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An advanced collection of page views
adding a new line in javascript

2:07 am, January 2, 2023
php check if a class exists

2:09 am, January 2, 2023
javascript add class to element

2:11 am, January 2, 2023
wordpress get site url

2:12 am, January 2, 2023
Dropdown Box with Searchable Text

2:14 am, January 2, 2023
redirect www to non www

2:23 am, January 2, 2023
list group card item template

2:25 am, January 2, 2023
Welcome Widget Card - Toggle

2:27 am, January 2, 2023
A short unsplash image url

2:28 am, January 2, 2023

2:32 am, January 2, 2023
get current url with php

2:32 am, January 2, 2023
Console Tips and Tricks

2:35 am, January 2, 2023
easy section wrap in foundation

2:37 am, January 2, 2023
Oswald Font Quick Embed

2:38 am, January 2, 2023
target 1st td in a table with css

2:41 am, January 2, 2023
Runescape RS3 Double Seren Spirits

2:41 am, January 2, 2023
Google Fonts Multiple includes

2:41 am, January 2, 2023
javascript page redirect

2:42 am, January 2, 2023
inline fancybox modal testing

2:48 am, January 2, 2023
purple partyhat price info feb 21

2:51 am, January 2, 2023
json test objects (or arrays)

2:54 am, January 2, 2023
enable dark mode in tinymce

2:55 am, January 2, 2023
Animal Crossing House Design's

2:55 am, January 2, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
“We ought to take outdoor walks in order that the mind may be strengthened and refreshed by the open air and much breathing.".
Random CSS Property


The inset-block-start CSS property defines the logical block start offset of an element, which maps to a physical inset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
inset-block-start css reference