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youtube search api request function

1:36 am, November 20, 2023
slick slider section quick add

1:38 am, November 20, 2023
Quick Embed - Google Font - Inter

1:38 am, November 20, 2023
Default Parameters for Functions

1:43 am, November 20, 2023
Find Disk Space Usage using DU

1:43 am, November 20, 2023
How to Override Default Props in React

1:47 am, November 20, 2023
animated duck on footer

1:47 am, November 20, 2023
pi hole and hassio

1:48 am, November 20, 2023
convert all images into base64 encoded

1:50 am, November 20, 2023
white space pre-wrap formatting

1:50 am, November 20, 2023
copy file

1:50 am, November 20, 2023
clipboard copy js

1:51 am, November 20, 2023
javascript add class to element

1:56 am, November 20, 2023
What is Core?

1:59 am, November 20, 2023
making var_dump look nice

1:59 am, November 20, 2023
parallax js scroll testing

2:00 am, November 20, 2023
Monitoring Visible Objects on Screen

2:02 am, November 20, 2023
change favicon with jquery

2:02 am, November 20, 2023
add chevrons to a ul list

2:09 am, November 20, 2023
RS3 Summoning Quick Oblesque

2:11 am, November 20, 2023
twitter json feed testing

2:16 am, November 20, 2023
get the current month as a number

2:17 am, November 20, 2023
css using perspective for transforms

2:24 am, November 20, 2023
php save csv from array to file

2:24 am, November 20, 2023
javascript basic test array and loop

2:24 am, November 20, 2023
MySQL to Sqlite converter

2:24 am, November 20, 2023
Flickity - autoPlay with Loop

2:24 am, November 20, 2023
simple file cache and check in php

2:24 am, November 20, 2023
Shark Attack Life saving technique

2:24 am, November 20, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually, you’ll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish. . . . Somehow the more you give away, the more comes back to you.
Paul Arden
Random CSS Property


The border-block-width CSS property defines the width of the logical block borders of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width and border-bottom-width, or border-left-width, and border-right-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
border-block-width css reference