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Total Items found in Views is 185730.
An advanced collection of page views
windows 10 snipping experience

3:40 am, October 5, 2021
keyframe animations css

3:31 am, October 5, 2021
simple usage for php password_hash

3:30 am, October 5, 2021
white space pre-wrap formatting

3:25 am, October 5, 2021
embed and use a ttf font font face

3:18 am, October 5, 2021
css using perspective for transforms

3:02 am, October 5, 2021
digital clock with jquery

2:48 am, October 5, 2021
convert a string to uppercase with php

2:09 am, October 5, 2021
parallax js scroll testing

1:35 am, October 5, 2021
php countries array

12:55 am, October 5, 2021
purple partyhat price info feb 21

12:47 am, October 5, 2021
checking for spam comments function

12:28 am, October 5, 2021
target data attribute with css

12:25 am, October 5, 2021
how to unzip in linux

12:12 am, October 5, 2021
get the href value using jquery

11:54 pm, October 4, 2021
Do While Loop

11:44 pm, October 4, 2021
change file permissions to -rw-rw-r--

11:30 pm, October 4, 2021
test php bundle write

11:01 pm, October 4, 2021
header type json

10:55 pm, October 4, 2021
check if a file exists with php

10:45 pm, October 4, 2021
Enabling SSH on Ubuntu

10:39 pm, October 4, 2021
RS3 Divination Leveling Log

10:27 pm, October 4, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
Our brains are wired to find things we are looking for - if your always cynical or waiting for things to go wrong, then your life will reflect that. On the other hand, having a positive outlook on life will bring you joy and provide you with inspiration when you least expect it ☀️🍉🌴
Random CSS Property


The symbols CSS descriptor is used to specify the symbols that the specified counter system will use to construct counter representations.
symbols (@counter-style) css reference