List Hits

Total Items found in Hits is 610354.
A Collection of Hits...
check column exists in table sqlite

1:32 pm, February 22, 2023
RS3 Best AFK training all skills

1:32 pm, February 22, 2023
RS3 Divination Leveling Log

1:32 pm, February 22, 2023
PHP MySQL vs SQLite Count Items Function

1:31 pm, February 22, 2023
turn on or off error reporting php

1:31 pm, February 22, 2023
Random User Profile Loading Script in vue

1:30 pm, February 22, 2023
Efficient OSRS Maxing Guide

1:29 pm, February 22, 2023
Nginx Server Block with Rewrite

1:29 pm, February 22, 2023
Windows Emoji Shortcut

1:29 pm, February 22, 2023
get the href value using jquery

1:29 pm, February 22, 2023
bold the numbers in a ol li list

1:28 pm, February 22, 2023
atom editor useful keyboard shortcuts

1:28 pm, February 22, 2023
add a user to a group

1:28 pm, February 22, 2023
javascript isset equivalent

1:27 pm, February 22, 2023
scroll to top html css and js

1:27 pm, February 22, 2023
extracting the useful bits of bootstrap

1:27 pm, February 22, 2023
bold the numbers in a ol li list

1:26 pm, February 22, 2023
osrs fairy ring codes

1:25 pm, February 22, 2023
RS3 Slayer - Ganodermic Creatures

1:25 pm, February 22, 2023
twitter json feed testing

1:24 pm, February 22, 2023
convert all images into base64 encoded

1:23 pm, February 22, 2023
highlight a button with an animation css

1:23 pm, February 22, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
1. Show your work to the world instead of keeping in your head💆. 2. Do the work consistently👌 3. Respect your work🥰 4. Don't postpone your work 5. Make mistakes 🔥🔥🔥
Random CSS Property


The border-start-start-radius CSS property defines a logical border radius on an element, which maps to a physical border radius that depends on the element's writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation. This is useful when building styles to work regardless of the text orientation and writing mode.
border-start-start-radius css reference