Rs3 Market Watch

RS3 Market Watch monitors the latest prices changes Runescape or RS3, it monitors the price rises and falls. Usually this is updated every hour or so if the feed api is working. You can list by latest price changes, price rises and price falls. You can also search for an item in the item search box below.
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Summer prize token - Prices

Summer prize token

Summer, prize, token

Price Start Price End Price Rise Price Fall Change % Updated
168.3k151.6k16.7k-9%2 days
175.6k154.8k20.8k-11%5 days
183.2k161.7k21.5k-11%1 week
190.6k161.7k28.9k-15%1 week
199.0k161.7k37.2k-18%1 week
208.3k168.3k40.0k-19%1 week
217.5k168.3k49.3k-22%1 week
228.3k175.6k52.6k-23%1 week
239.5k175.6k63.9k-26%1 week
250.5k183.2k67.3k-26%1 week
262.6k190.6k72.0k-27%2 weeks
275.3k199.0k76.4k-27%2 weeks
288.9k208.3k80.6k-27%2 weeks
302.7k217.5k85.1k-28%2 weeks
317.1k228.3k88.9k-28%2 weeks
332.4k239.5k92.9k-27%2 weeks
332.4k250.5k82.0k-24%2 weeks
346.8k250.5k96.3k-27%2 weeks
363.4k262.6k100.8k-27%3 weeks
379.8k275.3k104.5k-27%3 weeks
397.0k288.9k108.2k-27%3 weeks
415.4k302.7k112.8k-27%3 weeks
433.5k317.1k116.4k-26%3 weeks
452.4k332.4k120.0k-26%3 weeks
474.3k346.8k127.5k-26%3 weeks
494.7k363.4k131.2k-26%4 weeks
513.0k379.8k133.2k-25%4 weeks
536.4k397.0k139.4k-25%1 month
560.6k415.4k145.2k-25%1 month
585.9k433.5k152.4k-26%1 month
612.4k452.4k160.0k-26%1 month
612.4k474.3k138.1k-22%1 month
639.7k474.3k165.4k-25%1 month
664.5k494.7k169.8k-25%1 month
693.9k513.0k180.9k-26%1 month
723.8k536.4k187.4k-25%1 month
757.7k560.6k197.0k-26%1 month
788.7k585.9k202.8k-25%1 month
830.2k612.4k217.8k-26%1 month
830.2k639.7k190.5k-22%1 month
873.9k639.7k234.2k-26%1 month
908.9k664.5k244.4k-26%1 month
956.7k693.9k262.8k-27%1 month
1.0m723.8k283.3k-28%1 month
1.1m757.7k302.4k-28%1 month
1.1m788.7k327.2k-29%1 month
1.2m830.2k344.4k-29%1 month
1.2m873.9k300.7k-25%1 month
1.2m873.9k346.7k-28%1 month
1.3m908.9k375.9k-29%1 month
1.3m956.7k381.1k-28%1 month
1.4m1.0m401.1k-28%1 month
1.5m1.1m422.2k-28%1 month
1.6m1.1m444.4k-28%1 month
1.6m1.2m467.8k-28%1 month
1.7m1.2m508.3k-29%1 month
1.8m1.3m535.1k-29%1 month
1.9m1.3m577.9k-30%1 month
2.0m1.4m608.3k-30%1 month
2.1m1.5m618.2k-29%1 month
2.2m1.6m636.0k-28%2 months
2.3m1.6m638.6k-27%2 months
2.4m1.7m672.2k-27%2 months
2.5m1.8m681.9k-27%2 months
2.6m1.9m695.8k-26%2 months
2.7m2.0m732.5k-26%2 months
2.9m2.1m765.0k-26%2 months
3.0m2.2m820.0k-27%2 months
3.1m2.3m780.0k-25%2 months
3.1m2.4m660.0k-21%2 months
3.1m2.5m559.2k-18%2 months
3.1m2.6m449.6k-14%2 months
3.1m2.7m312.1k-10%2 months
5.4m4.7m643.9k-11%1 year
5.6m4.9m688.9k-12%1 year
5.9m4.9m944.3k-16%1 year
6.2m4.9m1.2m-19%1 year
6.5m5.2m1.3m-20%1 year
6.8m5.2m1.6m-24%1 year
7.1m5.2m2.0m-27%1 year
7.5m5.4m2.1m-27%1 year
7.5m5.6m1.8m-24%1 year
7.8m5.6m2.2m-28%1 year
8.2m5.9m2.3m-28%1 year
8.2m6.2m2.0m-24%1 year
8.6m6.2m2.4m-28%1 year
9.0m6.5m2.5m-28%1 year
9.4m6.8m2.7m-28%1 year
9.9m7.1m2.8m-28%1 year
10.3m7.5m2.9m-27%1 year
10.9m7.8m3.0m-27%1 year
10.9m8.2m2.7m-24%1 year
11.4m8.2m3.2m-28%1 year
11.4m8.6m2.8m-24%1 year
12.6m9.0m3.6m-28%1 year
12.6m9.4m3.1m-24%1 year
13.8m9.4m4.4m-31%1 year
14.5m9.9m4.6m-31%1 year
15.2m10.3m4.8m-31%1 year
15.9m10.9m5.1m-31%1 year
16.7m11.4m5.3m-31%1 year
17.5m12.6m4.9m-28%1 year
18.3m13.2m5.1m-28%1 year
19.1m13.8m5.3m-27%1 year
20.0m14.5m5.5m-27%1 year
20.7m15.2m5.6m-26%1 year
20.7m15.9m4.8m-23%1 year
21.5m16.7m4.9m-22%1 year
21.5m17.5m4.1m-18%1 year
21.5m18.3m3.2m-15%1 year
21.5m19.1m2.4m-11%1 year
34.4m30.4m4.0m-11%2 years
35.8m31.7m4.2m-11%2 years
37.4m33.0m4.4m-11%2 years
39.0m34.4m4.6m-11%2 years
40.5m34.4m6.2m-15%2 years
42.4m35.8m6.6m-15%2 years
44.3m35.8m8.5m-19%2 years
46.4m37.4m9.0m-19%2 years
48.4m37.4m11.1m-22%2 years
50.4m39.0m11.5m-22%2 years
52.8m40.5m12.3m-23%2 years
55.4m42.4m13.0m-23%2 years
55.4m44.3m11.0m-19%2 years
58.1m44.3m13.7m-23%2 years
60.9m46.4m14.5m-23%2 years
63.9m46.4m17.5m-27%2 years
67.1m48.4m18.7m-27%2 years
70.3m50.4m19.8m-28%2 years
73.8m52.8m20.9m-28%2 years
77.3m55.4m22.0m-28%2 years
77.3m58.1m19.2m-24%2 years
80.9m58.1m22.9m-28%2 years
84.9m60.9m24.0m-28%2 years
89.0m63.9m25.1m-28%2 years
93.3m67.1m26.2m-28%2 years
97.7m70.3m27.4m-28%2 years
101.9m73.8m28.1m-27%2 years
107.1m77.3m29.7m-27%2 years
107.1m80.9m26.1m-24%2 years
112.3m80.9m31.4m-27%2 years
118.0m84.9m33.1m-28%2 years
123.7m89.0m34.7m-28%2 years
129.7m93.3m36.4m-28%2 years
135.8m97.7m38.1m-28%2 years
142.2m101.9m40.4m-28%2 years
148.8m107.1m41.7m-28%2 years
155.9m112.3m43.5m-27%2 years
163.1m118.0m45.1m-27%2 years
170.3m123.7m46.6m-27%2 years
170.3m129.7m40.6m-23%2 years
170.3m135.8m34.5m-20%2 years
201.5m142.2m59.3m-29%2 years
201.5m148.8m52.7m-26%2 years
201.5m155.9m45.6m-22%2 years
201.5m163.1m38.4m-19%2 years
201.5m170.3m31.2m-15%2 years

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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