List Hits

Total Items found in Hits is 756533.
A Collection of Hits...

4:31 pm, March 12, 2023

3:50 pm, March 12, 2023

2:37 pm, March 12, 2023
Twitter Post Fetcher Script Referrer

1:48 pm, March 12, 2023
more complex responsive tables css

11:59 am, March 12, 2023
Generate Sub menu using Core

11:34 am, March 12, 2023

11:12 am, March 12, 2023
content money maker

10:30 am, March 12, 2023
random number using rand

9:59 am, March 12, 2023
wordpress get site url

9:58 am, March 12, 2023
jquery accordion

9:58 am, March 12, 2023
testing equality

9:58 am, March 12, 2023
border box reset

9:57 am, March 12, 2023
add a user to a group

9:57 am, March 12, 2023
how to unzip in linux

9:57 am, March 12, 2023
basic for loop

8:48 am, March 12, 2023

7:46 am, March 12, 2023
commit and push changes to git repo

6:10 am, March 12, 2023

3:59 am, March 12, 2023
linx Gift card

12:23 am, March 12, 2023

10:19 pm, March 11, 2023

9:26 pm, March 11, 2023
Ibiza Sensations 312

6:55 pm, March 11, 2023
php mysql table exists function

6:51 pm, March 11, 2023
RS3 Slayer - Feral Dinosaurs

6:39 pm, March 11, 2023
asp classic get a url and display it

4:40 pm, March 11, 2023

3:28 pm, March 11, 2023
Slick Slider

10:02 am, March 11, 2023

9:35 am, March 11, 2023

8:21 am, March 11, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
There is a qualitative and quantitative difference between a day that begins with a little exercise, a book, meditation, a good meal, a thoughtful walk, and the start of a day that begins with a smartphone in bed.
Random CSS Property


The transition-duration CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s, meaning that no animation will occur.
transition-duration css reference