Rs3 Market Watch

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Congealed blood - Prices

Congealed blood

Congealed, blood

Price Start Price End Price Rise Price Fall Change % Updated
5,5145,051463-8%3 hours
5,6725,278394-6%1 day
4,9835,466483+9%1 week
4,7525,357605+12%1 week
4,8135,317504+10%1 week
4,6975,258561+11%2 weeks
4,5845,258674+14%2 weeks
4,5845,217633+13%2 weeks
4,5655,103538+11%2 weeks
4,4584,983525+11%2 weeks
4,3484,813465+10%2 weeks
4,3484,697349+8%2 weeks
4,7854,348437-9%3 weeks
5,1814,742439-8%1 month
5,3464,723623-11%1 month
5,5484,799749-13%1 month
5,5484,786762-13%1 month
5,7264,796930-16%1 month
5,6574,869788-13%1 month
5,7195,003716-12%1 month
5,1215,726605+11%1 month
4,8945,726832+17%1 month
4,7015,657956+20%1 month
4,5455,7191,174+25%1 month
4,5305,5851,055+23%1 month
4,5305,466936+20%1 month
4,4595,301842+18%1 month
4,4005,121721+16%1 month
4,2624,894632+14%1 month
4,1594,701542+13%1 month
4,0624,545483+11%1 month
4,0964,530434+10%1 month
4,0824,530448+10%1 month
3,7684,041273+7%2 months
3,7394,041302+8%2 months
3,6823,925243+6%2 months
4,1863,768418-9%2 months
4,1863,739447-10%2 months
4,4073,739668-15%2 months
4,4073,682725-16%2 months
4,6393,682957-20%2 months
4,8153,7221,093-22%2 months
4,9323,7631,169-23%2 months
4,8853,8361,049-21%2 months
4,8094,000809-16%2 months
4,7534,186567-11%2 months
4,3184,815497+11%2 months
4,1914,932741+17%2 months
4,1874,885698+16%2 months
4,0424,809767+18%2 months
3,8924,753861+22%2 months
3,7604,630870+23%2 months
3,6164,430814+22%3 months
3,4614,318857+24%3 months
3,3104,191881+26%3 months
3,3104,187877+26%3 months
3,2534,042789+24%3 months
3,2343,892658+20%3 months
3,2433,760517+15%3 months
3,3263,616290+8%3 months
3,6143,255359-9%3 months
3,5633,190373-10%3 months
2,9903,245255+8%4 months
2,8983,172274+9%4 months
2,8603,202342+11%4 months
2,8513,192341+11%5 months
2,5992,859260+10%5 months
2,5702,847277+10%5 months
2,5702,785215+8%5 months
2,9642,656308-10%5 months
2,9642,672292-9%5 months
3,0512,672379-12%5 months
3,0942,695399-12%6 months
3,2362,692544-16%6 months
3,2362,816420-12%6 months
3,2922,816476-14%6 months
3,2842,867417-12%6 months
3,2892,964325-9%6 months
3,2802,964316-9%6 months
2,9853,292307+10%6 months
2,9853,284299+10%6 months
2,8903,289399+13%6 months
2,8163,280464+16%6 months
2,7833,201418+15%6 months
2,7003,196496+18%6 months
2,6503,087437+16%6 months
2,6502,985335+12%6 months
2,6372,985348+13%6 months
2,5492,890341+13%6 months
2,5842,816232+8%6 months
2,5212,783262+10%6 months
2,4312,700269+11%6 months
2,3302,583253+10%7 months
2,2652,560295+13%7 months
2,5782,263315-12%7 months
2,5782,290288-11%7 months
2,6182,290328-12%7 months
2,6052,284321-12%7 months
2,6382,400238-9%7 months
2,6382,464174-6%7 months
2,7432,544199-7%8 months
2,7872,575212-7%8 months
2,8402,575265-9%8 months
2,8402,563277-9%8 months
2,7742,563211-7%8 months
3,0932,821272-8%8 months
3,1732,806367-11%8 months
3,0942,836258-8%8 months
2,8923,173281+9%8 months
2,9053,173268+9%8 months
3,1152,911204-6%9 months
2,9203,238318+10%10 months
2,7883,012224+8%10 months
2,7623,036274+9%10 months
2,6842,985301+11%10 months
2,6282,996368+14%10 months
2,5892,924335+12%10 months
2,5552,843288+11%10 months
2,5552,788233+9%11 months
2,4692,762293+11%11 months
2,4542,762308+12%11 months
2,8672,555312-10%11 months
3,0012,469532-17%11 months
3,1102,454656-21%11 months
3,2742,539735-22%11 months
3,3942,653741-21%11 months
3,3942,733661-19%11 months
3,5262,772754-21%11 months
3,6072,867740-20%11 months
3,6613,001660-18%11 months
3,7443,110634-16%11 months
3,8363,274562-14%11 months
3,9153,394521-13%11 months
3,9443,394550-13%11 months
3,9283,526402-10%11 months
3,9583,607351-8%11 months
4,0263,661365-9%11 months
4,1293,744385-9%11 months
4,1823,836346-8%11 months
4,3453,915430-9%11 months
4,3453,944401-9%11 months
4,5323,944588-12%11 months
4,4013,928473-10%11 months
4,1124,532420+10%12 months
4,0574,532475+11%12 months
3,7724,083311+8%1 year
3,6704,095425+11%1 year
3,7024,029327+8%1 year
3,5824,002420+11%1 year
3,4624,063601+17%1 year
3,3714,003632+18%1 year
3,3563,913557+16%1 year
3,3543,772418+12%1 year
3,4113,702291+8%1 year
3,1093,469360+11%1 year
3,1043,471367+11%1 year
3,1343,581447+14%1 year
3,0513,440389+12%1 year
2,8243,113289+10%1 year
2,6973,190493+18%1 year
2,5853,182597+23%1 year
2,5073,094587+23%1 year
2,4133,021608+25%1 year
2,4132,964551+22%1 year
2,3002,882582+25%1 year
2,2542,824570+25%1 year
2,2542,697443+19%1 year
2,1472,585438+20%1 year
2,1502,507357+16%1 year
2,0702,413343+16%1 year
2,0182,300282+13%1 year
1,9522,254302+15%1 year
1,8922,254362+19%1 year
1,8282,147319+17%1 year
1,7922,150358+19%1 year
1,7832,070287+16%1 year
1,7452,018273+15%1 year
1,7351,952217+12%1 year
1,4861,892406+27%1 year
1,4861,828342+23%1 year
1,4861,792306+20%1 year
1,4861,783297+19%1 year
1,4861,745259+17%1 year
1,4861,735249+16%1 year
2,4561,486970-39%1 year
2,3831,569814-34%1 year
2,4221,599823-33%1 year
2,3071,715592-25%1 year
2,3071,806501-21%1 year
1,7772,383606+34%1 year
7452,3831,638+219%1 year
7452,4221,677+225%1 year
1,1062,3071,201+108%1 year
7452,3331,588+213%1 year
7452,2311,486+199%1 year
7451,7771,032+138%1 year
7451,220475+63%1 year
7451,106361+48%1 year
1,069745324-30%1 year
934745189-20%1 year
902745157-17%1 year
7451,069324+43%1 year
709934225+31%1 year
677902225+33%1 year
67774568+10%1 year
644745101+15%1 year
617745128+20%1 year
592745153+25%1 year
563745182+32%1 year
538709171+31%1 year
516677161+31%1 year
491644153+31%1 year
468617149+31%1 year
445592147+33%1 year
425592167+39%1 year
404563159+39%1 year
384538154+40%1 year
365516151+41%1 year
365491126+34%1 year
347468121+34%1 year
330445115+34%1 year
314425111+35%1 year
299404105+35%1 year
284384100+35%1 year
27036595+35%1 year
259365106+40%1 year
247347100+40%1 year
23633094+39%1 year
22431490+40%1 year
22029979+35%1 year
21128473+34%1 year
21127059+27%1 year
20127069+34%1 year
19125968+35%1 year
18224765+35%1 year
17423662+35%1 year
17422450+28%1 year
16622054+32%1 year
16721144+26%1 year
16620135+21%1 year
16619125+15%1 year
17115417-9%1 year
17315716-9%1 year
18516718-9%1 year
16217614+8%1 year
16117615+9%1 year
17315815-8%1 year
18115823-12%1 year
18116219-10%1 year
18116615-8%1 year
18416618-9%1 year
19017317-8%1 year
15817517+10%1 year
14015818+12%2 years
14015414+10%2 years
13615418+13%2 years
11112615+13%2 years
10712114+13%2 years
10711912+11%2 years
9410511+11%2 years
9410410+10%2 years
9510510+10%2 years
94859-9%2 years
978512-12%2 years
1009010-10%2 years
961037+7%2 years
9210311+11%2 years
921019+9%2 years
8810113+14%2 years
8810012+13%2 years
958510-10%2 years
95878-8%2 years
978710-10%2 years
89989+10%2 years
889810+11%2 years
88968+9%2 years
998910-10%2 years

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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