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custom modal nice and easy

a nice and simple modal custom made

6:09 am, January 31, 2025
CSSnowflakes simple snowflakes non-JS snowflakes for your website

i like this one as its a nice and simple copy and paste effect that just covers the whole site and does not get in the way of other things like some other scripts i have come across. 

1:03 am, December 10, 2024
Simple Line chart with Chart.js

a nice simple line chart example with fill using chart.js

11:58 pm, April 3, 2023
Check free space amount and show it in a nice human readable format

this checks the disk space amount on the linux macine and returns the result in human readable form.  df -H Usually this will show it in the following format. Example below. 

12:15 am, December 24, 2022
image formatting
can you set all image heights to match with css no stretching

Short Answer: Yes with object-fit: cover; on the css of the image properties.  object-fit: cover; You might also need:  object-position: right bottom; ..

4:32 am, November 9, 2022
codemirror with auto preview window

this should auto preview html code into the preview area using code mirror

7:15 am, July 5, 2022
MySQL to Sqlite converter

# Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs. # Awk is choos..

1:32 am, June 25, 2022
php function load as table - load_as_table

Load data and add into a table format by passing in the required fields as an array.  Example Result Live Example

1:01 am, June 10, 2022
bouncing loader animation in css

uses css and keyframes animation to create a nice and smooth bouncing loader

1:57 am, March 31, 2022
html and css hoizontal simple timeline section in foundation

a horizontal simple timeline section example done in foundation grid with some custom styles. This also uses the Lato Font quick install! So Quick!..  :P Also works on responsive and mobile dev..

3:33 am, March 29, 2022
Core Function : list_search_by_class_return_links - List Searches by Class Type and Return Links

Function that list's the latest and top searches by the class name and return a list of links, with the search totals on them.  I wanted to extract the top searches and the latest searches by da..

2:35 am, March 10, 2022
highlight a button with an animation css

While i was downloading the latest AdoptJDK i noticed this button, and thought it was a nice effect.  I wondered how hard it would be to replicate this. Copy the link html Check each class..

12:48 am, March 4, 2022
svg animated line testing - shooting star right

I found this on a random site i was looking at it took me a while to extract the animation, but i found it and its working below.  There is shoot right and also shoot left, if you are that way i..

8:46 am, February 17, 2022
Auto Create HTML Code Snippets

make anything within a <code> tag into a nice looking code snippit with highlighting via prism. To get this code to make a snippit, you need to: Give an element a .make-snippet class and it's ..

4:17 am, February 14, 2022
site bugs
making the search page nicer

Sometimes i dont even notice things like this, as i look at them all day and go, ah yeah thats a search box. I forget that all these things can be fixed.  Anyway, even just adding this form to a..

4:42 am, January 18, 2022
bootstrap form basic

a nice simple bootstrap form layout example template

11:49 pm, January 17, 2022
php functions
make a nice readable date using a timestamp string function make_nice_date

handy if you have a timestamp like this: 2022-01-10 00:12:42 and want it to look a bit nicer. like this... 12:19 am, January 10, 2022

12:12 am, January 10, 2022
Darkmode JS - Add darkmode to your site with one script

This library looks really nice! It drops in ok, but maybe with more complex layouts or coloring, it seems to break a little bit.  Darkmode JS Example Source Links https://darkmodejs.learn.un..

12:47 am, December 17, 2021
how to copy the folder path in finder

Moving from windows to mac is quite a shock, especially when you go from explorer which shows the file and folder path on every window in file explorer. Then we go to mac finder, which is nice, but h..

4:42 am, November 23, 2021
php functions
Spam IP Database and delete button

The Background and Reason for the SPAM IP Database and Delete I actually wrote up half of this article and was still testing the function and lost the whole post, which will teach me for adding it st..

12:24 pm, November 22, 2021
install cmatrix on mac m1

For some reason i thought the mac would have apt or apt-get to install packages, but apparently not.  Here is how you can install cmatrix a matrix emulator or other unix type terminal apps on ma..

2:31 am, November 19, 2021
log the console log output to a div

I do a lot of console logging so i thought it would be nice to be able to see this on my test pages. Apparently you can grab this quite easily with the following code.  I had to modify this a b..

4:03 am, October 19, 2021
how to join an array in javascript using the join method

This example shows how we can join an array into a string using the join method. Its a nice quick way to convert your array into a string with a delimiter such as , or ; Here we can see the test arr..

2:01 am, October 19, 2021
list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables

I think this is more neat than passing in individual variables into the list_all function, seems to work ok so far.  Still in early stages of this listing function, more needs to be built into i..

12:15 am, October 18, 2021
adding react with JSX using babel

just wanted to see how JSX would work with react and babel, so this way you can write JSX and babel compiles it for use with react.  This is apparently not a good way to do things and can be qui..

9:18 am, October 11, 2021
timeline class and function

this is a class extend that generates a timeline based on structured data and order's the items by year decending. this code will not work out of the box as it has other requirements, but it is a goo..

5:02 am, October 8, 2021
list group bootstrap template

this generates a bootstrap list group basic template layout, nice option for lists with links in them rather than using a ul li style list, this makes them into neater looking elements so rather than ..

11:43 pm, October 7, 2021
stackable bio or biography list with portrait image title and text

a nice easily stackable bio or biography list done in foundation, just duplicate the bio-item and switch out the content and you have a nice responsive bio layout.  As its in foundation here is ..

1:13 am, October 1, 2021
document placeholder for a4 in portrait

a nice document placeholder image with dropshadow and transparency

2:19 am, September 29, 2021
landscape image document placeholder

A nice landscape image of a blank presentation format, in landscape mode with drop shadow.

2:10 am, September 29, 2021
How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly charts

Building a better Simple Page View Counter Currently this site has a very basic view counter on it.  Here is how it currently works. Load the page, function checks if the page has a existing r..

2:01 am, September 23, 2021
load from fields array php class function

this class function loads from multiple fields from an array, much easier than passing in a bunch of variables into a function nice and clean, the only issue is you need to remember what fields to add..

12:28 pm, September 22, 2021
change selected color on input elements css

this can be useful if you are using darker form elements and they happen to have white on white text, so you can target the :focus on the input. here is the text input before the colour change, the c..

2:47 am, September 22, 2021
test image url that always changes unsplash placeholder

good if you are doing a test site and need some changing images for test placeholders, and they are nice looking images as well. you can just use this image tag link and specify the size required.&nb..

3:05 am, September 20, 2021
creating embedded php code from a database field

i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..

4:23 am, August 26, 2021
center mode slick zoom testing

update : this is a tricky one to get working! I have done a lot of testing on this one, and got a demo working from a combination of the following links. the demo is still not 100% styled, but its..

5:17 am, August 10, 2021
button with separated chevron

I have come across this kind of button format a few times now in various designs and the html and css for it is a bit different to normal button formats I have found.  Chevron Detached Button Ex..

5:48 am, August 9, 2021
load random videos module using template

load 3 random items and extract the video url, and use the youtube function to create a thumbnail and link to that video page

4:32 am, August 8, 2021
vertically align text within a fixed height div using flex

this can be used to make text align nicely while still keeping the same layout. the example below shows how you can set the height of the containing element and still have the text aligned center to ..

9:55 am, July 29, 2021
Scroll down indicator css javascript and html

I have seen these a couple of times, indictating to the user that there is further content down the page, and they should scroll to view it. Then as you scroll down the indicator dissapears. So we w..

5:35 am, June 22, 2021
site documentation
use a list group for listing by category page [todo]

change this to a list group, should make it neater. Page to update:  so for some reason this is listed using this function PHP $list_wiki_menu = $clas..

12:02 am, June 17, 2021
ajax callback to delete with sweet alert confirmation to make it cool! 😎

I recently wanted to to an ajax call back on a list of items just to make it easier to move around the place, rather than it reloading the page every time. So i thought why not also use sweet alert on..

4:29 am, June 11, 2021
site documentation
change this to a list group - other items

Other item format is a bit average, list group should fix this.  This uses the template: core-list-item-simple.html  So we can change this a bit to the list group format.  Which i..

1:15 am, June 11, 2021
site documentation
hero widget header - creates a nice looking hero item from a target uid and class

this creates a "nice" looking hero widget, just wanted to create something that looked decent and had an attached background image, surprizingly annoying to link items together. For some reason i kee..

12:10 am, June 11, 2021
site documentation
Latest from Code Widget

What generates the Latest from Code Widget? Code PHP $widget_latest_list = $class->list_all(        $start = 0,        $max = 10,      &n..

6:18 am, June 9, 2021
show the browsers name in javascript

This function will show you an alert box with the name of your browser, however im using brave at the moment and it shows as Netscape, so i guess you cant trust the result.  Also i just discover..

3:49 am, June 4, 2021
show all methods or functions in a class (class function version)

add this to your class to show all its methods including this one... sorts the array ascending by values so should be sorted in a-z

4:32 am, May 13, 2021
show all methods (functions) in a class

this will show all available methods or functions within a class, once they are in a class they are called methods for some reason. print functions, show all functions, methods in a class, show met..

4:07 am, May 13, 2021
php list all the functions in a class

this should return in an array the methods or functions for a class

3:27 am, April 20, 2021
php print an array nicely

this works for variables and arrays

3:14 am, April 20, 2021
add a toast alert when logging in with half moon

example of adding a document dom ready wait and then the script that launches a new toast message just adapting a php cms using halfmoon as the ui, its quite nice.  a bit bright in non dark mod..

6:19 am, April 7, 2021
adding a background image to the titles of the dark mode card on this page

Just wanted to see what it would look like if i added some kinda image to the background of the titles. Side Note: i wonder if its a bad idea to add images that are uploaded to imgur rather than to t..

6:00 am, March 26, 2021
using moment.js to make your time format nicer

moment.js is a very nice way to handle multiple date strings and output them in a nicer format.  grab the latest copy of momen from cdnjs lets say our date is in this format, i think this is un..

11:15 pm, March 16, 2021
minutes to decimal calculator javascript version

trying to do a more simple version of this post.  the php version requires post back to the server, so i think this c..

11:38 pm, March 7, 2021
adding background blur to an image using css fill screen

I had noticed this cool looking effect used on places like google, and other sites that display portrait images, i think i saw it on the google home as well or maybe google photos.  Its basicall..

5:23 am, February 19, 2021
how can i make my code look nice, or highlighted in evernote

* update: this is actually a paid tool, so i will be skipping this, as the code highlighting function is not that important to me. If anyone finds a nice free way to do this let me know. I have only ..

9:36 am, February 2, 2021
site bugs
install codemirror for textareas [added]

i think rather than editing all the code using just a plain textarea element it might be nice to have codemirror format them nicer

8:24 am, January 22, 2021
site bugs
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣

I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..

2:44 am, January 12, 2021
site bugs
badge placement is offset in list pages [fixed]

Another bug caused by the badge changes I think this can be added to a grid as well, and have the category on the left and the date on the right. Then need to align the category badge nicer.  ..

2:43 am, January 1, 2021
add a jquery date picker to your text box

This JQuery UI Date picker is good if you want to add a nice dropdown date selector to your input box, rather than having to type in the date manually. Requires: JQuery  JQuery UI Documen..

12:56 am, December 22, 2020
bootstrap basic grid layout

nice and easy copy and paste for a basic grid layout

1:45 am, December 11, 2020
CSS Grid Frame Work

8 Dec 2020 Yes i dont have an cool names for it, I just wanted something fairly light that can replace the bootstrap and foundation grid and basic components that i use so often, some of these framew..

10:56 pm, December 7, 2020
download icon svg

a simple download icon in svg format, also added button example usage so you can use the svg within the button as an icon and change the fill colour on mouse over, plus it scales nicely on mobile devi..

10:28 pm, December 3, 2020
how to install js socials for social media share buttons and make them rounded

This should be a nice quick one on how to install js socials which add social media sharing buttons on your pages.  Yeah i always just ignore these as well, but hey some people may use them?? H..

5:42 am, November 23, 2020
Fix Hover Over color on list group dark mode in bootstrap

How to fix the problem when switching to dark mode, the list group item text disappears when active. Here is what it currently looks like. To fix this we need to target the element and force the..

12:31 am, November 23, 2020
Quick tool to convert time into decimal

I needed a quick tool that can convert say 20 minutes into decimal, as im doing this a lot these days. Here is what i come up with, well you can google it as well and that works, but this form is a bi..

12:55 am, November 16, 2020
using javascript to open a link in the same window and in a new window or tab (open link)

a nice easy way to target _self or _blank when opening a link using javascript

4:26 am, November 13, 2020
extracting the useful bits of bootstrap

Back in the early instances of bootstrap they used to provide a build system for the individual components. It seems that these days its all or nothing, or use some kind of build tool to include the b..

5:14 am, August 31, 2020
scroll to top html css and js

add a button to your website that allows scrolling to the top of the page css add scroll behavior smooth to your html, to allow the page to scroll nicely rather than just jumping to the top, in supp..

1:13 am, July 21, 2020
stretching an image to fit in a banner image with gimp

sometimes i need to get a square image to fit in a rectangle box this is a way to do it with GIMP get a square image, or pick any image (pexels) fit it in this box.. For this one we will be using ..

1:16 am, June 30, 2020
fixing the website footer and making it less ugly

Here i show you in a couple of steps how to make the footer on this site look nicer, while actually doing it. Here is what the footer currently looks like. Yep pretty average looking. Lets add a ..

3:43 am, June 6, 2020
Use Sweet Alert rather than alert!

i love this script, it make the default alert look so much nicer, and its very easy to install. Just add the one script to your site, and then use rather than alert. simple usage

11:35 pm, May 7, 2020
making var_dump look nice

i was var_dumping an array the other day, and it comes out like a massive string you cant read. a fast way to make this readable is just to add some pre tags to it.

4:16 am, May 4, 2020
Radial Click Effect

shows the radial click effect like in the material design, so when you click a button it will show a click at that area with a nice animation. Uses CSS and javascript to generate this effect.

1:13 am, September 4, 2019
using scroll-behavior: smooth css

This is a nice example of smooth scroll using just css. You can add it to the page by adding it to the html element html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } for this demo I will add some padding to ..

2:33 am, July 8, 2019
Making Images Retina Display Friendly

Have you ever noticed images look a bit blurry on your high res screen? Sometimes this is referred to as a "Retina" display... Its probably because the image used is exactly the pixels made for a regu..

12:14 am, July 2, 2019
echo todays date and time in a nice format

This will produce some thing like this: 19 December 2018 @ 10:12

11:48 pm, December 18, 2018
Core Class - Basic Core Structure

A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to..

11:33 pm, December 13, 2018
pretty printing json with php

nice if you are working with json string data and just want to be able to read through the structure without copy pasting it somewhere else. $json_string = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnail

this is surprisingly hard to find code that lists all blog posts in a template with the feature image that does not use an additional plugin. you shouldnt need a plugin to do this as its already built..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
search within files in a directory

During my quest to create a semi-static site that is searchable and fast to load. I thought while loading all of this content in with ajax and such that it would be interesting if i could do a text ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
Slick Slider Carousel

Edit: Sorry this page was broken for a bit, its fixed now with working examples! 😛 Nice and simple slider / carousel

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
scrollbar replacement simplebar

a nice and simple scroll bar replacement code <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src="

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
random string generator guid

a nice easy one to generate a random string. i use this one to stop items from caching or you could use it as a guid. var nocache = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toStr..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
stacktable jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens

stacktable.js The purpose of stacktable.js is to give you an easy way of converting wide tables to a format that will work better on small screens. It creates a copy of the table that is converted in..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
css grid sidebar main content fluid layout

I was playing around with css grid the other day and i found a nice (and easy) way to do a standard left sidebar and fluid main content area. this is rather than floating the sidebar and then setting ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
transitions and the easy way to apply them

Would you like your element to transition nicely? well you can do it in about 1 line of css. .transition { transition: all 2s; } This is the one I usually use, as its not too slow. transitio..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
cycle color using background

I found this the other day (well today actually) and i wanted to see how it worked. background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#D68AB0 0%,#D8CE5D 25%,#6BD85D 50%,#5DB9D8 75%,#D85DCB 100%); ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
darken background image using css

darken a background image using css only useful if you have overlay text or just want to add a nicer effect to an image, i usually find that adding this to an image with the text over the top makes it..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
set transparent menu over background image

this is probably obvious, but i found it useful for those themes that look nice with a semi-transparent header sitting over the top of an image. I think ill do this as an external example, as its eas..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
design nice block header

I saw this the other day and thought the color scheme looked quite nice. Ill see if i can replicate it here. @import url(''); .mid-header { ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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Most people can do absolutely awe-inspiring things,” he said. “Sometimes they just need a little nudge.
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