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An advanced collection of page views
simple javascript no library accordion

4:41 pm, August 14, 2023
Dropdown Box with Searchable Text

4:38 pm, August 14, 2023

4:37 pm, August 14, 2023
video embed no controls

4:23 pm, August 14, 2023
python getting started notes

4:21 pm, August 14, 2023
Running Windows on pi400 notes

3:37 pm, August 14, 2023
jquery check if a sub element exists

3:15 pm, August 14, 2023
flex shorthand css

3:00 pm, August 14, 2023
adding an item to an array with php

2:22 pm, August 14, 2023
add this

2:18 pm, August 14, 2023
rs3 runespan experience rates

2:01 pm, August 14, 2023
php print an array nicely

1:43 pm, August 14, 2023
Google Page Speed Cleanup and Testing

1:37 pm, August 14, 2023
OSRS Optimal Quest Guide

1:35 pm, August 14, 2023
Archaeology/Level up table

1:30 pm, August 14, 2023
convert json string to a php array

1:14 pm, August 14, 2023
bootstrap list group card with footer

12:35 pm, August 14, 2023
CSS Filter Generator from Hex Code

11:58 am, August 14, 2023
get the current month as a number

11:49 am, August 14, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
"Let us prepare our minds as if we'd come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life's books each day ... The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time."
Random CSS Property


The scroll-margin-inline-start property defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the start of the inline dimension that is used for snapping this box to the snapport. The scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container's coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-inline-start css reference