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wp simple blocks plugin
Just saving this here for later testing: This is just AI generated crap that does not work, ignore it... ;) Absolutely, let’s start fresh with a simple WordPress plugin that loads a si..
CSSnowflakes simple snowflakes non-JS snowflakes for your website
i like this one as its a nice and simple copy and paste effect that just covers the whole site and does not get in the way of other things like some other scripts i have come across.
jquery accordion
here is an easy drop in if you need a quick and dirty accordion sometimes you just need something quick, here is mine for the jquery accordion also changed the default selected tab to green rather t..
table border collapse
I see this quite often when dealing with tables the border-collapse: collapse; used on a table as so: table { border-collapse: collapse; } So what is the point of doing this? It seems to help..