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get last month as a number with php

10:56 am, March 27, 2023
python import and print url

11:01 am, March 27, 2023
round number with js

11:16 am, March 27, 2023
twitter icon font awesome

11:17 am, March 27, 2023
OSRS Notes

11:18 am, March 27, 2023
bootstrap styled buttons

11:19 am, March 27, 2023
stop overscrolling on responsive ios

11:26 am, March 27, 2023
Generate a random title from an array

11:29 am, March 27, 2023
javascript try catch example function

11:32 am, March 27, 2023
php list all the functions in a class

11:42 am, March 27, 2023
get element by id with javascript

11:42 am, March 27, 2023
adding react to a website in 3 steps

11:51 am, March 27, 2023
how to copy the folder path in finder

11:51 am, March 27, 2023
show the current date in javascript

11:53 am, March 27, 2023
still more comment spam

12:03 pm, March 27, 2023
jquery accordion

12:14 pm, March 27, 2023
scroll left animation

12:24 pm, March 27, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
Most people can do absolutely awe-inspiring things,” he said. “Sometimes they just need a little nudge.
Random CSS Property


The unicode-bidi CSS property, together with the direction property, determines how bidirectional text in a document is handled. For example, if a block of content contains both left-to-right and right-to-left text, the user-agent uses a complex Unicode algorithm to decide how to display the text. The unicode-bidi property overrides this algorithm and allows the developer to control the text embedding.
unicode-bidi css reference