List OSRS Item Data
Total Items found in OSRS Item Data is 7540.
OSRS Item Data List
Top viewed in OSRS Item Data
73 Magic box
73 Magic fang
73 Magic shortbow
73 Magic shortbow (u)
73 Magma helm
73 Marionette handle
73 Mind bomb(4)
73 Mind bomb(m1)
73 Mining hood
73 Mithril 2h sword
73 Mithril dagger(p++)
73 Mithril full helm (t)
73 Mithril javelin(p)
73 Mithril platebody
73 Mixture - step 1(4)
73 Mole skin
73 Mud
73 Mycil fish (4)
73 New key
73 Oak and steel cage
73 Oak armchair
73 Oak drawers
73 Observatory lens
73 Ogre bellows (2)
73 Old symbol
73 Olive oil(2)
73 Ornate jewellery box
73 Part garden pie
73 Pineapple
73 Pink skirt
73 Poison dagger(p+)
73 Prayer hood
73 Prospector helmet
73 Purple cape
73 Pyre logs
73 Ranarr weed
73 Ranger gloves
73 Rashiliyia corpse
73 Raw dark crab
73 Raw fish pie
73 Raw leckish fish (2)
73 Red d'hide chaps
73 Red destabiliser
73 Red dragonhide
73 Red gloves
73 Red slayer helmet
73 Red topaz
73 Reeds
73 Revitalisation (+)(2)
73 Ring of forging