List OSRS Item Data
Total Items found in OSRS Item Data is 7540.
OSRS Item Data List
Top viewed in OSRS Item Data
98 Cave goblin wire
98 Damp planks
98 Demon's heart
98 Dragon bolts (unf)
98 Dragonstone dragon bolts (e)
98 Dwellberry seed
98 Enchanted rat
98 Green robe bottoms
98 Green tricorn hat
98 Grimy buchu leaf
98 Karil's crossbow 25
98 Large fossilised pelvis
98 Limpwurt seed
98 Mahogany house
98 Mahogany portal
98 Mark of grace
98 Medium fossilised pelvis
98 Mith grapple
98 Oak larder
98 Overload (-)(2)
98 Pot of cream
98 Pre-nature amulet
98 Purple gloves
98 Pyromancer garb
98 Rocnar
98 Rotten apple
98 Scrying pool
98 Seasoned chompy
98 Skills necklace(1)
98 Snakeskin shield
98 Snow imp costume gloves
98 Stash units (elite)
98 Super combat potion(2)
98 Toktz-xil-ak
98 Ultimate ironman platebody
98 Unicorn bone
98 Vanilla pod
98 Verac's helm 75
97 Blurite bar
97 Burnt sea turtle
97 Crafting cape
97 Dead sea slug
97 Draynor manor teleport
97 Drunk dragon
97 Ent's roots
97 Entomologist's diary
97 Fresh crab shell
97 Gilded cross
97 Grog
97 Guam tar