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2 defining a variable inside a function without using var will create a global variable Referrer 2 detect window scroll position jquery Referrer 2 display a subnav for the current wordpress page Referrer 2 document placeholder for a4 in portrait Referrer 2 document placeholder for a4 in portrait Referrer 2 does google still post back the search term with the link click Referrer 2 echo todays date and time in a nice format Referrer 2 enable dark mode in tinymce Referrer 2 encode spaces in items passed to url to %20 not + Referrer 2 error Warning: getimagesize(uploads/583517f49099a.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in SimpleImage.php on line 1198 Referrer 2 error Warning: getimagesize(uploads/583517f49099a.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in SimpleImage.php on line 1198 Referrer 2 extract a wordpress menu using its id Referrer 2 extract meta attributes with simple html dom Referrer 2 extract meta attributes with simple html dom Referrer 2 extract meta tags from url and return as json array Referrer 2 fancybox inline auto size modal easy Referrer 2 fancybox modal popup example Referrer 2 fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox Referrer 2 find a custom data attribute in simple html dom Referrer 2 find and replace hrefs in existing page links using jquery Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty Referrer 2 fix for Uncaught TypeError: e.indexOf is not a function Referrer 2 fixing error Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string Referrer 2 fixing error Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string Referrer 2 flems embed in url Referrer 2 flip card animation 3d front and back css html Referrer 2 floating message box on bottom right of screen with close button Referrer 2 floating message box on bottom right of screen with close button Referrer 2 floating message box on bottom right of screen with close button Referrer 2 font awesome spinner loader loading spinner Referrer 2 for auto filled fields, need to change the text and background colours Referrer 2 form checkbox replacement with large tick using label Referrer 2 form submit override with javascript Referrer 2 foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of element Referrer 2 four box section template in foundation with classes find and replace (4 box) Referrer 2 function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reached Referrer 2 function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reached Referrer 2 function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reached Referrer 2 function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reached Referrer 2 gallery carousel center mode Referrer 2 gallery carousel center mode Referrer 2 generate random username function in php Referrer

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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When I realized that, no individual step is hard in any process. Building this airport I'm standing in right now started with a guy writing the architectural plans on paper. That's not hard for him to do. Then laying the first beam isn't had. The whole thing is really hard. So, just take each step kind of piece by piece and when I was able to do that and stop trying to chase this prize and started putting in the work, things just started coming together.
Random CSS Property


The unicode-bidi CSS property, together with the direction property, determines how bidirectional text in a document is handled. For example, if a block of content contains both left-to-right and right-to-left text, the user-agent uses a complex Unicode algorithm to decide how to display the text. The unicode-bidi property overrides this algorithm and allows the developer to control the text embedding.
unicode-bidi css reference