List Hits

Total Items found in Hits is 610316.
A Collection of Hits...
check column exists in table sqlite

8:44 am, February 22, 2023
filter drop shadow

8:44 am, February 22, 2023
youtube extract thumbnail from video link

8:43 am, February 22, 2023
wordpress category list sorting custom

8:43 am, February 22, 2023
make labels or badges look better

8:42 am, February 22, 2023
Input Suggestions using a datalist

8:42 am, February 22, 2023
commit and push changes to git repo

8:40 am, February 22, 2023
change favicon with jquery

8:40 am, February 22, 2023
json jquery ajax request

8:39 am, February 22, 2023
jqueryui includes css and js

8:38 am, February 22, 2023
foundation old grid format

8:38 am, February 22, 2023
flex align center vertical horizontal

8:38 am, February 22, 2023
logo tickers marquee slow scrolling

8:37 am, February 22, 2023
list group card template

8:37 am, February 22, 2023
FCC - Basic: Profile Lookup

8:36 am, February 22, 2023
css prefers-color-scheme example

8:36 am, February 22, 2023
show all methods (functions) in a class

8:36 am, February 22, 2023
keyframe animations css

8:35 am, February 22, 2023
my default text shadow css

8:34 am, February 22, 2023
more complex responsive tables css

8:34 am, February 22, 2023
recreate marquee element using css

8:34 am, February 22, 2023
flex shorthand css

8:34 am, February 22, 2023
pulsating dots - glow glowing

8:33 am, February 22, 2023
right align something in its element

8:32 am, February 22, 2023
image Checkbox Replacement for Forms

8:31 am, February 22, 2023
margin padding framework

8:31 am, February 22, 2023
foundation make row full width

8:30 am, February 22, 2023
grid column and row spacing

8:30 am, February 22, 2023
pre-line white space settings

8:29 am, February 22, 2023
material design icons google font

8:29 am, February 22, 2023
ken burns slow image zoom

8:29 am, February 22, 2023
generate a random color rgb code with php

8:29 am, February 22, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


đŸĒĻ 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote

Random CSS Property


The :host() CSS pseudo-class function selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside (so you can select a custom element from inside its shadow DOM) — but only if the selector given as the function's parameter matches the shadow host.
:host() css reference