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adding an item to an array with php

1:20 pm, December 27, 2021
basic for loop

1:20 pm, December 27, 2021
check column exists in table sqlite

1:21 pm, December 27, 2021
check if a file exists with php

1:21 pm, December 27, 2021
copy file

1:22 pm, December 27, 2021
csv read example

1:23 pm, December 27, 2021
explode a string into an array

1:23 pm, December 27, 2021
for loop with a 5 increment

1:24 pm, December 27, 2021
function to create a uid from html

1:24 pm, December 27, 2021
generate a random color rgb code with php

1:24 pm, December 27, 2021
get current class name with get_class

1:24 pm, December 27, 2021
get last month as a number with php

1:25 pm, December 27, 2021
get the current month as a number

1:25 pm, December 27, 2021
get the current week as a number with php

1:25 pm, December 27, 2021
get the current working directory in php

1:25 pm, December 27, 2021
human_filesize php

1:25 pm, December 27, 2021
list a functions variables or arguments

1:26 pm, December 27, 2021
load from fields array php class function

1:26 pm, December 27, 2021
load random videos module using template

1:26 pm, December 27, 2021
page load timer class

1:26 pm, December 27, 2021
php convert date now into a sql timestamp

1:27 pm, December 27, 2021
php html template class system

1:27 pm, December 27, 2021
php mysql table exists function

1:27 pm, December 27, 2021
php print an array nicely

1:27 pm, December 27, 2021

1:27 pm, December 27, 2021
php substr return part of a string

1:28 pm, December 27, 2021
pretty printing json with php

1:28 pm, December 27, 2021
random number using rand

1:28 pm, December 27, 2021
read and sort directory contents in php

1:28 pm, December 27, 2021
search within files in a directory

1:29 pm, December 27, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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The border-start-start-radius CSS property defines a logical border radius on an element, which maps to a physical border radius that depends on the element's writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation. This is useful when building styles to work regardless of the text orientation and writing mode.
border-start-start-radius css reference