

Word Type
stem Meaning Definition
The basal portion of the body of one of the Pennatulacea, or of a gorgonian.
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IC analysisMaypoleVaccidenceaccrue fromadjutageadvanceaffiliationaffixaffixationaffrontallomorphanimal kingdomankleantagonizeanthrophoreapparentationarisearise fromarrestascenderaxisbackbalusterbalustradebanisterbarbasebastard typebattlebayonet legsbe contingent onbe due tobeakbeardbeat againstbeat up againstbeginningbellybevelbifurcatebirthblack letterblockbloodbloodlinebodybolebound morphemebowbowlegsbowsbowspritbrakebranchbranch outbravebreastbreast the wavebreedbring beforebring forwardbring tobring upbring up shortbroodbuckbud frombuffetbuffet the wavescalfcanecapcapitalcarpophorecaryatidcasecathetercaudexcauliclecaulischallengecheckcheckmateclanclassclose withcnemiscolonnadecolumncombatcomecome alongcome fromcome oncome out ofcommencementcommon ancestrycompete withconceptionconfrontconfront withconjugationconsanguinitycontend againstcontestcontrolcountercover groundcrotchcrutchculmcurbcut shortcuttingdadodamdaredeadlockdeclensiondefydeltademedepend onderivationderivederive fromdescenddescend fromdescenderdescentdevelopdiedifference of formdiminishdirect linedistaff sidedivaricatedrainpipedraw reindrumstickefflux tubeememanateemanate fromemerge fromenencliticencounterensue fromenvisageextractionfaceface withfamilyfanfat-faced typefeetfemale linefightfight againstfigureheadfiliationfire hoseflagstaffflowflow fromflue pipefolkfollow fromfontfootstalkforecastleforedeckforelegforepeakforkformativefree formfreezefrontfuniculefuniculusfunnelfurcatefurculafurculumgain groundgambgambrelgarden hosegas pipegather headgather waygenerategenesisgensgerminate fromget aheadget alonggigotgogo aheadgo alonggo fastgo forwardgo ongrapple withgrass rootsgroingroovegrowgrow fromgrow out ofhalthamhang onhaulmheadhind leghinge onhockhosehosepipehouseimmediate constituent analysisinceptioninfixinfixationinflectioninguenissueissue fromitalicjackjambjib boomjoin battle withkindkneelabor againstlay beforeleafstalkleglessenletterligaturelimblineline of descentlineagelogotypelower casemajusculemake good timemake head againstmake progressmake progress againstmake stridesmake up leewaymale linematriclanmeetmeet squarelymilitate againstminusculemorphmorphememorphemic analysismorphemicsmorphologymorphophonemicsmovemove forwardnationnewel-postnicknipplenoseoffer resistanceoffshootorderorgan pipeoriginoriginaloriginateoriginate inoriginationparadigmpass alongpass onpatriclanpedestalpedicelpedunclepeoplepetiolepetiolulepetiolusphratryphylephylumpipicapierpilasterpilepilingpillarpipepipelinepipettepipingplace beforeplant kingdomplinthpoditepointpolepopliteal spacepostprefixprefixationpresent toprevail overprintproceedproceed fromprocliticprogressprongproreprovenienceprowpull upput it toput paid toqueen-postquellraceradicalradixramificationramifyreducereedreed pipereluctreluctateresistresultretardriserivalrodrollromanrootrostrumsans serifscapescissor-legsscriptseedseedstalkseptset beforeshaftshankshinshootshouldersiamesesiamese connectionsidesiphonslowsmall capsmall capitalsnorkelsoclesoil pipesourcespearspear sidespeciesspindle sidespirespringspring fromsproutsprout fromstaffstalematestalkstallstampstanchstanchionstandstandardstandpipestaunchstaysteam pipestem fromstem the tidestemsstep forwardstickstipestirpsstockstopstop coldstop deadstop shortstrainstrawstrive againststruggle againststumpssubbasesuccessionsuffixsuffixationsuppresssurbasesword sidetake ontaptaproottarsusthemetigellatonguetotemtotem poletraveltribetridenttrifurcatetrotterstrunktubetubingtubulationtubuletubulettubulureturn ontypetype bodytype classtype licetypecasetypefacetypefounderstypefoundryupper caseuprightvie withwaste pipewater pipewishbonewithstandword-formation

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# /. 3d pers. sing. pres. compar. compar. & superl. wa indic. present l. catechunenus, gr. obs sing. pres. ind. superl. a a & adv. a. a. & a. pron. a. & adv. a. & n. a. & pron. a. . a. / a. pron. a. / adv. a. vigorously a. or pron. a. superl. a., adv., & n. a/ adj. ads. adv. adv. & a. adv. & conj. adv. & n. adv. & prep. adv. / a. adv. / conj. adv. / interj. adv., & n. adv., prep., & conj. b. comp. compar. conj. conj. / adv. dat. & obj. e. i. fem. imp. imp. & p. p. imp. & p. p. adored imp. & p. p. fenced imp. & p. p., imp. & pp. imp. &. p. p. imp. / p. p. imp. p. p. imp., p. p., & a. imperative sing. inf. interj. interj. & adv. interj. & n. interj., adv., & n. n n . n. n. & a. n. & adv. n. & interj. n. & v n. & v. n. & v. i. n. & v. t. n. . n. / interj. n. collect. & pl. n. f. n. fem. n. i. n. masc. n. pl. n. sing & pl. n. sing. n. sing. & pl. n. t. n.. n./ n.masc. n.p. n.sing. & pl. obj. p pr. & vb. n. p. & a. p. a. p. p. p. p. & a p. p. & a. p. p. / a. p. p., fem. p. pr & vb. n. p. pr. p. pr. & pr. & vb. n p. pr. & vb n. p. pr. & vb. p. pr. & vb. a. p. pr. & vb. e. p. pr. & vb. n p. pr. & vb. n. p. pr. & vb/ n. p. pr. & vvb. n. p. pr. &. vb. n. p. pr. &vb. n. p. pr.& vb. n. p.a. p]. pr. & vb. n. pl. pref. prep. pron. pron. & a. pron. & conj. pron. / adj. pron. pl. pron., a., conj., & q. superl superl. superl. - supperl. v. v. & a. v. & n. v. i. v. i. & auxiliary. v. i. & i. v. i. & n. v. i. & t. v. i. / auxiliary v. t. v. t. & i. v. t. & n. v. t. & v. i. v. t.& i. v./. v.t
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"Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything. 'Are you feeling all right?' I asked her. 'I feel all sleepy,' she said. In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead. The measles had turned into a terrible thing called measles encephalitis and there was nothing the doctors could do to save her. That 1962, but even now, if a child with measles happens to develop the same deadly reaction from measles as Olivia did, there would still be nothing the doctors could do to help her. On the other hand, there is today something that parents can do to make sure that this sort of tragedy does not happen to a child of theirs. They can insist that their child is immunised against measles. ...I dedicated two of my books to Olivia, the first was ‘James and the Giant Peach’. That was when she was still alive. The second was ‘The BFG’, dedicated to her memory after she had died from measles. You will see her name at the beginning of each of these books. And I know how happy she would be if only she could know that her death had helped to save a good deal of illness and death among other children."

I just checked google books for BFG, and the dedication is there. 

Roald Dahl, 1986
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