This is a collection of various code tests and descriptions on how to use them. Primarily HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.
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fonts Quick Embed - Google Font - DM Sans
fancybox nice and easy fancybox installation for image lightboxes
linux show all connections on linux command line
php php redirect
react React - Use State to Toggle an Element
react Bind 'this' to a Class Method
wordpress Disable the ACF Warning message in wordpress dashboard
react React - Create a Stateful Component
css make an image or element grayscale switch on mouse over
wordpress load a page as a menu in wordpress
Top viewed in Code
2mil+ calculate a percentage (dec) difference based on two numbers
147k+ flems embed in url
37k+ jqueryui date selector
30k+ emoji data
29k+ center mode slick zoom testing
25k+ Slick Slider Carousel with Custom Next and Prev Buttons
22k+ counting the occurrence of words in a multidimensional array
22k+ linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣
18k+ twitter json feed testing
17k+ extracting the useful bits of bootstrap