Rs3 Market Watch

RS3 Market Watch monitors the latest prices changes Runescape or RS3, it monitors the price rises and falls. Usually this is updated every hour or so if the feed api is working. You can list by latest price changes, price rises and price falls. You can also search for an item in the item search box below.
Access the API for this data here - Runescape RS3 Price Market Watch Item Data
Type in the item name above to search for prices
Knot skipping ticket - Prices

Knot skipping ticket

Knot, skipping, ticket

Price Start Price End Price Rise Price Fall Change % Updated
451.5k481.4k29.9k+6%3 weeks
439.8k481.4k41.7k+9%3 weeks
475.5k426.6k49.0k-10%1 month
451.4k481.5k30.2k+6%2 months
525.7k482.5k43.2k-8%2 months
540.6k488.7k51.9k-9%3 months
540.6k489.9k50.7k-9%3 months
562.3k489.9k72.3k-12%3 months
562.3k510.1k52.2k-9%3 months
585.1k510.1k74.9k-12%3 months
585.1k525.7k59.3k-10%3 months
598.7k540.6k58.1k-9%3 months
616.4k562.3k54.1k-8%3 months
687.7k606.9k80.9k-11%4 months
687.7k611.1k76.6k-11%4 months
647.2k705.5k58.3k+9%4 months
669.2k614.8k54.5k-8%5 months
696.4k618.8k77.6k-11%5 months
696.4k648.0k48.4k-6%5 months
704.5k648.0k56.5k-8%6 months
630.7k689.7k59.0k+9%6 months
641.5k703.5k61.9k+9%7 months
611.0k714.1k103.1k+16%7 months
582.9k693.7k110.7k+18%7 months
582.9k664.6k81.6k+14%8 months
582.9k641.5k58.6k+10%8 months
570.7k641.5k70.9k+12%8 months
570.7k611.0k40.3k+7%8 months
545.1k611.0k65.9k+12%8 months
535.2k582.9k47.7k+8%8 months
527.3k582.9k55.6k+10%8 months
527.3k570.7k43.4k+8%8 months
515.8k570.7k54.8k+10%8 months
474.9k527.3k52.4k+11%8 months
474.9k515.8k40.9k+8%8 months
472.2k515.8k43.6k+9%8 months
458.5k501.9k43.4k+9%8 months
525.5k474.9k50.6k-9%8 months
525.5k472.2k53.3k-10%8 months
533.2k472.2k61.0k-11%8 months
533.2k458.5k74.7k-14%8 months
511.7k469.2k42.5k-8%8 months
478.6k525.5k46.9k+9%9 months
491.5k533.2k41.7k+8%9 months
518.3k476.2k42.1k-8%9 months
523.1k479.6k43.5k-8%9 months
464.3k503.1k38.8k+8%9 months
443.6k495.4k51.8k+11%9 months
435.5k486.7k51.2k+11%10 months
464.5k429.6k34.9k-7%10 months
473.4k429.6k43.8k-9%10 months
473.4k438.6k34.8k-7%10 months
482.2k438.6k43.6k-9%10 months
502.7k449.4k53.3k-10%10 months
502.7k464.5k38.2k-7%10 months
444.7k482.2k37.5k+8%10 months
430.6k502.7k72.0k+16%10 months
430.6k483.6k53.0k+12%10 months
413.4k483.6k70.2k+16%10 months
413.4k462.3k48.8k+11%10 months
394.0k444.7k50.8k+12%11 months
394.0k430.6k36.6k+9%11 months
382.2k430.6k48.5k+12%11 months
414.6k373.1k41.5k-10%11 months
414.6k360.8k53.8k-12%11 months
431.0k362.0k69.0k-16%11 months
431.0k373.9k57.1k-13%11 months
430.4k385.7k44.8k-10%12 months
389.2k420.7k31.5k+8%1 year
270.7k291.7k21.0k+7%1 year
260.7k291.7k31.0k+11%1 year
241.5k211.8k29.7k-12%1 year
248.1k211.8k36.3k-14%1 year
248.1k220.4k27.7k-11%1 year
249.5k220.4k29.1k-11%1 year
289.3k258.1k31.2k-10%1 year
295.9k261.1k34.8k-11%1 year
305.1k256.9k48.2k-15%1 year
310.9k265.5k45.4k-14%1 year
347.4k311.2k36.3k-10%1 year
364.4k318.5k45.9k-12%1 year
378.7k324.1k54.6k-14%1 year
394.6k324.1k70.5k-17%1 year
408.9k334.7k74.2k-18%1 year
411.4k347.4k64.0k-15%1 year
411.4k364.4k47.0k-11%1 year
359.0k399.2k40.2k+11%1 year
356.5k399.2k42.7k+11%1 year
356.5k389.5k33.0k+9%1 year
355.1k389.5k34.4k+9%1 year
380.1k347.7k32.4k-8%1 year
304.0k332.8k28.8k+9%1 year
295.2k329.5k34.4k+11%1 year
323.2k295.2k28.0k-8%1 year
328.0k297.6k30.4k-9%1 year
361.0k328.0k33.0k-9%1 year
323.4k361.6k38.2k+11%1 year
323.4k358.4k35.0k+10%1 year
305.1k336.6k31.4k+10%1 year
290.6k336.6k46.0k+15%1 year
276.8k331.6k54.8k+19%1 year
263.7k318.1k54.4k+20%1 year
251.7k305.1k53.5k+21%1 year
251.7k290.6k38.9k+15%1 year
242.2k276.8k34.6k+14%1 year
251.1k227.0k24.1k-9%1 year
217.9k241.7k23.9k+10%2 years
244.8k223.8k21.0k-8%2 years
244.8k216.8k27.9k-11%2 years
253.2k216.8k36.4k-14%2 years
248.1k222.9k25.2k-10%2 years
270.3k248.1k22.2k-8%2 years
270.3k245.5k24.8k-9%2 years
278.1k245.5k32.6k-11%2 years
290.5k251.6k38.9k-13%2 years
290.5k262.0k28.5k-9%2 years
299.3k262.0k37.2k-12%2 years
299.3k270.3k29.0k-9%2 years
308.5k270.3k38.3k-12%2 years
308.5k278.1k30.5k-9%2 years
303.5k278.1k25.4k-8%2 years
279.6k308.5k29.0k+10%2 years
266.7k303.5k36.8k+13%2 years
257.8k293.6k35.8k+13%2 years
245.7k293.6k47.9k+19%2 years
235.7k279.6k43.8k+18%2 years
230.0k266.7k36.7k+15%2 years
219.7k257.8k38.1k+17%2 years
219.7k245.7k26.1k+11%2 years
211.4k235.7k24.4k+11%2 years
206.5k230.0k23.5k+11%2 years
163.5k182.4k18.9k+11%2 years
162.7k181.2k18.4k+11%2 years
158.6k181.9k23.3k+14%2 years
158.6k176.4k17.8k+11%2 years
153.1k170.4k17.3k+11%2 years
176.2k152.4k23.7k-13%2 years
168.4k192.3k23.9k+14%2 years
184.7k168.4k16.3k-8%2 years
192.6k134.6k58.0k-30%2 years
192.6k168.4k24.2k-12%2 years
202.2k171.4k30.8k-15%2 years
211.4k177.1k34.3k-16%2 years
211.4k184.7k26.7k-12%2 years
208.3k184.7k23.6k-11%2 years

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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