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Core Class - Basic Core Structure

1:03 pm, May 23, 2023
using multiple text shadow

12:54 pm, May 23, 2023
submit form with javascript

12:51 pm, May 23, 2023
pulsating dots - glow glowing

12:10 pm, May 23, 2023
for loop with a 5 increment

11:23 am, May 23, 2023
get the current month as a number

11:21 am, May 23, 2023
javascript add class to element

11:11 am, May 23, 2023
Tim and Crunchy Location RS3

11:01 am, May 23, 2023
how to decode xml in php

10:28 am, May 23, 2023
javascript window.onload

10:24 am, May 23, 2023
add a gtag.js pdf click event

10:03 am, May 23, 2023
Generate a Random User Name

9:12 am, May 23, 2023
csv read example

9:06 am, May 23, 2023
select onchange

8:26 am, May 23, 2023
Factorio Megabase-In-A-Book

7:52 am, May 23, 2023
windows 10 snipping experience

7:47 am, May 23, 2023
check if something is an array

7:45 am, May 23, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
I believe that success can be measured in the number of uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have.
Random CSS Property


The border-image-outset CSS property sets the distance by which an element's border image is set out from its border box.
border-image-outset css reference