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An advanced collection of page views
css font style italic

5:32 am, April 4, 2022

5:28 am, April 4, 2022
how to json encode an array in php

5:15 am, April 4, 2022
jquery jqueryui vue script includes

5:13 am, April 4, 2022
ES5 vs ES6 Object Example

5:12 am, April 4, 2022
python import and print url

5:04 am, April 4, 2022
Date Conversion PHP

4:40 am, April 4, 2022
validate email address from string

4:39 am, April 4, 2022
random emojis copy and paste

4:32 am, April 4, 2022
Core - File Structure

4:26 am, April 4, 2022
form elements australian state list

4:12 am, April 4, 2022
card.html template

3:42 am, April 4, 2022
list group card template

3:40 am, April 4, 2022
try catch test

3:39 am, April 4, 2022
meta keywords tag

3:37 am, April 4, 2022
bootstrap alert template

3:32 am, April 4, 2022
a page with two images

3:18 am, April 4, 2022
Generate a Random User Name

2:40 am, April 4, 2022
add a user to a group

2:32 am, April 4, 2022
twitter icon font awesome

2:31 am, April 4, 2022
header type json

2:31 am, April 4, 2022
test php bundle write

2:21 am, April 4, 2022
check if a file exists with php

2:20 am, April 4, 2022
open sans @import embed font quick

2:15 am, April 4, 2022

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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Random CSS Property


The text-decoration-skip CSS property sets what parts of an element's content any text decoration affecting the element must skip over. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by the element and also any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors.
text-decoration-skip css reference