
- Plectra
- Plenties
- Plexus
- Plumule
- Porphyries
- Possibilities
- Pounds
- Preliminaries
- Preservatories
- Prolegomena
- Proprieties
- Propyla
- Pylangia
- Quantities
- Rifleman
- Salmon
- Seed
- Sequelae
- Shoes
- Sinus
- Speculum
- Spermatozoa
- Stamina
- Straits
- Sunglasses
- Supplies
- Sympathies
- Tabulae
- Tesserae
- Thanks
- These
- Times
- Timpani
- Tipstaff
- Ungulae
- Villanelle
- Wolves
- Yen
- Yourselves
- Youth
- men
- pref.
- By
- prep.
- Abaft
- About
- Above
- Against
- Amid
- Amidst
- Among
- Amongst
- At
- Athwart
- Before
- Below
- Beneath
- Between
- Betwixt
- Beyond
- Durante
- During
- For
- From
- In
- Into
- Notwithstanding
- Of
- On
- On
- Onto
- Over
- Per
- Sans
- Thorough
- Through
- Throughout
- Tide
- To
- Together
- Toward
- Towards
- Under
- Until
- Unto
- Untoward
- Upon
- Uptill
- Versus
- Viceroy
- Within
- Without
- Withstand
- pron. & conj.
- Where
- pron. / adj.
- Idem
- pron. pl.
- Here
- pron., a., conj., &
- That
- q.
- Kinetic
- superl.
- Able
- Angry
- Big
- Blue
- Brave
- Broad
- Brown
- Clean
- Cleanly
- Clear
- Clumsy
- Coarse
- Comely
- Cool
- Cozy
- Crude
- Dear
- Deep
- Dim
- Dire
- Dirty
- Discreet
- Dizzy
- Doughty
- Dowdy
- Dreamy
- Dreary
- Droll
- Drowsy
- Dry
- Dull
- Dumpy
- Dusty
- Empty
- Faint
- Faint
- Fair
- False
- Farther
- Feeble
- Few
- Fierce
- Filthy
- Fine
- Firm
- Flat
- Fleshy
- Flimsy
- Flinty
- Fluffy
- Foggy
- Free
- Frothy
- Funny
- Gaudy
- Gawky
- Gay
- Gentle
- Ghastly
- Giddy
- Glad
- Glib
- Gloomy
- Glossy
- Good
- Grand
- Gray
- Greasy
- Great
- Greedy
- Green
- Grimy
- Gross
- Gruff
- Guilty
- Handsome
- Handsome
- Handy
- Happy
- Hard
- Haughty
- Healthy
- Hearty
- Hoarse
- Holy
- Horny
- Huge
- Humble
- Hungry
- Icy
- Idle
- Jaunty
- Jolly
- Juicy
- Keen
- Kind
- Kingly
- Knotty
- Knurly
- Lame
- Lank
- Large
- Lazy
- Lengthy
- Lewd
- Like
- Lively
- Lofty
- Lonely
- Lonesome
- Long
- Loose
- Lordly
- Loud
- Lovely
- Lucky
- Lumpy
- Lusty
- Mangy
- Manly
- Massy
- Mature
- Mealy
- Meek
- Mellow
- Merry
- Mid
- Mild
- Misty
- Moldy
- Moody
- Mossy
- Mouldy
- Muddy
- Muggy
- Murky
- Narrow
- Nasty
- Naughty
- Needy
- New
- Next
- Nice
- Nigh
- Nimble
- Noble
- Noisy
- Obscure
- Obtuse
- Odd
- Oily
- Paltry
- Petty
- Pithy
- Plucky
- Pocky
- Poor
- Pretty
- Prosy
- Proud
- Puny
- Pure
- Quick
- Racy
- Rank
- Raw
- Ready
- Remote
- Rich
- Rich
- Rosy
- Rude
- Rusty
- Safe
- Saintly
- Sandy
- Sappy
- Saucy
- Scabby
- Scant
- Scarce
- Scraggy
- Scrubby
- Scurfy
- Seedy
- Severe
- Shady
- Shaky
- Shallow
- Sharp
- Shiny
- Short
- Shrewd
- Shy
- Shy
- Sick
- Sickly
- Silky
- Sincere
- Sleek
- Slender
- Slim
- Slimy
- Sloppy
- Small
- Smoky
- Smooth
- Smutty
- Snug
- Soapy
- Sober
- Sober
- Sober
- Soft
- Soggy
- Sooth
- Sooty
- Sour
- Sparse
- Speedy
- Spicy
- Sprightly
- Springy
- Spry
- Spunky
- Stately
- Stealthy
- Sticky
- Stiff
- Stiff
- Stony
- Stormy
- Stout
- Strange
- Strong
- Sturdy
- Sublime
- Subtle
- Sultry
- Sunny
- Sure
- Sweaty
- Sweet
- Tall
- Tardy
- Tasty
- Tawdry
- Terse
- Testy
- Thick
- Thin
- Thorny
- Thrifty
- Timely
- Tiny
- Tipsy
- Tough
- Trashy
- Trusty
- Turfy
- Ugly
- Unruly
- Vain
- Vast
- Vile
- Warm
- Warm
- Wealthy
- Weary
- Weedy
- Weighty
- Wet
- White
- Wholesome
- Wide
- Wild
- Wily
- Windy
- Wordy
- Wormy
- Yellow
- Young
- superl. -
- Nervy
- supperl.
- Sad
- v.
- Abortive
- Address
- Allonge
- Amnesty
- Amuse
- Assess
- Assessor
- Assignee
- Beadle
- Behight
- Bellow
- Bight
- Bit
- Bite
- Blab
- Blame
- Blear
- Boil
- Bourn
- Cause
- Clog
- Cohabit
- Common
- Conflict
- Countinghouse
- Deem
- Delay
- Discount
- Escape
- Flap
- Flier
- Fold
- Fondle
- Foully
- Gospel
- Groundsel
- Grove
- Gustable
- Hastings
- Impassion
- Informer
- Lackey
- Late
- Leak
- Levanter
- Load
- Lodgment
- Maculate
- Main
- Management
- Marital
- Mensurate
- Mind
- Miniature
- Misprize
- Moot
- Mould
- Mount
- Mumble
- Numerate
- Obstacle
- Partition
- Party
- Past
- Peace
- Perforate
- Perjury
- Pick
- Pick
- Picnic
- Pine
- Plash
- Pliable
- Pliant
- Plica
- Plume
- Poise
- Polite
- Pore
- Praise
- Preclude
- Prestige
- Prick
- Profession
- Propose
- Prospect
- Protestant
- Puzzle
- Querulous
- Quit
- Raffle
- Rampage
- Rampant
- Rascal
- Reflect
- Regret
- Renown
- Repose
- Restitution
- Retail
- Rigidly
- Ripple
- Rise
- Rise
- Roil
- Ruth
- Saltant
- Saltire
- Savior
- Scavenger
- Screak
- Screech
- Scum
- Scupper
- Summer
- Summons
- Task
- Terrace
- Terrace
- Ticket
- Trade
- Trait
- Tremor
- Vegetable
- Vision
- Will
- Wise
- v. & a.
- Firmament
- v. i.
- Abide
- Abort
- Abound
- Abscond
- Absquatulate
- Abstain
- Abut
- Accede
- Accrete
- Acquiesce
- Adhere
- Advert
- Agonize
- Aim
- Alight
- Allude
- Altercate
- Amble
- Animadvert
- Apostatize
- Appear
- Appertain
- Approach
- Appropinquate
- Argue
- Arise
- Arrive
- Ascend
- Assonate
- Atone
- Ba
- Babble
- Backbite
- Backslide
- Backwash
- Baigne
- Bait
- Baker
- Balk
- Baptism
- Barbarize
- Barter
- Bawl
- Be
- Beg
- Begin
- Belch
- Belong
- Beware
- Birr
- Blare
- Blat
- Blaze
- Bleat
- Bleed
- Blench
- Blink
- Blow
- Blunder
- Blush
- Bluster
- Boast
- Bombinate
- Boost
- Booze
- Bouge
- Bounce
- Brag
- Braggart
- Brawl
- Braze
- Breathe
- Bright
- Budge
- Bungle
- Burgeon
- Bustle
- Buzz
- Cackle
- Cajole
- Calculate
- Calibrate
- Calve
- Cancel
- Caper
- Caprice
- Capriole
- Carp
- Caterwaul
- Cauponize
- Cavil
- Cavort
- Caw
- Cease
- Chat
- Chatter
- Cheep
- Chick
- Chill
- Chime
- Chipper
- Chirk
- Chirm
- Chirp
- Chitter
- Chomp
- Chuck
- Circulate
- Clamber
- Clash
- Clatter
- Cleave
- Click
- Climax
- Climb
- Cling
- Clinical
- Clink
- Clique
- Cluck
- Coexist
- Cogitate
- Collapse
- Collide
- Collogue
- Collude
- Combat
- Commence
- Comment
- Commentary
- Commune
- Communicate
- Complain
- Comply
- Comport
- Concenter
- Concur
- Condescend
- Confabulate
- Confide
- Conglobulate
- Conjoin
- Connive
- Consent
- Consider
- Consist
- Conspire
- Consult
- Contend
- Continue
- Contrast
- Convalesce
- Convene
- Convenient
- Convention
- Conventionalize
- Converge
- Converse
- Coo
- Cook
- Cooperate
- Correlate
- Correspond
- Coruscate
- Cough
- Cower
- Crackle
- Crawl
- Craze
- Creak
- Croak
- Croon
- Crouch
- Crow
- Crunch
- Cry
- Cry
- Cuddle
- Curdle
- Dally
- Dance
- Dangle
- Dap
- Dare
- Darkle
- Dawdle
- Dawn
- Dawn
- Death
- Debouch
- Decamp
- Decay
- Declaim
- Decline
- Defile
- Deliquesce
- Demur
- Demur
- Depart
- Department
- Depend
- Descant
- Descend
- Desist
- Despair
- Despond
- Desquamate
- Detonate
- Deviate
- Dib
- Dibble
- Diddle
- Differ
- Digress
- Dine
- Disaccord
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Discord
- Dismay
- Dismount
- Disport
- Disputable
- Disputant
- Disputation
- Dispute
- Dissent
- Dissentient
- Dissert
- Dissertate
- Divaricate
- Dive
- Diverge
- Divide
- Dodge
- Dotage
- Dotage
- Dotard
- Doubt
- Doxologize
- Doze
- Dribble
- Drink
- Drip
- Drivel
- Drizzle
- Drone
- Drool
- Droop
- Drown
- Drowse
- Drudge
- Drug
- Dwell
- Dwindle
- Eavesdrop
- Edify
- Effervesce
- Efflorescent
- Elapse
- Elucubrate
- Emaciate
- Emanate
- Emerge
- Emigrant
- Encamp
- Enclitic
- Encroach
- Endure
- Energize
- Err
- Etiolate
- Evanesce
- Eventuate
- Exfoliate
- Exist
- Expatiate
- Explode
- Expostulate
- Exult
- Exundate
- Fabulize
- Fail
- Fast
- Fiddle-faddle
- Fidget
- Fight
- Fire
- Fizz
- Fizzle
- Flag
- Flake
- Flare
- Flash
- Flaunt
- Fledge
- Flee
- Flicker
- Flinch
- Flit
- Flite
- Flitter
- Float
- Flood
- Flounce
- Flourish
- Fluctuate
- Flunk
- Flush
- Flute
- Fly
- Fly-fish
- Force
- Ford
- Fore
- Forgather
- Forgo
- Forswear
- Fraternize
- Frill
- Frost
- Frown
- Fulgurate
- Fulminate
- Fumble
- Future
- Gabble
- Gaggle
- Gallivant
- Gallop
- Gamble
- Gang
- Gangway
- Gape
- Gasp
- Gaze
- Gee
- Genuflect
- Germinate
- Gibberish
- Gibe
- Gin
- Glare
- Glaze
- Gleam
- Glimmer
- Glisten
- Glister
- Glitter
- Gloam
- Gloat
- Glow
- Glower
- Gluttonize
- Gnarl
- Goggle
- Goggle
- Gossip
- Grabble
- Gravitate
- Groan
- Grope
- Grow
- Growl
- Grub
- Grumble
- Guggle
- Gurgle
- Gush
- Guzzle
- Hallucinate
- Hang
- Hang
- Hang
- Hanker
- Happen
- Hark
- Harmonize
- Hearken
- Hebraize
- Heel
- Hesitate
- Hibernate
- Hie
- Higgle
- High
- Hinny
- Hiss
- Hone
- Hoot
- Hop
- Howl
- Hubbub
- Huddle
- Hug
- Hum
- Incline
- Increase
- Infiltrate
- Inflow
- Inhere
- Insist
- Intercede
- Intercommunicate
- Interfere
- Interlock
- Interlope
- Intermeddle
- Intervene
- Intonate
- Intrigue
- Intromit
- Intrude
- Itch
- Jabber
- Jangle
- Jape
- Jaunt
- Jell
- Jet
- Jib
- Jibe
- Jiggle
- Jingle
- Jolt
- Joust
- Judge
- Judgment
- Juggle
- Jut
- Juxtaposition
- Keck
- Keelhaul
- Knack
- Kneel
- Knock
- Knowledge
- Lament
- Languish
- Lark
- Laud
- Laudable
- Laugh
- Laughter
- Launch
- Laze
- Lease
- Leave
- Lee
- Legislate
- Levitate
- Librate
- Lighten
- Lilt
- Limp
- Lisp
- Listen
- Live
- Live
- Loiter
- Loll
- Lollop
- Look
- Lopper
- Lout
- Lurch
- Lurk
- Luxuriate
- Maffle
- Malinger
- Mammer
- Maraud
- Maunder
- Meddle
- Melodize
- Mewl
- Misbelieve
- Miscarry
- Misthink
- Moan
- Moider
- Mope
- Mountebank
- Mourn
- Murmur
- Mutter
- Muzzle
- Nap
- Natter
- Navigate
- Negotiate
- Neigh
- Nestle
- Nod
- Nomadize
- Obsolesce
- Occur
- Officiate
- Oscillate
- Outshine
- Outstart
- Overbrim
- Overstrain
- Pad
- Paddle
- Paddle
- Pale
- Palpitate
- Palter
- Pamphlet
- Pant
- Parade
- Partake
- Pass
- Passage
- Patrol
- Patter
- Peculate
- Peddle
- Peek
- Peep
- Peer
- Pendulate
- Perdure
- Periphrase
- Perish
- Perorate
- Persevere
- Persist
- Perspire
- Pertain
- Philander
- Philosophize
- Piddle
- Pilfer
- Plagiary
- Plain
- Plod
- Ploy
- Popple
- Pose
- Potter
- Powwow
- Prance
- Prate
- Prattle
- Preach
- Predominate
- Preside
- Presume
- Prevail
- Prevaricate
- Prig
- Proceed
- Pronounce
- Protest
- Protuberate
- Puke
- Pule
- Pullulate
- Punt
- Quack
- Quail
- Quake
- Quaver
- Quell
- Radiate
- Ramble
- Ramp
- Rant
- Rattle
- Reach
- Reappear
- Rebel
- Rebellion
- Rebound
- Recede
- Recidivate
- Reciprocate
- Recoil
- Recriminate
- Recuperate
- Recur
- Regale
- Rejoice
- Relapse
- Relent
- Reluct
- Remain
- Remit
- Repair
- Repine
- Reply
- Reside
- Resolve
- Resound
- Respire
- Respond
- Result
- Retch
- Retire
- Retrospect
- Return
- Revive
- Revolve
- Ride
- Ripen
- Roam
- Roar
- Roar
- Roister
- Romp
- Roost
- Root
- Rot
- Rout
- Rover
- Rumble
- Ruminate
- Rusticate
- Rustle
- Sag
- Salient
- Sally
- Same
- Schematize
- Scintillate
- Scold
- Scoot
- Scowl
- Scramble
- Scrawl
- Scream
- Scud
- Scuffle
- Scurry
- Scuttle
- Secede
- Seemly
- Seep
- Seesaw
- Sermonize
- Sheer
- Shelf
- Shine
- Shout
- Shriek
- Shrill
- Shrink
- Shrivel
- Shudder
- Sigh
- Simmer
- Sing
- Sink
- Sink
- Siss
- Sizzle
- Skedaddle
- Skirmish
- Skulk
- Slabber
- Slant
- Sleep
- Slither
- Slope
- Slumber
- Smart
- Smatter
- Smile
- Smile
- Smirk
- Smolder
- Smoulder
- Snatch
- Sneak
- Sneer
- Sneeze
- Snicker
- Sniffle
- Sniggle
- Snivel
- Snore
- Snort
- Snub
- Snuffle
- Soar
- Sojourn
- Sol-fa
- Soothsay
- Sound
- Sow
- Speak
- Speculate
- Speechify
- Spire
- Splutter
- Spoon
- Sprawl
- Spring
- Springe
- Sprinkle
- Sprint
- Sprit
- Spurt
- Sputter
- Squabble
- Squawk
- Squeak
- Squeal
- Squirm
- Squirrel
- Stable
- Stall
- Stammer
- Stamp
- Start
- Starve
- Stem
- Stickle
- Stink
- Stirrup
- Stitch
- Stomp
- Straddle
- Straddle
- Strive
- Stroll
- Struggle
- Study
- Stumble
- Sty
- Subside
- Subsist
- Suffice
- Superabound
- Supervene
- Surmount
- Surrejoin
- Swag
- Swagger
- Swap
- Swarm
- Sway
- Swear
- Sweep
- Swell
- Swelter
- Sweltry
- Swerve
- Swift
- Swim
- Swing
- Swoon
- Symbolize
- Symphonize
- Synchronize
- Tattle
- Tautologize
- Tear
- Tell
- Tend
- Tergiversate
- Thaw
- Theorize
- Thrive
- Throb
- Tingle
- Tink
- Tipple
- Toddle
- Toot
- Topple
- Totter
- Tout
- Traffic
- Traipse
- Tramp
- Transpire
- Transude
- Travel
- Tread
- Tremble
- Trend
- Trespass
- Trill
- Troat
- Trot
- Truck
- Trudge
- Trundle
- Trust
- Tumble
- Turbinate
- Twattle
- Twill
- Twinge
- Twink
- Twinkle
- Tyrannize
- Ulcerate
- Ululate
- Underplay
- Unlatch
- Updive
- Upgrow
- Uprise
- Uprush
- Upshoot
- Upspear
- Upspring
- Upstart
- Urinate
- Vague
- Vamp
- Vanish
- Vaunt
- Veer
- Vegetate
- Vie
- Virus
- Vociferate
- Waddle
- Wade
- Waggle
- Wait
- Waken
- Walk
- Wallop
- Wamble
- Wan
- Wander
- Wane
- Want
- Watch
- Watch
- Waver
- Wax
- Wayfare
- Weak
- Ween
- Well
- Welter
- Wend
- Whap
- Wheeze
- Whimper
- Whine
- Whinny
- Whir
- Whisper
- Whistle
- Whiten
- Whiz
- Whop
- Wince
- Winch
- Wink
- Winnow
- Witness
- Wizen
- Wobble
- Word
- Worth
- Wrangle
- Wrawl
- Wreak
- Wriggle
- Yap
- Yard
- Yaw
- Yawn
- Yell
- Yelp
- Yew
- Yowl
- Yuck
- v. i. & auxiliary.
- Shall
- v. i. & n.
- Meow
- v. i. & t.
- Auscultate
- Detrain
- Gormandize
- Incubate
- Logroll
- Purr
- Round
- Rouse
- Splatter
- Teeter
- Toughen
- Tussle
- Twaddle
- v. i. / auxiliary
- Must
- v. t.
- Abalienate
- Abandon
- Abash
- Abate
- Abbreviate
- Abdicate
- Abduce
- Abduct
- Abet
- Abhor
- Abjure
- Abolish
- Abrade
- Abridge
- Abscind
- Absolve
- Absorb
- Abuse
- Accelerate
- Accent
- Accentuate
- Accept
- Acclaim
- Acclimate
- Acclimatize
- Accommodate
- Accompany
- Accomplish
- Accord
- Accost
- Accouple
- Accouter
- Accredit
- Accroach
- Accumulate
- Accurse
- Accustom
- Acerbate
- Acetify
- Achieve
- Achromatize
- Acidify
- Acidulate
- Acknowledge
- Acquaint
- Acquire
- Acquit
- Activate
- Actuate
- Acuate
- Add
- Adduce
- Adduct
- Adjoin
- Adjourn
- Adjudicate
- Adjure
- Adjust
- Administer
- Administrate
- Admire
- Admit
- Admix
- Admonish
- Adopt
- Adore
- Adorn
- Adulate
- Adumbrate
- Advance
- Advancement
- Advertise
- Advise
- Aerate
- Aerify
- Affect
- Affiliate
- Affirm
- Affix
- Afflict
- Afford
- Affranchise
- Affray
- Affray
- Affright
- Affront
- Agglomerate
- Agglutinate
- Aggrandize
- Aggravate
- Aggregate
- Aggroup
- Aghast
- Agitate
- Aid
- Ail
- Algebraize
- Aliene
- Align
- Alkalify
- Alkalize
- Allay
- Allege
- Allegorize
- Alleviate
- Allocate
- Allot
- Allow
- Alloy
- Allure
- Ally
- Alphabetize
- Alter
- Amalgamate
- Amass
- Amaze
- Ambuscade
- Ambush
- Ambushment
- Ameliorate
- Amend
- Amerce
- Amortize
- Amplify
- Amputate
- Analyze
- Anathematize
- Anatomize
- Anglicize
- Animate
- Animosity
- Anneal
- Annex
- Annexation
- Annihilate
- Announce
- Annunciate
- Anoint
- Antagonize
- Anticipate
- Antiquate
- Apotheosize
- Appeal
- Appease
- Append
- Appendant
- Applaud
- Apply
- Appoint
- Appointee
- Apportion
- Appose
- Appraise
- Appreciate
- Apprehend
- Apprise
- Apprize
- Approve
- Arbitrate
- Armada
- Aromatize
- Arouse
- Arraign
- Arrange
- Arrest
- Arrogate
- Ascertain
- Ascribe
- Ask
- Asperse
- Asphyxiate
- Aspirate
- Aspire
- Assail
- Assassinate
- Assemble
- Assent
- Assert
- Assever
- Asseverate
- Assibilate
- Assign
- Assimilate
- Assist
- Associate
- Assort
- Assuage
- Assume
- Assure
- Astonish
- Atomize
- Attach
- Attache
- Attack
- Attain
- Attaint
- Attemper
- Attempt
- Attend
- Attendance
- Attendant
- Attenuate
- Attest
- Attire
- Attract
- Attrahent
- Attribute
- Attune
- Augment
- Authorize
- Avail
- Avenge
- Averment
- Avouch
- Avow
- Avulse
- Await
- Awake
- Award
- Baffle
- Bake
- Bamboozle
- Band
- Bang
- Bangle
- Banish
- Banter
- Baptize
- Bark
- Bask
- Bastardize
- Baste
- Batch
- Bathe
- Batten
- Batter
- Battery
- Battologize
- Bear
- Beatify
- Beautify
- Becalm
- Becalm
- Becharm
- Beckon
- Becloud
- Bedaub
- Bedazzle
- Bedeck
- Bedevil
- Bedew
- Bedim
- Bedizen
- Beetle
- Befall
- Befit
- Befog
- Befool
- Befriend
- Befringe
- Befuddle
- Beget
- Begild
- Begird
- Begrime
- Beguile
- Behappen
- Behave
- Behead
- Behold
- Behoof
- Bejade
- Bejewel
- Belabor
- Belaud
- Belay
- Beleaguer
- Belittle
- Bemingle
- Bemire
- Bemist
- Bemoan
- Bemuse
- Bend
- Benight
- Bepraise
- Bequeath
- Berate
- Bereave
- Beseech
- Beseem
- Besiege
- Beslabber
- Beslobber
- Beslubber
- Besmear
- Besmirch
- Besmoke
- Besnow
- Besot
- Bespangle
- Bespatter
- Bespeak
- Bespeckle
- Bespot
- Besprinkle
- Bestain
- Bestir
- Bestow
- Bestraddle
- Bestrew
- Bestride
- Betide
- Betoken
- Betray
- Betroth
- Beverage
- Bewail
- Bewilder
- Bewitch
- Bibulous
- Bide
- Bilk
- Bind
- Bisect
- Bite
- Blacken
- Blacklist
- Blame
- Blandish
- Blemish
- Blend
- Bless
- Blight
- Blindfold
- Blink
- Bloat
- Bloat
- Block
- Blockade
- Blockade
- Blond
- Blot
- Blur
- Blurt
- Bode
- Bolt
- Born
- Borrow
- Bother
- Bow
- Boycott
- Braid
- Brand
- Bray
- Break
- Breed
- Brew
- Bring
- Brochure
- Broker
- Brood
- Brook
- Bruise
- Brunt
- Brutalize
- Brutify
- Build
- Bulldoze
- Bullyrag
- Bump
- Burke
- Burl
- Burn
- Butt
- Buy
- Byname
- Cadger
- Call
- Calumniate
- Candy
- Candy
- Canonize
- Capacitate
- Capitalize
- Captivate
- Careen
- Caricature
- Carry
- Carve
- Castrate
- Catch
- Catechize
- Categorize
- Catenate
- Cauterize
- Cede
- Ceil
- Celebrate
- Centralize
- Certify
- Chafe
- Cham
- Champ
- Champion
- Chancel
- Change
- Chant
- Chap
- Characterize
- Charcoal
- Chare
- Charge
- Chase
- Chasten
- Chastise
- Chaw
- Cheapen
- Checker
- Cherish
- Chevy
- Chew
- Chip
- Chirrup
- Chivy
- Chock
- Choke
- Choose
- Chop
- Chouse
- Christen
- Chuckle
- Churn
- Cicatrize
- Circumambulate
- Circumflex
- Circumfuse
- Circumnavigate
- Circumscribe
- Circumvent
- Cite
- Civilize
- Clam
- Clang
- Clangor
- Clap
- Claps
- Clarify
- Clasp
- Classify
- Cleanse
- Clinch
- Clip
- Cloister
- Close
- Clothe
- Cloy
- Coact
- Coarsen
- Coast
- Coax
- Cock
- Cocker
- Coddle
- Codify
- Coerce
- Cog
- Cognition
- Cognize
- Coil
- Coinage
- Collect
- Collect
- Collectanea
- Colligate
- Collimate
- Colloquialize
- Colonize
- Combine
- Comfort
- Command
- Commend
- Commensurate
- Comminute
- Commit
- Commute
- Compare
- Compel
- Compensate
- Compile
- Complement
- Component
- Compose
- Composite
- Comprehend
- Compress
- Comprise
- Compurgation
- Compute
- Concatenate
- Conceal
- Concede
- Conceive
- Concentrate
- Concern
- Concert
- Conciliate
- Conclude
- Concoct
- Concuss
- Cond
- Condemn
- Condense
- Condone
- Confer
- Confess
- Configure
- Confine
- Confirm
- Confound
- Confront
- Confute
- Congeal
- Congest
- Congratulate
- Conjoin
- Conjure
- Conn
- Connect
- Connote
- Conquer
- Conserve
- Consider
- Consign
- Console
- Constant
- Constipate
- Constitute
- Constrain
- Constrict
- Constringe
- Construct
- Construe
- Consume
- Consummate
- Contain
- Contaminate
- Contemn
- Contemplate
- Contentment
- Contentment
- Contest
- Contort
- Contradict
- Contradistinguish
- Contravene
- Contribute
- Contriturate
- Contrive
- Controvert
- Convert
- Convey
- Convince
- Convoke
- Convoy
- Convulse
- Cool
- Coquet
- Corrode
- Couch
- Couche
- Count
- Countenance
- Counteract
- Counterbalance
- Counterchange
- Countercheck
- Countermand
- Counterplot
- Counterpoise
- Countersecure
- Countersign
- Countersink
- Countervail
- Counterweigh
- Counterwork
- Cover
- Covert
- Covet
- Covetous
- Cowish
- Cozen
- Crack
- Cram
- Crankle
- Crash
- Crave
- Craze
- Credence
- Creed
- Creep
- Cremate
- Criminate
- Crimp
- Crimple
- Cringe
- Crinkle
- Cross-examine
- Cross-question
- Crosscut
- Crowd
- Crucify
- Crumble
- Crumple
- Crush
- Crystallize
- Cuff
- Cull
- Cultivate
- Cumber
- Cumulate
- Curative
- Curb
- Curry
- Curse
- Curtail
- Cuspidate
- Dabble
- Daggle
- Damn
- Dampen
- Dandify
- Dandle
- Darn
- Dash
- Daub
- Daunt
- Daze
- Dazzle
- Deacon
- Deafen
- Debar
- Debate
- Debauchee
- Debilitate
- Decant
- Decapitate
- Deceive
- Decide
- Decimate
- Decipher
- Deck
- Declare
- Decoct
- Decollate
- Decolor
- Decolorize
- Decompose
- Deconsecrate
- Decorate
- Decorticate
- Decoy
- Decrepitate
- Decry
- Decussate
- Deduce
- Deduct
- Deepen
- Deface
- Defalcate
- Defame
- Defeat
- Defend
- Defend
- Defer
- Define
- Deflate
- Deflect
- Deflower
- Deform
- Defraud
- Defuse
- Defy
- Degrade
- Dehydrate
- Deify
- Deign
- Deject
- Delectate
- Delete
- Delight
- Delimit
- Deliver
- Delude
- Delve
- Demand
- Demarcate
- Dematerialize
- Demean
- Demeanor
- Dement
- Demit
- Demobilize
- Democratize
- Demolish
- Demonetize
- Demonize
- Demonstrate
- Demoralize
- Denaturalize
- Denigrate
- Denominate
- Denote
- Denote
- Denounce
- Denounce
- Denudate
- Denude
- Denunciate
- Deny
- Deobstruct
- Depart
- Deplore
- Deplume
- Depone
- Deponent
- Deport
- Depose
- Deprecate
- Depreciate
- Depredate
- Depress
- Deprive
- Depute
- Deputize
- Deracinate
- Deride
- Derive
- Derogate
- Describe
- Descry
- Desecrate
- Deserve
- Desiccate
- Desiderate
- Designate
- Desirable
- Desire
- Despecificate
- Despise
- Despoil
- Despotize
- Destine
- Destroy
- Desynonymize
- Detach
- Detain
- Deter
- Deteriorate
- Determinable
- Determine
- Detest
- Dethrone
- Detract
- Detrude
- Devastate
- Develop
- Devise
- Devitalize
- Devoid
- Devolute
- Devolve
- Devote
- Devour
- Devout
- Diabolize
- Dichotomize
- Dictate
- Differentiate
- Difficilitate
- Diffuse
- Dig
- Digest
- Digitate
- Dignify
- Dilapidate
- Dilate
- Dilettante
- Dilute
- Diminish
- Diminish
- Ding
- Dip
- Disabuse
- Disaccommodate
- Disaffirm
- Disallow
- Disannul
- Disappoint
- Disapprove
- Disarm
- Disarrange
- Disarray
- Disarticulate
- Disavow
- Disband
- Disbar
- Disbelieve
- Disburden
- Disburse
- Discard
- Discern
- Discharge
- Discharge
- Disclaim
- Disclaunder
- Disclose
- Disclosure
- Discolor
- Discomfit
- Discomfiture
- Discomfort
- Discommend
- Discompose
- Disconcert
- Disconnect
- Discontinue
- Discountenance
- Discourage
- Discover
- Discrown
- Discuss
- Disdain
- Disedge
- Disembark
- Disembarrass
- Disembody
- Disembogue
- Disembroil
- Disemploy
- Disenable
- Disencumber
- Disengage
- Disentangle
- Disenthrone
- Disentitle
- Disfellowship
- Disfigure
- Disfranchise
- Disgorge
- Disgrade
- Disgruntle
- Disguise
- Disgust
- Dishearten
- Dishevel
- Disillusionize
- Disimprove
- Disincline
- Disinherit
- Disintegrate
- Disinvolve
- Disjoin
- Dislocate
- Dislodge
- Dismantle
- Dismask
- Dismember
- Dismiss
- Disobey
- Disoblige
- Disorganization
- Disorganize
- Disorient
- Disown
- Disparage
- Dispart
- Dispatch
- Dispel
- Dispense
- Disperse
- Dispirit
- Displace
- Display
- Displume
- Dispose
- Dispossess
- Dispread
- Disprize
- Disprove
- Disregard
- Dissect
- Disserve
- Dissever
- Dissipate
- Dissociate
- Dissolve
- Distemper
- Distend
- Disthrone
- Distinguish
- Distribute
- Distrust
- Disturb
- Disunite
- Disuse
- Ditty
- Diversify
- Divert
- Divest
- Divide
- Divulge
- Dizen
- Doff
- Domiciliate
- Domineer
- Donate
- Doom
- Double-dye
- Douse
- Downbear
- Drabble
- Draggle
- Drain
- Dramatize
- Drape
- Draw
- Drawl
- Dread
- Drench
- Dress
- Drill
- Drive
- Drub
- Dub
- Duck
- Dulcify
- Duplicate
- Dye
- Easy
- Ebonize
- Ecclesiastic
- Economize
- Edge
- Edit
- Educate
- Educe
- Edulcorate
- Efface
- Effectuate
- Efform
- Egest
- Ejaculate
- Eject
- Eke
- Elance
- Electrify
- Electrocute
- Electroplate
- Elegize
- Elide
- Eliminate
- Elope
- Elucidate
- Elude
- Elute
- Emancipate
- Emasculate
- Embalm
- Embark
- Embarrass
- Embattle
- Embay
- Embed
- Embellish
- Embezzle
- Embitter
- Emblazon
- Emblematize
- Embody
- Embolden
- Embow
- Embox
- Embrace
- Embrangle
- Embrocate
- Embroider
- Embroil
- Emend
- Emit
- Emotionalize
- Emove
- Empale
- Empeople
- Empierce
- Employ
- Empower
- Emulsify
- Enable
- Enact
- v. t. & i.
- Arear
- Argufy
- Astart
- Bash
- Bren
- Cadge
- Capsize
- Circumrotate
- Colliquate
- Commentate
- Commingle
- Commix
- Craunch
- Debark
- Deploy
- Diagnose
- Disrobe
- Disseminate
- Doer
- Emacerate
- Enthuse
- Exclaim
- Exudate
- Fender
- Hutch
- Interbreed
- Intercross
- Interlace
- Italicize
- Jounce
- Keel
- Kindle
- Metabolize
- Miscalculate
- Misconceive
- Miscount
- Misdoubt
- Misjudge
- Mismanage
- Misquote
- Misreckon
- Misreport
- Misrule
- Mongrelize
- Munch
- Nay
- Opine
- Overarch
- Overlap
- Piss
- Point
- Preempt
- Prewarn
- Pucker
- Quite
- Rate
- Re-form
- Refill
- Reissue
- Rekindle
- Reorganize
- Resolute
- Retread
- Reunite
- Revile
- Rumple
- Shark
- Sibilate
- Slobber
- Strum
- Stutter
- Thieve
- Titillate
- Tup
- Understudy
- Unfurl
- Unriddle
- Upclimb
- Yean
- Yodel
- v. t. & v. i.
- Scrunch
- v. t.& i.
- Skirl
- v./.
- Claim
- v.t
- Clad