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lorem ipsum

7:09 am, August 16, 2023
sqlite escape string

6:18 am, August 16, 2023
Mac Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

5:40 am, August 16, 2023
assign array to variables in a loop

5:11 am, August 16, 2023
count the elements in an array

4:53 am, August 16, 2023
Facebook HTML for Sharing a Link

4:25 am, August 16, 2023
random number using rand

4:21 am, August 16, 2023

3:27 am, August 16, 2023
link to an external stylesheet

3:20 am, August 16, 2023
RS3 Combat Bars

2:18 am, August 16, 2023
RS3 Summoning Quick Oblesque

1:38 am, August 16, 2023
simple file cache and check in php

1:33 am, August 16, 2023
Use Recursion to Count Up

12:59 am, August 16, 2023
border box reset

12:41 am, August 16, 2023
wp register plugin settings admin

11:30 pm, August 15, 2023
Generate Sub menu using Core

11:08 pm, August 15, 2023
jquery clone and append elements

10:45 pm, August 15, 2023
react basic hello world

10:23 pm, August 15, 2023
grid column and row spacing

9:32 pm, August 15, 2023
jquery enable and disable attribute

9:09 pm, August 15, 2023
bootstrap toggle element collapse

9:06 pm, August 15, 2023
New World - Why to Join a Faction

8:59 pm, August 15, 2023
favicon code meta tag

8:16 pm, August 15, 2023
random emojis copy and paste

8:15 pm, August 15, 2023
Fast and Furious 2022

7:59 pm, August 15, 2023
a page with two images

7:45 pm, August 15, 2023
using gzdeflate on a string php

6:41 pm, August 15, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote

Random CSS Property


The border-block-style CSS property defines the style of the logical block borders of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style and border-bottom-style, or border-left-style and border-right-style properties depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
border-block-style css reference