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sublime text find and replace style tag

11:46 pm, November 6, 2023
RS3 Leveling Progress - Maxed!

11:45 pm, November 6, 2023
Move any element with css offsets

11:44 pm, November 6, 2023
add an outline to everything!

11:43 pm, November 6, 2023
get the href value using jquery

11:24 pm, November 6, 2023
use an image to replace bullet in ul list

11:20 pm, November 6, 2023
get current url with php

11:16 pm, November 6, 2023
target first item css with :first-of-type

11:11 pm, November 6, 2023
center something with css not using flex

11:11 pm, November 6, 2023
windows 10 snipping experience

10:56 pm, November 6, 2023
pi hole and hassio

10:49 pm, November 6, 2023
Create a Complex JSX Element

10:43 pm, November 6, 2023
RS3 Thieving Log - Safe Cracking

10:32 pm, November 6, 2023
search bug Above

10:26 pm, November 6, 2023
filter drop shadow

9:48 pm, November 6, 2023
Creating an NFT - bbyalienyodi

9:19 pm, November 6, 2023
download icon svg

9:01 pm, November 6, 2023
checking if your windows pc has a TPM

8:37 pm, November 6, 2023
js check the length of a string

8:31 pm, November 6, 2023
goodbye old grid theme

8:31 pm, November 6, 2023
Clean Windows Setup

8:18 pm, November 6, 2023
list items matching a category title

8:11 pm, November 6, 2023
PHP/SQLite - Load Random Item

7:57 pm, November 6, 2023
Farming Allotment patch locations

7:54 pm, November 6, 2023
using multiple text shadow

7:47 pm, November 6, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote

“Make no mistake: This is not your diary. You are not letting it all hang out. You are picking and choosing every single word.”

Dani Shapiro
Random CSS Property


The max-block-size CSS property specifies the maximum size of an element in the direction opposite that of the writing direction as specified by writing-mode. That is, if the writing direction is horizontal, then max-block-size is equivalent to max-height; if the writing direction is vertical, max-block-size is the same as max-width.
max-block-size css reference