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Total Items found in Views is 222764.
An advanced collection of page views
material design icons google font

5:53 am, February 20, 2023
rs3 runespan experience rates

5:51 am, February 20, 2023
video embed tag

5:47 am, February 20, 2023
adding react to a website in 3 steps

5:42 am, February 20, 2023
Generate a random title from an array

5:39 am, February 20, 2023
Welcome Widget Card - Toggle

5:38 am, February 20, 2023
cycle color using background

5:35 am, February 20, 2023
bold the numbers in a ol li list

5:31 am, February 20, 2023
making var_dump look nice

5:29 am, February 20, 2023
Console Tips and Tricks

5:27 am, February 20, 2023
center mode slick zoom testing

5:27 am, February 20, 2023
Javascript Objects Notes

5:24 am, February 20, 2023
Operating Systems and the Change to Linux

5:23 am, February 20, 2023
keyframe animations css

5:16 am, February 20, 2023
Quick tool to convert time into decimal

5:12 am, February 20, 2023
bootstrap dark mode

5:05 am, February 20, 2023
Sweet Alert 2 Methods and Examples

5:02 am, February 20, 2023
fancybox inline auto size modal easy

5:00 am, February 20, 2023
center a box in the middle of the screen

4:55 am, February 20, 2023
basic for loop odd numbers

4:54 am, February 20, 2023
Idea: Google Font Dropdown Selector Code

4:50 am, February 20, 2023
get the value from a textarea element

4:41 am, February 20, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.
Victor Kiam
Random CSS Property


The column-count CSS property breaks an element's content into the specified number of columns.
column-count css reference