List OSRS Item Data
Total Items found in OSRS Item Data is 7540.
OSRS Item Data List
Top viewed in OSRS Item Data
141 Black helm (h5)
141 Black key purple
141 Black key red
141 Black knight helm
141 Black mask (3)
141 Black mushroom
141 Black scimitar
141 Black warlock
141 Blessed pot
141 Blessed water
141 Gricoller's can
141 Hitpoints cape
141 Revitalisation pool
141 Ring of suffering (ri)
141 Teak demon lectern
141 Tuna potato
141 Vial
140 Amulet of glory(5)
140 Armadyl rune armour set (lg)
140 Asgarnian ale(m2)
140 Autumn sq'irkjuice
140 Baby dragon bone
140 Bagged dead tree
140 Ballista spring
140 Banana seedling (w)
140 Bandos chestplate
140 Bandos dragonhide set
140 Barley seed
140 Barrel bomb
140 Bauble box
140 Bird house
140 Black destabiliser
140 Black elegant shirt
140 Black leprechaun hat
140 Black mask (1)
140 Black set (sk)
140 Blamish blue shell
140 Blamish ochre shell
140 Blindweed
140 Blood diamond
140 Gold amulet
140 Karil's leathertop 75
140 Marble door
140 Partyhat & specs
140 Red feather
139 Adamant spear(p)
139 Armadyl platelegs
139 Attack cape(t)
139 Avantoe
139 Baby chinchompa