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ken burns slow image zoom

1:31 am, October 4, 2021
stack a table using css responsive

1:32 am, October 4, 2021
RS3 Soul Cape and where to get it

1:33 am, October 4, 2021
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1:37 am, October 4, 2021
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1:40 am, October 4, 2021
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1:43 am, October 4, 2021
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1:44 am, October 4, 2021
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1:44 am, October 4, 2021
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1:45 am, October 4, 2021
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1:46 am, October 4, 2021
old browser check with javascript

1:48 am, October 4, 2021
PHP/SQLite - Load Random Item

1:52 am, October 4, 2021
Crafting - 1 - 99 guide

1:54 am, October 4, 2021
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1:56 am, October 4, 2021
wordpress main nav dropdown fix

2:15 am, October 4, 2021
filter drop shadow

2:15 am, October 4, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
“We ought to take outdoor walks in order that the mind may be strengthened and refreshed by the open air and much breathing.".
Random CSS Property


The content-visibility CSS property controls whether or not an element renders its contents at all, along with forcing a strong set of containments, allowing user agents to potentially omit large swathes of layout and rendering work until it becomes needed. Basically it enables the user agent to skip an element's rendering work (including layout and painting) until it is needed — which makes the initial page load much faster.
content-visibility css reference