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php errors
error Warning: getimagesize(uploads/583517f49099a.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in SimpleImage.php on line 1198

i think this error is just caused by a missing file. But there should be some kind of error checking here to not crash the whole site just due to a missing image file. this error is quite hard to fin..

7:07 am, April 11, 2023
php functions
simple file cache and check in php

just a quick cache bit of code, may need tweaking to actually work... i just added it here as i thought it was re-usable.  Also requires simple_html_dom library.

6:45 am, September 19, 2022
Map Image with Easy Dots and Titles using only CSS

I had to quickly add some dot points with names to a map the other day, so i thought i should probably look for a jquery library for tool tips or something similar. But then i thought why not just add..

12:44 am, August 24, 2022
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Required extension GD is not loaded.

How to resolve the error: Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Required extension GD is not loaded. This Error is ususally due to a php library or script requiring the GD php extention.  On ubuntu ..

1:04 am, March 9, 2022
Testing Playwrite on for Node

I came across this library on y news, and thought id give it a bit of a test.  I managed to get it working but not really sure what tests it can do.  I set it to take a screen shot of a we..

4:00 am, January 28, 2022
fixing error Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string

usually the error "Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string" happens when the php xml library is missing from your server. You can install the xml php library with the following command, repl..

4:00 am, January 18, 2022
Darkmode JS - Add darkmode to your site with one script

This library looks really nice! It drops in ok, but maybe with more complex layouts or coloring, it seems to break a little bit.  Darkmode JS Example Source Links https://darkmodejs.learn.un..

12:47 am, December 17, 2021
simple javascript no library accordion

a simple button and div based accordion with a toggled indicator

4:07 am, December 14, 2021
javascript random string to put on url for cache

I was having a bit of a cache issue with a external css file, so i thought i might fix this by appending a random query string to the file name. This should force the browser to recheck the file each ..

11:22 pm, November 1, 2021
php functions
generate random username function in php

a function that takes several random words and creates a user name from them. This will generate a user name with between one to three words and a prefix if prefix_show is set to true. usage generat..

5:04 am, October 23, 2021
Using props with Stateless Functional Components in React

Here is an example of a Stateless Functional Component but i cant get the PropTypes working correctly in my demo, not sure what im doing wrong here, but the code seems to work in the compiler just not..

5:30 am, October 19, 2021
set a cookie on click and then check if the cookie is set and dont show that message again

this script shows a message, and if the message is closed it will set a cookie to not show that message again for 1 day.  The cookie in this example is set to expire in a day, so then if you com..

5:13 am, October 15, 2021
add some foundation tabs working example

they show the tabs here on the example page, but there is no full working code... for some reason. So i thought i would add one here. Hmm foundation makes this site look weird, and very bright! :P ..

5:01 am, August 3, 2021
python Install Beautiful Soup

this allows you to install the Beautiful Soup library for python which is used for html parsing BASH python3 -m pip install beautifulsoup4 python3 -m pip show beautifulsoup4 if you get an error say..

1:38 am, April 4, 2021
using moment.js to make your time format nicer

moment.js is a very nice way to handle multiple date strings and output them in a nicer format.  grab the latest copy of momen from cdnjs lets say our date is in this format, i think this is un..

11:15 pm, March 16, 2021
How to set a cookie and expire it in 30 days

Here is some basic usage for the js cookie library. Include the following script. Or you can grab the latest version at the cdnjs website. HTML <script src="

9:51 am, February 2, 2021
Fix for Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function file_get_dom() simplehtmldom simple_html_dom

This error is caused due to a function name change in the simple_html_dom.php library if you are using an older one and upgrading to the never version, you can see it in the change log here: https://s..

1:08 am, August 26, 2020
jquery document ready with foundation init as well

here is a jquery document ready that also loads the foundation js library. im not sure if the document foundation needs to be loaded in the document ready, but this way seems to work.

1:20 am, December 16, 2019
Custom 12 Grid using CSS Grid

For a while i have been using frameworks for their easy grid systems, like foundation and bootstrap. I guess this is a bit lazy and very bloated as you are loading the full css library and using about..

2:19 am, September 6, 2019
google map with overlay data

Ever wanted to add a really slightly complex google map to your site? Working Example /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that con..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
parallax js scroll testing

Update: the demo on this one seems a bit broken, i have to fix it! :) you can view a working demo here: This is one that i had a demo of on codepen, and then code..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
testing chartjs

Update: 30 June 2020 I checked this code, and it was broken all fixed now. The issue with the demo included on the main site is that it was trying to run the chart js before the chart library was load..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
set and check a cookie using js cookie

this library makes setting and checking cookies so easy its amazing! include this script <script type="text/javascript" src="

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
video embed no controls

embed a video, for use as a background or a slide element, or wherever you need a large video. I found that there was a bug in chrome (which is probably fixed now) that was ignoring the autoplay tag ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein
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The transform-origin CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
transform-origin css reference