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An advanced collection of page views
easy twitter embed code

8:55 pm, November 29, 2021
show post content on template wordpress

8:45 pm, November 29, 2021
Use Sweet Alert rather than alert!

8:37 pm, November 29, 2021
javascript basic test array and loop

8:30 pm, November 29, 2021
JS Using typeof to check on string types

8:16 pm, November 29, 2021
detect window scroll position jquery

8:09 pm, November 29, 2021
make all links target new window

7:59 pm, November 29, 2021
document ready wordpress jquery

7:42 pm, November 29, 2021
change string to capital words ucwords

7:34 pm, November 29, 2021
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);

7:12 pm, November 29, 2021
video embed full screen all screen sizes

6:58 pm, November 29, 2021
open sans @import embed font quick

6:49 pm, November 29, 2021

6:46 pm, November 29, 2021
wordpress get template directory

6:44 pm, November 29, 2021
fancybox modal popup example

6:30 pm, November 29, 2021
site update incoming before and after

6:29 pm, November 29, 2021
php save csv from array to file

6:22 pm, November 29, 2021
Generate a Random User Name

6:10 pm, November 29, 2021
a page with two images

6:03 pm, November 29, 2021
using the kbd html tag

5:43 pm, November 29, 2021
set active class based on url value

5:40 pm, November 29, 2021
css grid for layouts and how to use it

5:29 pm, November 29, 2021
How to Compose React Components in React

5:29 pm, November 29, 2021
load the latest single item only

5:24 pm, November 29, 2021
check if a file exists with php

5:12 pm, November 29, 2021
add a moving chevron to your href link

5:12 pm, November 29, 2021
rs3 runespan experience rates

5:06 pm, November 29, 2021
using let rather than var

5:04 pm, November 29, 2021
wordpress main nav dropdown fix

4:54 pm, November 29, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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The :in-range CSS pseudo-class represents an <input> element whose current value is within the range limits specified by the min and max attributes.
:in-range css reference