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how to find what version pi you are using

12:38 am, November 27, 2023
get text between tags

12:38 am, November 27, 2023
youtube search api request function

12:38 am, November 27, 2023
easy section wrap in foundation

12:38 am, November 27, 2023
Return a file extention from a string

12:39 am, November 27, 2023
Slick Slider Carousel with Fade Transition

12:40 am, November 27, 2023
stack a table using css responsive

12:40 am, November 27, 2023
use font awesome on elements lists ul

12:40 am, November 27, 2023
count total results from distinct sqlite

12:41 am, November 27, 2023
using parse_url to extract parts of a url

12:42 am, November 27, 2023
CSS Grid Frame Work

12:42 am, November 27, 2023
apache redirect to https ssl from normal

12:42 am, November 27, 2023
round number with js

12:43 am, November 27, 2023
Creating an NFT - bbyalienyodi

12:44 am, November 27, 2023
getting the site title vs the page name

12:44 am, November 27, 2023
mithril testing

12:44 am, November 27, 2023
fancybox v3.4 - Mixed gallery

12:44 am, November 27, 2023
Slick Slider Carousel

12:46 am, November 27, 2023
video embed no controls

12:46 am, November 27, 2023
How to Slay Abyssal Savage for Slayer Task

12:47 am, November 27, 2023
Greater Demons

12:47 am, November 27, 2023
Top RS3 Quests to Complete

12:47 am, November 27, 2023
mysql to sqlite notes

12:48 am, November 27, 2023
Windows CIFS Optional Features Network

12:48 am, November 27, 2023
Runescape RS3 Double Seren Spirits

12:49 am, November 27, 2023
RS3 Herb Run Notes

12:49 am, November 27, 2023

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
1. Show your work to the world instead of keeping in your head💆. 2. Do the work consistently👌 3. Respect your work🥰 4. Don't postpone your work 5. Make mistakes 🔥🔥🔥
Random CSS Property


The animation-iteration-count CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
animation-iteration-count css reference