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An advanced collection of page views
react hello world with variable name

12:43 am, January 1, 2023
button with separated chevron

12:44 am, January 1, 2023
Create a Simple JSX Element

12:45 am, January 1, 2023
check if a ul contains a ul li

12:45 am, January 1, 2023
Get the documentURI with JS

12:45 am, January 1, 2023
logo tickers marquee slow scrolling

12:45 am, January 1, 2023
fancybox image popout easy

12:46 am, January 1, 2023
foundation old grid format

12:46 am, January 1, 2023
card counting example from fcc

12:46 am, January 1, 2023
CSS Drawing - Beach Scene

12:46 am, January 1, 2023
Viewport width and height calculations

12:47 am, January 1, 2023
page scroll indicator research

12:47 am, January 1, 2023
bootstrap styled buttons

12:48 am, January 1, 2023
fancybox load iframe inline

12:49 am, January 1, 2023

12:49 am, January 1, 2023
enable dark mode in tinymce

12:49 am, January 1, 2023
twitter icon font awesome

12:49 am, January 1, 2023
stack a table using css responsive

12:49 am, January 1, 2023
checking if your windows pc has a TPM

12:49 am, January 1, 2023
Slick Slider Carousel

12:49 am, January 1, 2023
checking for spam comments function

12:50 am, January 1, 2023
Bootstrap Darkmode Switch

12:50 am, January 1, 2023
animated duck on footer

12:50 am, January 1, 2023
function to create a uid from html

12:50 am, January 1, 2023
jquery page search [testing]

12:50 am, January 1, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually, you’ll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish. . . . Somehow the more you give away, the more comes back to you.
Paul Arden
Random CSS Property


The @font-feature-values CSS at-rule lets you use a common name in the font-variant-alternates property for features activated differently in OpenType. This can help simplify your CSS when using multiple fonts.
@stylistic css reference