List Views

Total Items found in Views is 222764.
An advanced collection of page views
get the current month as a number

5:34 am, September 4, 2023
submit form with javascript

5:28 am, September 4, 2023
add chevrons to a ul list

5:05 am, September 4, 2023
random number using rand

5:03 am, September 4, 2023
uniqid random string

5:02 am, September 4, 2023
load random videos module using template

4:58 am, September 4, 2023
generate a random color rgb code with php

4:58 am, September 4, 2023
fancybox image popout easy

4:57 am, September 4, 2023
PHP/SQLite - Load Random Item

4:57 am, September 4, 2023
Mega Menus Collection

4:55 am, September 4, 2023
assign array to variables in a loop

4:52 am, September 4, 2023
Return a file extention from a string

4:49 am, September 4, 2023
slick slider section quick add

4:47 am, September 4, 2023
add new random image with button

4:47 am, September 4, 2023
subscribe to newsletter section example

4:47 am, September 4, 2023
Sweet Alert 2 Methods and Examples

4:44 am, September 4, 2023
How to use default props in React

4:44 am, September 4, 2023
adding react to a website in 3 steps

4:43 am, September 4, 2023
How to Add Comments in JSX

4:43 am, September 4, 2023
css prefers-color-scheme example

4:42 am, September 4, 2023
Custom 12 Grid using CSS Grid

4:41 am, September 4, 2023
react basic hello world

4:28 am, September 4, 2023
start ssh and add key git

4:27 am, September 4, 2023
RS3 Quick Daily Run Logs

4:20 am, September 4, 2023
KruXoR - October 2022 - Newsletter

4:19 am, September 4, 2023
jquery toggle menu testing

4:18 am, September 4, 2023
using the :user-valid CSS pseudo-class

4:16 am, September 4, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
therock Somewhere along this crazy road I learned (often times the hard way) the most important things I can do is be authentic, trust my gut, be the hardest worker in the room, celebrate the mistakes, be a grateful man and always remember that it's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
The Rock
Random CSS Property


The contain CSS property allows an author to indicate that an element and its contents are, as much as possible, independent of the rest of the document tree. This allows the browser to recalculate layout, style, paint, size, or any combination of them for a limited area of the DOM and not the entire page, leading to obvious performance benefits.
contain css reference