Rs3 Market Watch

RS3 Market Watch monitors the latest prices changes Runescape or RS3, it monitors the price rises and falls. Usually this is updated every hour or so if the feed api is working. You can list by latest price changes, price rises and price falls. You can also search for an item in the item search box below.
Access the API for this data here - Runescape RS3 Price Market Watch Item Data
Type in the item name above to search for prices
Raw bird meat - Prices

Raw bird meat

Raw, bird, meat

Price Start Price End Price Rise Price Fall Change % Updated
93886870-7%2 weeks
94486381-8%2 weeks
93187160-6%3 weeks
94187170-7%3 weeks
85291563+7%2 months
83490066+7%2 months
83488551+6%2 months
81088575+9%2 months
81087161+7%2 months
79487177+9%2 months
79485258+7%3 months
80186160+7%3 months
80986152+6%3 months
91181398-10%3 months
91181794-10%3 months
924821103-11%3 months
92482896-10%3 months
93284686-9%3 months
94586580-8%3 months
96688482-8%3 months
90497874+8%4 months
90498379+8%4 months
90496662+6%4 months
1,00592481-8%5 months
1,00593174-7%5 months
88596075+8%5 months
91385162-6%6 months
92385865-7%6 months
94086080-8%6 months
94087664-6%6 months
83477163-7%9 months
84576580-9%9 months
84878464-7%9 months
84478460-7%9 months
85480648-5%9 months
92986465-6%10 months
92086753-5%10 months
86594176+8%12 months
85191968+7%12 months
83490672+8%12 months
82990677+9%12 months
81187766+8%1 year
84278656-6%1 year
84278953-6%1 year
92284874-8%1 year
785948163+20%1 year
913785128-14%1 year
837737100-11%1 year
89980099-11%1 year
926815111-11%1 year
949837112-11%1 year
942833109-11%1 year
94084595-10%1 year
90197473+8%1 year
86793265+7%1 year
85992970+8%1 year
93485975-8%1 year
91986059-6%1 year
99892870-7%1 year
1,029919110-10%1 year
1,02993198-9%1 year
90899082+9%1 year
76385895+12%1 year
738866128+17%1 year
722848126+17%1 year
710838128+18%1 year
709838129+18%1 year
709812103+14%1 year
69379097+13%1 year
77269775-9%2 years
77270963-8%2 years
85776394-10%2 years
898772126-14%2 years
946769177-18%2 years
989769220-22%2 years
999782217-21%2 years
1,005801204-20%2 years
1,010821189-18%2 years
1,027857170-16%2 years
1,039898141-13%2 years
1,062946116-10%2 years
1,072956116-10%2 years
1,072959113-10%2 years
1,081971110-10%2 years
1,082955127-11%2 years
1,089978111-10%2 years
1,116998118-10%2 years
1,1191,010109-9%2 years
1,0171,146129+12%2 years
9811,161180+18%2 years
9641,147183+18%2 years
9581,145187+19%2 years
9561,123167+17%2 years
9611,094133+13%2 years
9511,04594+9%2 years
9351,01782+8%2 years
90983277-8%2 years
92883197-10%2 years
93384291-9%2 years
93485183-8%2 years
93486371-7%2 years
80889385+10%2 years
783888105+13%2 years
761882121+15%2 years
749866117+15%2 years
732866134+18%2 years
723848125+17%2 years
717832115+16%2 years
71780891+12%2 years
71980889+12%2 years
84291270+8%2 years
82791184+10%2 years
812927115+14%2 years
793935142+17%2 years
784925141+17%2 years
767890123+16%2 years
762865103+13%2 years
76284280+10%2 years
75984283+10%2 years
74982778+10%2 years

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