Rs3 Market Watch

RS3 Market Watch monitors the latest prices changes Runescape or RS3, it monitors the price rises and falls. Usually this is updated every hour or so if the feed api is working. You can list by latest price changes, price rises and price falls. You can also search for an item in the item search box below.
Access the API for this data here - Runescape RS3 Price Market Watch Item Data
Type in the item name above to search for prices
Rubber turkey - Prices

Rubber turkey

Rubber, turkey

Price Start Price End Price Rise Price Fall Change % Updated
28.3k30.4k2,176+7%1 month
26.2k28.3k2,037+7%1 month
23.1k24.8k1,718+7%2 months
19.0k20.7k1,686+8%4 months
10.7k11.5k821+7%8 months
10.2k11.1k829+8%8 months
9,85010.7k830+8%8 months
9,48310.2k758+7%8 months
6,5505,998552-8%1 year
3,1502,862288-9%1 year
3,3213,001320-9%1 year
3,4203,043377-11%1 year
3,4973,026471-13%1 year
3,5623,150412-11%1 year
3,5623,216346-9%1 year
3,6323,216416-11%1 year
3,6843,268416-11%1 year
3,7103,321389-10%1 year
3,7383,325413-11%1 year
3,9703,562408-10%1 year
4,1803,738442-10%1 year
4,2973,799498-11%1 year
4,4253,861564-12%1 year
4,5393,970569-12%1 year
4,5394,015524-11%1 year
4,7314,015716-15%1 year
4,9174,113804-16%1 year
5,0704,109961-18%1 year
5,2274,1801,047-20%1 year
5,4444,2971,147-21%1 year
5,6324,4251,207-21%1 year
5,8144,5391,275-21%1 year
6,0254,7311,294-21%1 year
6,2444,9171,327-21%1 year
6,5415,0701,471-22%1 year
6,8325,2271,605-23%1 year
7,1715,4441,727-24%1 year
7,5465,6321,914-25%1 year
7,9395,8142,125-26%1 year
8,3576,0252,332-27%1 year
8,7976,2442,553-29%1 year
9,2616,5412,720-29%1 year
9,7486,8322,916-29%1 year
10.3k7,1713,091-30%1 year
10.8k7,5463,257-30%1 year
11.4k7,9393,433-30%1 year
11.4k8,3573,015-26%1 year
12.0k8,3573,613-30%1 year
12.6k8,7973,803-30%1 year
13.3k9,2614,003-30%1 year
14.0k9,7484,215-30%1 year
14.7k10.3k4,436-30%1 year
15.5k10.8k4,669-30%1 year
16.3k11.4k4,914-30%1 year
17.1k12.0k5,173-30%1 year
18.0k12.6k5,445-30%1 year
19.0k13.3k5,731-30%1 year
20.0k14.0k6,031-30%1 year
21.0k14.7k6,348-30%1 year
22.2k15.5k6,682-30%2 years
23.3k16.3k7,035-30%2 years
24.5k17.1k7,406-30%2 years
25.8k18.0k7,796-30%2 years
27.2k19.0k8,207-30%2 years
28.6k20.0k8,639-30%2 years
30.1k21.0k9,093-30%2 years
31.7k22.2k9,572-30%2 years
33.4k23.3k10.1k-30%2 years
35.2k24.5k10.6k-30%2 years
37.0k25.8k11.2k-30%2 years
39.0k27.2k11.8k-30%2 years
41.0k28.6k12.4k-30%2 years
43.2k30.1k13.0k-30%2 years
45.4k31.7k13.7k-30%2 years
47.8k33.4k14.4k-30%2 years
50.3k35.2k15.2k-30%2 years
53.0k37.0k16.0k-30%2 years
55.8k39.0k16.8k-30%2 years
58.7k41.0k17.7k-30%2 years
61.8k43.2k18.6k-30%2 years
65.1k45.4k19.6k-30%2 years
68.5k47.8k20.7k-30%2 years
72.1k50.3k21.7k-30%2 years
75.9k53.0k22.9k-30%2 years
79.9k55.8k24.1k-30%2 years
84.1k58.7k25.3k-30%2 years
88.5k61.8k26.7k-30%2 years
93.1k65.1k28.1k-30%2 years
98.1k68.5k29.6k-30%2 years
103.2k72.1k31.1k-30%2 years
103.9k75.9k28.1k-26%2 years
103.9k79.9k24.1k-23%2 years
103.9k84.1k19.9k-19%2 years
103.9k88.5k15.4k-14%2 years
103.9k93.1k10.8k-10%2 years
109.0k99.4k9,563-8%2 years
184.5k922.5k738.0k+400%2 years

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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