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An advanced collection of page views
page load timer class

9:49 am, April 3, 2023
simple file cache and check in php

9:42 am, April 3, 2023
count the elements in an array

9:25 am, April 3, 2023
load the latest single item only

9:10 am, April 3, 2023
animated duck on footer

9:05 am, April 3, 2023
jquery page search [testing]

9:03 am, April 3, 2023
human_filesize php

9:00 am, April 3, 2023
json test objects (or arrays)

8:51 am, April 3, 2023
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);

8:45 am, April 3, 2023
bootstrap dark mode

8:44 am, April 3, 2023
video embed no controls

8:39 am, April 3, 2023
foundation old grid format

8:35 am, April 3, 2023
Mega Menus Collection

8:33 am, April 3, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
The happiest People don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.
Random CSS Property


The :focus-within CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the element or any of its descendants are focused. In other words, it represents an element that is itself matched by the :focus pseudo-class or has a descendant that is matched by :focus. (This includes descendants in shadow trees.)
:focus-within css reference