Rs3 Market Watch

RS3 Market Watch monitors the latest prices changes Runescape or RS3, it monitors the price rises and falls. Usually this is updated every hour or so if the feed api is working. You can list by latest price changes, price rises and price falls. You can also search for an item in the item search box below.
Access the API for this data here - Runescape RS3 Price Market Watch Item Data
Type in the item name above to search for prices
Item Name Rise / Fall Change Change %
Oak shortbowprice rise159+8%
Body talismanprice rise49+8%
Bowlprice rise64+8%
Jug of wineprice rise7+8%
Cooked chickenprice rise74+8%
Grimy snapdragonprice rise112+8%
Abyssal fleshprice rise129+8%
Limpwurt seedprice rise28+8%
Fellstalk seedprice rise693+8%
Papaya tree seedprice rise23+8%
Yew wood spiritprice rise56+8%
Magic wood spiritprice rise46+8%
Pure essenceprice rise19+8%
Off-hand rune dartprice rise5+8%
Ascension Keystone Sec...price rise19.4k+8%
Elder rune pickaxe + 5...price rise100.6k+8%
Bright energyprice rise56+8%
Broad arrowheadsprice rise11+8%
Cowhideprice rise76+9%
Alchemist's keyprice rise403+9%
Morchella mushroom spo...price rise24+9%
Willow frameprice rise5,133+9%
Elder wood boxprice rise9,375+9%
Powerful necroplasmprice rise55+9%
Abyssal Creature Wildc...price rise5,792+9%
Masterwork 2h swordprice rise2.3m+9%
Gold stone spiritprice rise67+9%
Drakolith stone spirit...price rise46+9%
Cannonballprice rise136+10%
Grimy cadantineprice rise125+10%
Uncut rubyprice rise42+10%
Congealed bloodprice rise260+10%
Lesser necroplasmprice rise26+10%
Garden pieprice rise276+10%
Soul Devourer Wildcard...price rise2,158+10%
Purple sweetsprice rise247+10%
Rune ore boxprice rise8,995+10%
Grenwall spikesprice rise16+10%
Abyssal titan pouchprice rise1,044+10%
Quintessenceprice rise495+11%
Ancient gravelprice rise149+11%
Willow logsprice rise121+11%
Uncut emeraldprice rise64+11%
Raw potatoprice rise132+11%
Lantadyme incense stic...price rise2,448+11%
Springprice rise311+11%
Grimy kwuarmprice rise529+12%
Baby dragon bonesprice rise66+12%
Impious ashesprice rise113+13%
Dragon hatchetprice rise40.1k+13%
Fire orbprice rise14+14%
Cadava berriesprice rise609+14%
Blue dragonhideprice rise98+14%
Bowstringprice rise118+14%
Pie shellprice rise44+14%
Sweetcorn seedprice rise68+14%
Red dragonhideprice rise150+15%
Fragile mementoprice rise284+16%
Bakriminel boltsprice rise51+17%
Opalprice rise140+18%
Gemstone Dragon Wildca...price rise5,744+18%
Vibrant energyprice rise105+18%
Uncut red topazprice rise336+20%
Redberriesprice rise221+20%
Redberry pieprice rise2,152+27%
Runite stone spiritprice rise929+32%
Coal stone spiritprice rise4+66%
Kwuarm seedprice fall28-7%
Mahogany frameprice fall4,004-7%
Moonstoneprice fall45.0k-7%
Occultist's ringprice fall2.5m-7%
Rune boltsprice fall34-7%
Ganodermic glovesprice fall36.6k-7%
Ganodermic bootsprice fall43.2k-7%
Hairprice fall176-7%
Mithril platebodyprice fall540-7%
Blood necklace shardprice fall339.6k-7%
Salmonprice fall9-8%
Copper oreprice fall82-8%
Rune hatchetprice fall1,429-8%
Soul talismanprice fall4,510-8%
Heart of the Berserker...price fall11.8k-8%
Potato cactusprice fall122-8%
Gizmo dissolverprice fall3,726-8%
Obelisk shardprice fall37-8%
Bloodweed seedprice fall1,789-8%
Avantoe seedprice fall45-8%
Robe bottom of the Fir...price fall17.1m-8%
Berserker ringprice fall802.4k-8%
Tower skipping ticketprice fall157.0k-8%
Rune bolts (unf)price fall39-8%
Orichalcite oreprice fall322-8%
Airut bonesprice fall972-8%
Dragon pickaxeprice fall3.8m-8%
Unicorn hornprice fall82-9%
Flaxprice fall9-9%
Adamant barprice fall579-9%
Apple tree seedprice fall38-9%
Acornprice fall56-9%
Cabbage seedprice fall36-9%
Banite oreprice fall508-9%
Crown of the First Nec...price fall8.9m-9%
Nightmare Wildcardprice fall1,457-9%
Crystal Shapeshifter W...price fall1,101-9%
Bathus oreprice fall1,646-9%
Dragon arrowheadsprice fall71-9%
Sapphire ringprice fall154-10%
Irit seedprice fall43-10%
Dagannoth hideprice fall299-10%
Shadow Creature Wildca...price fall839-10%
Promethium oreprice fall1,896-10%
Rune barprice fall1,058-11%
Toadflax seedprice fall71-11%
Torstol incense sticks...price fall2,502-11%
Binding contract (ripp...price fall20.2k-12%
Charcoalprice fall364-12%
Soft clayprice fall319-12%
Iron barprice fall288-12%
Marmaros oreprice fall2,674-12%
Kratonium oreprice fall2,637-12%
Primal armoured boots ...price fall740.1k-12%
Primal pickaxeprice fall66.1k-12%
Zygomite fruitprice fall55-12%
Spirit runeprice fall25-13%
Key to the Crossingprice fall79.6k-13%
Runite oreprice fall814-14%
Ode to Deceitprice fall33.1m-14%
Roar of Awakeningprice fall30.1m-14%
Phasmatite stone spiri...price fall42-14%
Uncut moonstoneprice fall84.1k-15%
Primal 2h sword + 5price fall2.7m-15%
Adamant boltsprice fall32-16%
Armour spikesprice fall14-16%
Augmentorprice fall87.1k-17%
Acheron Mammoth Wildca...price fall3,307-17%
Primal gauntlets + 5price fall987.1k-17%
Water orbprice fall66-18%
Potato seedprice fall66-18%
Tunaprice fall38-19%
Golden dragonfruit see...price fall510-19%
Primal full helm + 5price fall1.8m-20%
Primal platelegs + 5price fall3.7m-21%
Primal barprice fall10.8k-22%
Primal stone spiritprice fall8,000-23%
Primal pickaxe + 5price fall11.4m-28%
Primal platebody + 5price fall7.7m-29%
Zamorak's favour (1)price fall27-8%
Dagannoth bonesprice fall831-8%
Nightmare Wildcardprice fall1,235-8%
Crystal Shapeshifter W...price fall973-8%
Marmaros oreprice fall1,807-8%
Kratonium oreprice fall1,768-8%
Astral runeprice fall74-8%
Rune bolts (unf)price fall42-8%
Magic composite bowprice fall102.7k-8%
Raw crayfishprice fall52-8%
Raw sardineprice fall71-9%
Cadmium redprice fall1,346-9%
Runite oreprice fall499-9%
Law runeprice fall23-9%
Orgoneprice fall1,041-9%
Soft clayprice fall245-9%
Adamant barprice fall548-9%
Rune barprice fall904-9%
Scrimshaw of aggressio...price fall122.9k-9%
Calquat tree seedprice fall23-9%
Edimmu Wildcardprice fall6,660-9%
Divine Rage prayer cod...price fall764.5k-9%
Primal platebody + 4price fall2.3m-9%
Rune boltsprice fall44-9%
Attack potion (3)price fall70-10%
Amulet of powerprice fall716-10%
Flaxprice fall10-10%
Potato cactusprice fall166-10%
Stalker Creature Wildc...price fall1,317-10%
Bucket of sandprice fall15-11%
Obelisk shardprice fall50-11%
Bloodweed seedprice fall2,574-11%
Moonstoneprice fall70.5k-11%
Zephyrium oreprice fall2,241-11%
Dragon arrowheadsprice fall87-11%
Mithril arrowheadsprice fall14-12%
Sapphire ringprice fall186-12%
Acornprice fall82-12%
Banite oreprice fall659-12%
Binding contract (ripp...price fall23.6k-13%
Irit seedprice fall59-13%
Scripture of Amascutprice fall2.4m-13%
Phasmatiteprice fall698-13%
Iron barprice fall342-14%
Augmentorprice fall73.7k-14%
Apple tree seedprice fall57-14%
Dagannoth hideprice fall451-14%
Phasmatite stone spiri...price fall43-14%
Torstol incense sticks...price fall3,044-14%
Toadflax seedprice fall101-15%
Primal 2h sword + 5price fall2.8m-15%
Juju vial of waterprice fall1-16%
Key to the Crossingprice fall98.0k-16%
Lava Strykewyrm Wildca...price fall11.1k-16%

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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