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<transform-function>The <transform-function> CSS data type represents a transformation that affects an element's appearance. Transformation functions can rotate, resize, distort, or move a..
transform The transform CSS property lets you rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. It modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model. If the property has a value dif..
scaleZ() The scaleZ() CSS function defines a transformation that resizes an element along the z-axis. Its result is a <transform-function> data type. This scaling transformation modifies..
scaleY() The scaleY() CSS function defines a transformation that resizes an element along the y-axis (vertically). Its result is a <transform-function> data type. It modifies the or..
scaleX() The scaleX() CSS function defines a transformation that resizes an element along the x-axis (horizontally). Its result is a <transform-function> data type. It modifies the ..
matrix() The matrix() CSS function defines a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. Its result is a <transform-function> data type. Note: matrix(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) is a shorthand fo..