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wp simple blocks plugin
Just saving this here for later testing: This is just AI generated crap that does not work, ignore it... ;) Absolutely, let’s start fresh with a simple WordPress plugin that loads a si..
🔗How to add a Link in HTML?
How to add a link in your HTML and other random things about html links!
css cursor types testing
testing all (most) of the available css cursor types, you can mouse over to test how the cursors react depending on your browser type and operating system. refs
fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox - updated with fixed code parts
do people still use lightboxes, it seems yes in some cases. ;) if you feel the urge to use lightboxes and need to link to some youtube videos this is how you can do it. you will need jquery and fanc..
list page links function list_page_links
list top number of page links from selected table test run time on db of 4k items. select * from pages where publish = 'publish' order by insdate desc limit 10 10 rows (0.005 s)
Chat GPT slick slider code testing
slick slider testing using code from chat gpt 1. write for me the code to embed a video into slick slider in html and css 2. can you also add the javascript required to get this working 3. can..
windows robocopy /? help and usage
Reference for the windows robocopy command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows ..
cookie consent quick install script js html css vanilla
Found this super slick looking cookie consent script here, looks awesome, and its easy to install (i hope). CDN Links
Twitter Post Fetcher v18.0.4 - javascript twitter feed fetcher
A few queries showing how to get latest tweets and post likes using the Twitter Post Fetcher v18.0.4 script.
Robocopy Options /? help
My usual backup command is now robocopy source destination *.* /M robocopy d:\ f:\ *.* /M Update: actually scrap that, its /E not /M, i used to use the /MIR option, but as deleting files in the des..
Welcome Widget Card - Toggle
Testing the welcome widget with a more or less toggle. This version seems to work, with a jquery slide toggle.
Twitter Post Fetcher Script
Uses javascript to fetch a twitter feed from a user screen name. Totally stylable alternative to using the twitter embed code. Your Welcome...
add a button to an existing link using :after css
Adding a button style to an existing link using :after and css. Preview
Footer Design and Redesign
I never usually look this far down on the site, but its a bit average... Lets fix it! Some simple changes Just a few elements added and moved around a bit. Added another row to the f..
Lato font quick install
a quick code to install the font Lato from google, includes the stylesheet and also the @import links, just pick one.
Core Function : list_search_by_class_return_links - List Searches by Class Type and Return Links
Function that list's the latest and top searches by the class name and return a list of links, with the search totals on them. I wanted to extract the top searches and the latest searches by da..
Testing Playwrite on for Node
I came across this library on y news, and thought id give it a bit of a test. I managed to get it working but not really sure what tests it can do. I set it to take a screen shot of a we..
Darkmode JS - Add darkmode to your site with one script
This library looks really nice! It drops in ok, but maybe with more complex layouts or coloring, it seems to break a little bit. Darkmode JS Example Source Links https://darkmodejs.learn.un..
Spam IP Database and delete button
The Background and Reason for the SPAM IP Database and Delete I actually wrote up half of this article and was still testing the function and lost the whole post, which will teach me for adding it st..
how to embed google fonts icons
For some reason when i go to embed a google font icon, they dont seems to have any obvious way to actually use it, i can find the icons ok here. But then when i go and use it it links to a how to embe..
foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of element
For some reason i had the request to align the links in three boxes with different height text, not sure why they wanted them aligned, but i guess my task is not too question that but to fix it. ..
bootstrap list group card with footer
a list group within a card and also a footer on the card for additional links.
list group bootstrap template
this generates a bootstrap list group basic template layout, nice option for lists with links in them rather than using a ul li style list, this makes them into neater looking elements so rather than ..
load from fields array php class function
this class function loads from multiple fields from an array, much easier than passing in a bunch of variables into a function nice and clean, the only issue is you need to remember what fields to add..
twitter json feed testing
just testing using the Twitter Post Fetcher script, seems to be working well.
center mode slick zoom testing
update : this is a tricky one to get working! I have done a lot of testing on this one, and got a demo working from a combination of the following links. the demo is still not 100% styled, but its..
gallery carousel center mode
i found this one here, looks cool. see if i can get it working like the demo. currently getting this error on running the script i wonder if this is caused by a document ready issue? what is..
load random videos module using template
load 3 random items and extract the video url, and use the youtube function to create a thumbnail and link to that video page
split a string into links using the comma
this is a common function for some field data, lets say you have a string like this. category one, category two, another category in one field or string but i want it to display like this category ..
extract youtube image from video url
showing how you can get the image wallpaper in different sizes from a youtube video I used to have this tool a while ago, it just passes the video id and extracts the images and also can produce the ..
404 Error Page Codepen
found this in my links the other day, still looks cool...
append a #link to the end of all href urls on a target
good for if you need to append target links with a # link
change this to a list group - other items
Other item format is a bit average, list group should fix this. This uses the template: core-list-item-simple.html So we can change this a bit to the list group format. Which i..
hero widget header - creates a nice looking hero item from a target uid and class
this creates a "nice" looking hero widget, just wanted to create something that looked decent and had an attached background image, surprizingly annoying to link items together. For some reason i kee..
set active class based on url value
this will check the full url and then loop through all the a elements in #test-div when it finds a matching url it will add the class active to that button this is good for persisting active links o..
add click event to multiple link items and load the link content into a target div ajax
this will get a group of links with existing href targets and load them dynamically with an ajax callback you will need to also include the full jquery script as the slim one does not include the aja..
add click event to multiple link items
this allows you to get every a element in a-div class and stop the link from loading, so you can do other things with it like run a function or something else Functions used: Javascript Wait for th..
linux list all drives and partitions
the following command will list all drives and partitions in your shell BASH sudo lsblk -o UUID,NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL,MODEL It should look something like this depending on your drive se..
change images to upload file also to imgur [reported]
may also create a seperate db to store imgur image links? can update the source_link in the current images to link to the imgur version. I remember i did this a while ago but cant remember the code ..
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]
I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..
fix view page for search links [reported]
its still showing raw data on these view pages e.g Looks like that example is already out of date, here is a new one: https://kruxor..
style page numbers [fixed]
need to style the page numbers. Before: After: Dark Mode Light Mode
checking the current url and then marking a link active based on that url
i want a script that can check the current page uri and then match it to a list of links to be able to add an active class that survives page reloading So here we go... 1. Get the current page url. ..
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣
I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..
adding pagination to custom wp_query
you can add this to your custom wp_query making sure your query also has the paging passed through to it
how to install js socials for social media share buttons and make them rounded
This should be a nice quick one on how to install js socials which add social media sharing buttons on your pages. Yeah i always just ignore these as well, but hey some people may use them?? H..
Bootstrap 4 Center menu items in a navbar
Here we have an example bootstrap navbar you can find the original navbar here. I just want to center the menu item links so they dont appear over to the left on larger screens. Add the follow..
find and replace hrefs in existing page links using jquery
sometimes i have to do these things when you cant change the source files for some reason, usually due to old code. Its kind of a patch, but it works. The reason i had to add a delay in running the fu..
load a youtube video in a fancybox modal
With just a couple of lines of js and html you can load your video links in a modal lightbox. Get the latest version of the fancybox scripts (just the links) from here:
Core Class - Basic Core Structure
A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to..
convert all images into base64 encoded
if you have a bunch of html with inline image links this will convert them into base64 images inline. <?php $html = "my html string with multiple image tags..."; $dom = new DOMD..
file get contents reads entire file into a string
you can use the file_get_contents function to read a file or a web address usage get a url content $homepage = file_get_contents(''); echo $homepage; get a file con..
wordpress enqueue slicknav and slick slider
add this to your theme scripts functions file here is the full one from HTML5 Blank // Load HTML5 Blank scripts (header.php) function html5blank_header_scripts() { if ($GLOBALS['pagenow'] != ..
google map with overlay data
Ever wanted to add a really slightly complex google map to your site? Working Example /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that con..
flems embed in url is a single-file, embeddable Web sandbox. It keeps all its state in the URL, so just make your changes, copy the URL from the address bar, and send it wherever you please. Most popular link s..
scrollbar replacement simplebar
a nice and simple scroll bar replacement code <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src="
mithril testing example this example is not going to work without npm Adding Elements How to add a link using mithril with target _blank m("a[href=https://mithril..
clipboard copy js
for copying things to the clipboard, like the click to copy. Basic Usage Include the script <script src="js/clipboard.min.js"></script> add a field to copy to the clipboard..
set and check a cookie using js cookie
this library makes setting and checking cookies so easy its amazing! include this script <script type="text/javascript" src="
find all elements add class jquery
this will grab all a elements, and dump them to the console. var allLinkElements = $( "a" ); console.log(allLinkElements); then we need to split into a jquery object, this is a jquery version of an..
load content with jquery
Load data from the server and place the returned HTML into the matched element. this one seems simple but very useful $( "#result" ).load( "ajax/test.html" ); this one will load the content o..
fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox
Updated version with code here do people still use lightboxes, it seems yes in some cases. ;) if you feel the urge to use lightboxes and need to link to some youtube videos this is how you can do it..
jquery accordion
here is an easy drop in if you need a quick and dirty accordion sometimes you just need something quick, here is mine for the jquery accordion also changed the default selected tab to green rather t..
using vue and json data
Based on This Demo: so i was looking through the jquery way of loading json data and was wondering what the point of loading it in with a vue.js instance is. I guess ..
youtube extract thumbnail from video link
Good if you need to extract the ^^ for some reason. replace $v with your video id. raw links$v/default.jpg$v/hqdefault.jpg max size https:/..
make all links target new window
I was actually searching for a js way to do this, but i found this instead. Here is a really easy way to make all links target a _blank window. Just add this to your <head>. <base targ..
css grid sidebar main content fluid layout with fallback
this is a continuation from the original post with added fallback for older browsers that do no support the grid elements yet. I have tested this fallback in IE11 and it seems to work well, if you wa..
css grid for layouts with no rows
I had a look at this recently, but my previous example still used rows for a grid, which apparently is not the correct way of using css grids. I think the issue (I had) with css grid is it seems co..
more complex responsive tables css
i did a simple version of this before here but now im going to make it a bit more complicated and functional. table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } tr:nth-of-type(odd) { ..
css accordion basics
can we create an accordion with out using jquery ui? I think yes, it will be basic but also keeping it simple it probably a good idea. tried adding transitions to make the divs showing a bit smooth..