OSRS Item Data

Blue balloontrue9936
Blue berettrue2633
Blue boatertrue7325
Blue bootstrue630
Blue capefalse1021
Blue cogtrue22
Blue crystaltrue6644
Blue d'hide bodytrue2499
Blue d'hide body (g)true7374
Blue d'hide body (t)true7376
Blue d'hide chapstrue2493
Blue d'hide chaps (g)true7382
Blue d'hide chaps (t)true7384
Blue d'hide shieldtrue22278
Blue d'hide vambtrue2487
Blue dark bow painttrue12757
Blue destabiliserfalse9915
Blue dragon leathertrue2505
Blue dragon masktrue12520
Blue dragon scaletrue243
Blue dragonhidetrue1751
Blue dragonhide settrue12867
Blue dyefalse1767
Blue dye bellowstrue6086
Blue eggtrue10533
Blue elegant blousetrue10428
Blue elegant legstrue10410
Blue elegant shirttrue10408
Blue elegant skirttrue10430
Blue feathertrue10089
Blue firelightertrue7331
Blue flowerstrue2464
Blue goblin mailfalse287
Blue halloween maskfalse1055
Blue hattrue660
Blue headbandtrue12301
Blue logstrue7406
Blue marionettefalse6865
Blue monkeytrue8943
Blue naval shirttrue8952
Blue navy slackstrue8991
Blue partyhatfalse1042
Blue rainbow strandfalse21312
Blue robe bottomstrue650
Blue robe toptrue640
Blue skirtfalse1011
Blue skirt (g)false7386
Blue skirt (t)false7388
Blue spiky vambstrue10081
Blue sweetsfalse4558
Blue threadtrue3719
Blue toadtrue6089
Blue tricorn hattrue8959
Blue wizard hatfalse579
Blue wizard hat (g)false7394
Blue wizard hat (t)false7396
Blue wizard robefalse577
Blue wizard robe (g)false7390
Blue wizard robe (t)false7392
Blunt arrowtrue22229
Blunt axetrue4415
Blurberry specialtrue2064
Blurite bartrue9467
Blurite boltstrue9139
Blurite bolts (p)true9286
Blurite bolts (p+)true9293
Blurite bolts (p++)true9300
Blurite bolts (unf)true9376
Blurite crossbowtrue9176
Blurite crossbow (u)true9456
Blurite limbstrue9422
Blurite orefalse668
Blurite swordfalse667
Board game piecetrue3869
Bob's black shirttrue10322
Bob's blue shirttrue10318
Bob's green shirttrue10320
Bob's printtrue1817
Bob's purple shirttrue10324
Bob's red shirttrue10316
Bobble hatfalse6856
Bobble scarffalse6857
Body runefalse559
Body talismanfalse1446
Body tiarafalse5533
Bologa's blessingtrue20747
Bologano fruittrue13427
Bologano seedtrue13424
Bolt mouldtrue9434
Bolt of clothtrue8790
Bolt pouchtrue9433
Bolt racktrue4740
Bomber captrue9945
Bomber jackettrue9944
Bone beadstrue618
Bone bolt packtrue13193
Bone boltstrue8882
Bone cagefalse8301
Bone charmtrue21530
Bone clubtrue5018
Bone daggertrue8872
Bone dagger (p)true8874
Bone dagger (p+)true8876
Bone dagger (p++)true8878
Bone in vinegartrue7813
Bone keytrue605
Bone seedstrue7950
Bone shardtrue604
Bone speartrue5016
Bones to bananastrue8014
Bones to peachestrue6926
Book o' piracytrue7144
Book of 'h.a.m'true4829
Book of arcane knowledgetrue13513
Book of balancetrue3844
Book of balance page settrue13153
Book of darknesstrue12612
Book of darkness page settrue13159
Book of folklorefalse5508
Book of haricantotrue4248
Book of knowledgefalse11640
Book of lawtrue12610
Book of law page settrue13157
Book of portraituretrue4817
Book of spyologytrue19515
Book of wartrue12608
Book of war page settrue13155
Book on baxtoriantrue292
Book on chemicalstrue711
Book on chickensfalse7464
Book on costumestrue5065
Book page 1true4569
Book page 2true4570
Book page 3true4571
Boots of darknesstrue20140
Boots of lightnesstrue88
Boss lair displayfalse20629
Botanical pietrue19662
Bottle of winetrue7919
Bottled watertrue6953
Bottom of sceptrefalse9011
Boundary stonesfalse8196
Bounty teleport scrolltrue12846
Bow and arrowtrue7686
Bow stringtrue1777
Bowl of blue watertrue8974
Bowl of fishtrue21693
Bowl of hot watertrue4456
Bowl of red watertrue8972
Bowl of waterfalse1921
Bowl wigtrue20110
Box baublefalse6828
Box of chocolate strawberriesfalse11912
Box traptrue10008
Box trap packtrue12742
Boxing glovestrue7671
Boxing ringfalse8023
Bracelet mouldtrue11065
Bracelet of claytrue11074
Bracelet of ethereumtrue21816
Bracelet of ethereum (uncharged)true21817
Bracelet of slaughtertrue21183
Brain tongstrue10894
Braindeath 'rum'true7157
Brass keyfalse983
Brass necklacefalse1009
Bravery potiontrue739
Brawk fish (3)true20862
Bread doughfalse2307
Breathing saltstrue4442
Brewin' guidetrue8989
Bridge sectiontrue8979
Brimhaven teleporttrue11745
Brine ratfalse11047
Brine sabretrue11037
Brittle keytrue21724
Broad arrowhead packtrue11885
Broad arrowheadstrue11874
Broad arrowsfalse4150
Broad boltstrue11875
Broken armourtrue698
Broken arrowtrue687
Broken axefalse494
Broken bark snelmtrue3335
Broken cannontrue7146
Broken cauldronfalse9591
Broken crab clawtrue7540
Broken crab shelltrue7541
Broken devicetrue6081
Broken fishing rodtrue6662
Broken glasstrue690
Broken pickaxefalse468
Broken platefalse4614
Broken poletrue4496
Broken shieldfalse763
Broken stafftrue689
Broken vane parttrue4429
Bronze 2h swordfalse1307
Bronze arrowfalse882
Bronze arrow(p)true883
Bronze arrow(p+)true5616
Bronze arrow(p++)true5622
Bronze arrowtipstrue39
Bronze axefalse1351
Bronze axe headfalse508
Bronze barfalse2349
Bronze battleaxefalse1375
Bronze boltsfalse877
Bronze bolts (p)true878
Bronze bolts (p+)true6061
Bronze bolts (p++)true6062
Bronze bolts (unf)true9375
Bronze bootstrue4119
Bronze brutaltrue4773
Bronze chainbodyfalse1103
Bronze clawstrue3095
Bronze crossbowtrue9174
Bronze crossbow (u)true9454
Bronze daggerfalse1205
Bronze dagger(p)true1221
Bronze dagger(p+)true5670
Bronze dagger(p++)true5688
Bronze darttrue806
Bronze dart tiptrue819
Bronze dart(p)true812
Bronze dart(p+)true5628
Bronze dart(p++)true5635
Bronze defendertrue8844
Bronze defender (broken)true20449
Bronze dragon masktrue12363
Bronze feathertrue10177
Bronze fire arrowstrue598
Bronze fist flagtrue8968
Bronze full helmfalse1155
Bronze full helm (g)false12211
Bronze full helm (t)false12221
Bronze glovestrue7454
Bronze gold-trimmed set (lg)false12968
Bronze gold-trimmed set (sk)false12970
Bronze halberdtrue3190
Bronze hastatrue11367
Bronze hasta(kp)true11381
Bronze hasta(p)true11379
Bronze hasta(p+)true11382
Bronze hasta(p++)true11384
Bronze javelintrue825
Bronze javelin headstrue19570
Bronze javelin(p)true831
Bronze javelin(p+)true5642
Bronze javelin(p++)true5648
Bronze keyfalse2418
Bronze key blacktrue3453
Bronze key browntrue3451
Bronze key crimsontrue3452
Bronze key purpletrue3454
Bronze key redtrue3450
Bronze kiteshieldfalse1189
Bronze kiteshield (g)false12213
Bronze kiteshield (t)false12223
Bronze knifetrue864
Bronze knife(p)true870
Bronze knife(p+)true5654
Bronze knife(p++)true5661
Bronze limbstrue9420
Bronze longswordfalse1291
Bronze macefalse1422
Bronze med helmfalse1139
Bronze nailstrue4819
Bronze pick headfalse480
Bronze pickaxefalse1265
Bronze platebodyfalse1117
Bronze platebody (g)false12205
Bronze platebody (t)false12215
Bronze platelegsfalse1075
Bronze platelegs (g)false12207
Bronze platelegs (t)false12217
Bronze plateskirtfalse1087
Bronze plateskirt (g)false12209
Bronze plateskirt (t)false12219
Bronze scimitarfalse1321
Bronze set (lg)false12960
Bronze set (sk)false12962
Bronze speartrue1237
Bronze spear(kp)true3170
Bronze spear(p)true1251
Bronze spear(p+)true5704
Bronze spear(p++)true5718
Bronze sq shieldfalse1173
Bronze swordfalse1277
Bronze thrownaxetrue800
Bronze trimmed set (lg)false12964
Bronze trimmed set (sk)false12966
Bronze warhammerfalse1337
Bronze wiretrue1794
Broodoo shieldtrue6235
Broodoo shield (1)true6233
Broodoo shield (10)true6215
Broodoo shield (2)true6231
Broodoo shield (3)true6229
Broodoo shield (4)true6227
Broodoo shield (5)true6225
Broodoo shield (6)true6223
Broodoo shield (7)true6221
Broodoo shield (8)true6219
Broodoo shield (9)true6217
Brown apronfalse1757
Brown headbandtrue2649
Brown naval shirttrue8955
Brown navy slackstrue8994
Brown rugfalse8316
Brown spice (1)true7491
Brown spice (2)true7490
Brown spice (3)true7489
Brown spice (4)true7488
Brown toy horseyfalse2520
Brown tricorn hattrue8962
Bruise blue snelmtrue3333
Brulee supremetrue7476
Bruma herbtrue20698
Bruma kindlingtrue20696
Bruma roottrue20695
Bruma torchtrue20720
Brutal black dragonfalse21391
Bryophyta's essencetrue22372
Bryophyta's stafftrue22370
Bryophyta's staff (uncharged)true22368
Buchu leaftrue20908
Buchu seedtrue20909
Bucket helmtrue19991
Bucket helm (g)true20059
Bucket of milkfalse1927
Bucket of rubbletrue7622
Bucket of sandtrue1783
Bucket of sandwormstrue13430
Bucket of saptrue4687
Bucket of slimetrue4286
Bucket of waterfalse1929
Bucket of waxtrue30
Bucket of wester sandfalse21243
Builder's bootstrue10865
Builder's shirttrue10863
Builder's trouserstrue10864
Bulging sackfalse21874
Bulging taxbagtrue10835
Bull roarertrue716
Bullet arrowtrue22227
Bullseye lanterntrue4548
Bullseye lantern (empty)true4546
Bullseye lantern (unf)true4544
Bunny earsfalse1037
Bunny feetfalse13182
Bunny legsfalse13664
Bunny pawsfalse13665
Bunny topfalse13663
Buried alivetrue22424
Burning amulet(1)true21175
Burning amulet(2)true21173
Burning amulet(3)true21171
Burning amulet(4)true21169
Burning amulet(5)true21166
Burnt anglerfishtrue13443
Burnt battrue20869
Burnt battatrue2247
Burnt beast meattrue9990
Burnt bird meattrue9982
Burnt bonesfalse528
Burnt breadfalse2311
Burnt cakefalse1903
Burnt cave eeltrue5002
Burnt chickenfalse2144
Burnt chompytrue7226
Burnt crab meattrue7520
Burnt crunchiestrue2199
Burnt currytrue2013
Burnt dark crabtrue11938
Burnt diarytrue7961
Burnt eeltrue3383
Burnt eggtrue7090
Burnt fishfalse323
Burnt fishcaketrue7531
Burnt gnomebowltrue2175
Burnt jogre bonestrue3127
Burnt jubblytrue7570
Burnt karambwantrue3148
Burnt lobsterfalse381
Burnt manta raytrue393
Burnt meatfalse2146
Burnt monkfishtrue7948
Burnt mushroomtrue7094
Burnt oniontrue7092
Burnt oomlietrue2426
Burnt oomlie wraptrue2345
Burnt pagetrue20718
Burnt piefalse2329
Burnt pitta breadtrue1867
Burnt pizzafalse2305
Burnt potatotrue6699
Burnt rabbittrue7222
Burnt rainbow fishtrue10140
Burnt sea turtletrue399
Burnt sharktrue387
Burnt shrimpfalse7954
Burnt snailtrue3375
Burnt spidertrue6301
Burnt stewfalse2005
Burnt sweetcorntrue5990
Burnt swordfishfalse375
Butterfly jartrue10012
Butterfly nettrue10010
Byrne's coronation speechtrue13531
Cabbage capefalse13679
Cabbage round shieldtrue20272
Cabbage runefalse13680
Cabbage seedtrue5324
Cactus seedtrue5280
Cactus spinetrue6016
Cadantine blood potion (unf)true22443
Cadantine potion (unf)true107
Cadantine seedtrue5301
Cadarn lineagetrue4209
Cadava berriesfalse753
Cadava potionfalse756
Cadavaberry seedtrue5102
Cake of guidancetrue7542
Cake tinfalse1887
Callisto cubtrue13178
Calquat fruittrue5980
Calquat kegtrue5769
Calquat saplingtrue5503
Calquat seedlingtrue5487
Calquat seedling (w)true5495
Calquat tree seedtrue5290
Camel masktrue7003
Camel mould (p)true7001
Camelot teleporttrue8010
Camo bottomsfalse6655
Camo helmetfalse6656
Camo topfalse6654
Camorra busttrue22084
Candle lanterntrue4529
Cannon balltrue4579
Cannon ballstrue7147
Cannon barreltrue7145
Cannon barrelstrue10
Cannon basetrue6
Cannon furnacetrue12
Cannon standtrue8
Canopic jartrue4678
Cap and gogglestrue9946
Cape hangerfalse20632
Cape of legendstrue1052
Carnillean armourtrue2405
Carol's printtrue1818
Carrallangar teleporttrue12776
Carved gemfalse21716
Carved oak benchfalse8110
Carved oak magic wardrobetrue9853
Carved oak tablefalse8117
Carved oak wardrobefalse9830
Carved teak benchfalse8112
Carved teak magic wardrobetrue9855
Carved teak tablefalse8119
Carved teak wardrobefalse9832
Casket (easy)true2714
Casket (elite)true12084
Casket (hard)true2724
Casket (medium)true2802
Castle sketch 1true9646
Castle sketch 2true9647
Castle sketch 3true9648
Castle wars bracelet(1)false11083
Castle wars bracelet(2)false11081
Castle wars bracelet(3)false11079
Castle wars ticketfalse4067
Castlewars cloakfalse4514
Castlewars hoodfalse4513
Castlewars manualfalse4055
Cat antipoisontrue6766
Cat basketfalse8237
Cat blanketfalse8236
Cat masktrue12361
Cat training medaltrue1575
Catalytic rune packfalse20523
Catspeak amulettrue4677
Catspeak amulet(e)true6544
Cavalier masktrue11277
Cave crawlerfalse4134
Cave eeltrue5003
Cave goblinfalse10998
Cave goblin skulltrue7905
Cave goblin wiretrue10981
Cave horrorfalse8900
Cave krakenfalse3272
Cave nightshadetrue2398
Cave wormstrue20853
Cavern grubstrue20885
Cavern keytrue4184
Celestial globefalse8344
Cell door keytrue1840
Cell key 1true3136
Cell key 2true3137
Cemetery teleporttrue19627
Ceramic remainstrue694
Cerulean twitchfalse9967
Challenge scroll (elite)true12128
Challenge scroll (hard)true7269
Challenge scroll (medium)true2842
Champion's capetrue21439
Champion's lamptrue22320
Champions tokentrue3706
Chaos elementalfalse12694
Chaos gauntletstrue777
Chaos runefalse562
Chaos rune (nz)true11712
Chaos rune packfalse12738
Chaos talismantrue1452
Chaos tiaratrue5543
Chaotic handeggfalse22361
Charge dragonstone jewellery scrolltrue20238
Charged onyxtrue19560
Cheese+tom battatrue2259
Chef's delighttrue5755
Chef's delight(1)true5827
Chef's delight(2)true5829
Chef's delight(3)true5831
Chef's delight(4)true5833
Chef's delight(m)true5757
Chef's delight(m1)true5907
Chef's delight(m2)true5909
Chef's delight(m3)true5911
Chef's delight(m4)true5913
Chef's hatfalse1949
Chemical compoundtrue707
Chemical powdertrue700
Chest keyfalse432
Chewed bonestrue11338
Chicken cagetrue4443
Chicken feettrue11016
Chicken headtrue11015
Chicken legstrue11018
Chicken wingstrue11017
Child's blankettrue90
Chilli con carnetrue7062
Chilli potatotrue7054
Choc saturdaytrue2074
Chocchip crunchiestrue2209
Chocolate barfalse1973
Chocolate bombtrue2185
Chocolate cakefalse1897
Chocolate chunksfalse11025
Chocolate dustfalse1975
Chocolate kebbitfalse11026
Chocolate slicefalse1901
Chocolate strawberryfalse11910
Chocolatey milktrue1977
Chompy bird hattrue2978
Chompy chicktrue13071
Chopped garlictrue7074
Chopped oniontrue1871
Chopped tomatotrue1869
Chopped tunatrue7086
Chopped ugthankitrue1873
Christmas crackerfalse962
Chunk of crystaltrue741
Cider barrelfalse8240
Circular hidetrue6169
Citizen shoestrue9644
Citizen toptrue9640
Citizen trouserstrue9642
Clan wars capefalse12659
Clay attack stonefalse8153
Clay fireplacefalse8325
Clean necklacetrue11195
Cleaning clothtrue3188
Climbing bootstrue3105
Climbing ropefalse4047
Clockwork booktrue10594
Clockwork suittrue10595
Cloth-covered altarfalse8064
Clue bottle (easy)true13648
Clue bottle (elite)true13651
Clue bottle (hard)true13650
Clue bottle (medium)true13649
Clue boxtrue12789
Clue geode (easy)true20358
Clue geode (elite)true20364
Clue geode (hard)true20362
Clue geode (medium)true20360
Clue hunter bootstrue19695
Clue hunter cloaktrue19697
Clue hunter garbtrue19689
Clue hunter glovestrue19691
Clue hunter trouserstrue19693
Clue nest (easy)true19712
Clue nest (elite)true19718
Clue nest (hard)true19716
Clue nest (medium)true19714
Clue scrollfalse713
Clue scroll (easy)true2677
Clue scroll (elite)true12073
Clue scroll (hard)true2722
Clue scroll (master)true19835
Clue scroll (medium)true2801
Clueless scrolltrue20249
Coal bagfalse764
Coal fragmenttrue21534
Coated frogs' legstrue10963
Cockatrice headtrue7976
Cocktail glasstrue2026
Cocktail guidetrue2023
Cocktail shakertrue2025
Coconut milktrue5935
Coconut shelltrue5978
Collection bagtrue10521
Collector horntrue10560
Collector icontrue10557
Colour wheeltrue6638
Coloured balltrue10874
Combat bracelettrue11126
Combat bracelet(1)true11124
Combat bracelet(2)true11122
Combat bracelet(3)true11120
Combat bracelet(4)true11118
Combat bracelet(5)true11974
Combat bracelet(6)true11972
Combat damaged keytrue19569
Combat dummyfalse20745
Combat lamptrue10586
Combat mix(1)true11447
Combat mix(2)true11445
Combat potion settrue13064
Combat potion(1)true9745
Combat potion(2)true9743
Combat potion(3)true9741
Combat potion(4)true9739
Combat ringfalse8025
Combat roomfalse8400
Combat scarred keytrue19567
Combat scratched keytrue19568
Comfy mattresstrue4426
Common kebbit furtrue10121
Commorb v2true9681
Community pumpkinfalse12835
Comp ogre bowtrue4827
Compost binfalse3271
Compost packtrue19704
Compost potion(1)true6476
Compost potion(2)true6474
Compost potion(3)true6472
Compost potion(4)true6470
Conductor mouldtrue4200
Consecrated housefalse12707
Consecration seedtrue4205
Construct. capetrue9789
Construct. cape(t)true9790
Construct. hoodtrue9791
Construction guidetrue8463
Cooked chickenfalse2140
Cooked chompytrue2878
Cooked crab meattrue7521
Cooked fishcaketrue7530
Cooked jubblytrue7568
Cooked karambwantrue3144
Cooked meatfalse2142
Cooked oomlie wraptrue2343
Cooked rabbittrue3228
Cooked slimy eeltrue3381
Cooked sweetcorntrue5988
Cooking applefalse1955
Cooking capetrue9801
Cooking cape(t)true9802
Cooking gauntletstrue775
Cooking hoodtrue9803
Cooking potfalse977
Copper longtailfalse9966
Copper orefalse436
Copper's crimson collartrue21263
Cornflour mixturetrue7470
Corpse of womantrue4488
Corrupted helmtrue20838
Corrupted kiteshieldtrue20846
Corrupted platebodytrue20840
Corrupted platelegstrue20842
Corrupted plateskirttrue20844
Cosmic runefalse564
Cosmic talismantrue1454
Cosmic tiaratrue5539
Costume roomfalse9842
Cow glovesfalse12958
Cow maskfalse11919
Cow shoesfalse12959
Cow topfalse12956
Cow trousersfalse12957
Crab clawtrue7537
Crab helmettrue7539
Crab meattrue7518
Crabclaw hooktrue8929
Cracked sampletrue674
Crafting capetrue9780
Crafting cape(t)true9781
Crafting hoodtrue9782
Crafting manualtrue3161
Crafting table 1false8380
Crafting table 2false8381
Crafting table 3false8382
Crafting table 4false8383
Crandor mapfalse1538
Crane clawtrue9720
Crane schematictrue9718
Cranial clamptrue10893
Crate parttrue10899
Crate with zaniktrue8871
Crawling handfalse4133
Cream bootstrue632
Cream hattrue662
Cream robe bottomstrue652
Cream robe toptrue642
Creature keeper's journaltrue20886
Crest parttrue779
Crier belltrue20243
Crier coattrue20240
Crier hattrue12319
Criminal's daggertrue1813
Criminal's threadtrue1808
Crimson swiftfalse9965
Crone-made amulettrue10500
Crossbow stringtrue9438
Cruciferous codexfalse13681
Crude carvingtrue11032
Crude chairtrue8496
Crude wooden chairfalse8309
Cruder carvingtrue11033
Crumbling tometrue4707
Crumpled scrolltrue608
Crunchy chocolate mixfalse21239
Crunchy easter eggfalse21227
Crunchy traytrue2165
Crushed gemtrue1633
Crushed nesttrue6693
Crushed superior dragon bonestrue21975
Crystal ballfalse8351
Crystal bow 1/10true4223
Crystal bow 1/10 (i)true11758
Crystal bow 2/10true4222
Crystal bow 2/10 (i)true11757
Crystal bow 3/10true4221
Crystal bow 3/10 (i)true11756
Crystal bow 4/10true4220
Crystal bow 4/10 (i)true11755
Crystal bow 5/10true4219
Crystal bow 5/10 (i)true11754
Crystal bow 6/10true4218
Crystal bow 6/10 (i)true11753
Crystal bow 7/10true4217
Crystal bow 7/10 (i)true11752
Crystal bow 8/10true4216
Crystal bow 8/10 (i)true11751
Crystal bow 9/10true4215
Crystal bow 9/10 (i)true11750
Crystal bow fulltrue4214
Crystal bow full (i)true11749
Crystal halberd 1/10true13101
Crystal halberd 1/10 (i)true13090
Crystal halberd 2/10true13100
Crystal halberd 2/10 (i)true13089
Crystal halberd 3/10true13099
Crystal halberd 3/10 (i)true13088
Crystal halberd 4/10true13098
Crystal halberd 4/10 (i)true13087
Crystal halberd 5/10true13097
Crystal halberd 5/10 (i)true13086
Crystal halberd 6/10true13096
Crystal halberd 6/10 (i)true13085
Crystal halberd 7/10true13095
Crystal halberd 7/10 (i)true13084
Crystal halberd 8/10true13094
Crystal halberd 8/10 (i)true13083
Crystal halberd 9/10true13093
Crystal halberd 9/10 (i)true13082
Crystal halberd fulltrue13092
Crystal halberd full (i)true13081
Crystal keytrue989
Crystal of powerfalse8353
Crystal of serentrue4313
Crystal pendanttrue3208
Crystal sawtrue9625
Crystal seedtrue4207
Crystal shield 1/10true4234
Crystal shield 1/10 (i)true11769
Crystal shield 2/10true4233
Crystal shield 2/10 (i)true11768
Crystal shield 3/10true4232
Crystal shield 3/10 (i)true11767
Crystal shield 4/10true4231
Crystal shield 4/10 (i)true11766
Crystal shield 5/10true4230
Crystal shield 5/10 (i)true11765
Crystal shield 6/10true4229
Crystal shield 6/10 (i)true11764
Crystal shield 7/10true4228
Crystal shield 7/10 (i)true11763
Crystal shield 8/10true4227
Crystal shield 8/10 (i)true11762
Crystal shield 9/10true4226
Crystal shield 9/10 (i)true11761
Crystal shield fulltrue4225
Crystal shield full (i)true11760
Crystal thronefalse8362
Crystal trinkettrue6653
Crystal-mine keytrue4077
Cup of hot watertrue4460
Cup of teatrue712
Cup of watertrue4458
Cupric ore powdertrue5584
Cupric sulfatetrue5577
Cured yak-hidetrue10820
Curry leaftrue5970
Curry saplingtrue5499
Curry seedlingtrue5483
Curry seedling (w)true5491
Curry tree seedtrue5286
Cursed goblin bowfalse11708
Cursed goblin hammerfalse11707
Cursed goblin stafffalse11709
Curved bonetrue10977
Cushioned basketfalse8238
Custom bow stringtrue3702
Cutthroat flagtrue8966
Cw armour 1false8273
Cw armour 2false8274
Cw armour 3false8275
Cyan crystaltrue6643
Cyclops headtrue19915
Cyrisus's chesttrue11158
D'hide body (g)true10682
D'hide body (t)true10683
Daconia rocktrue793
Daeyalt oretrue9632
Dagannoth bonestrue6729
Dagannoth hidetrue6155
Dagannoth ribstrue7857
Dagon'hai historytrue11001
Damaged armourtrue697
Damaged booktrue3839
Damaged daggertrue2387
Damaged monkey tailtrue19665
Damaged soul bearertrue19636
Damp clothtrue1485
Damp plankstrue11031
Damp stickstrue1467
Damp tinderboxtrue4073
Dareeyak teleporttrue12777
Dark altarfalse20619
Dark beastfalse6637
Dark bowtrue11235
Dark bow tietrue19970
Dark cavaliertrue2641
Dark clawtrue21275
Dark crabtrue11936
Dark daggertrue746
Dark essence blocktrue13446
Dark essence fragmentstrue7938
Dark fishing baittrue11940
Dark infinity bottomstrue12459
Dark infinity colour kittrue12528
Dark infinity hattrue12457
Dark infinity toptrue12458
Dark journaltrue20899
Dark kebbit furtrue10115
Dark manuscripttrue13514
Dark relictrue21027
Dark totemtrue19685
Dark totem basetrue19679
Dark totem middletrue19681
Dark totem toptrue19683
Dark trouserstrue19964
Dark tuxedo cuffstrue19961
Dark tuxedo jackettrue19958
Dark tuxedo shoestrue19967
Dashing kebbit furtrue10127
David's printtrue1819
Dead orbtrue2529
Dead sea slugtrue9683
Deadman starter packfalse22330
Deadman teleport tablettrue13666
Deadman's capefalse13319
Deadman's chestfalse13317
Deadman's legsfalse13318
Death notefalse21710
Death runefalse560
Death rune (nz)true11713
Death talismantrue1456
Death tiaratrue5547
Decapitated headtrue4197
Deconstructed onyxtrue19562
Decorative armourfalse4069
Decorative armour (broken)true20485
Decorative bloodfalse8125
Decorative helmfalse4071
Decorative helm (broken)true20489

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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