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CSSnowflakes simple snowflakes non-JS snowflakes for your website
i like this one as its a nice and simple copy and paste effect that just covers the whole site and does not get in the way of other things like some other scripts i have come across.
Idea: Google Font Dropdown Selector Code
just an idea at the moment, a dropdown list of google fonts and when selected it loads that selected font using the @import css tag. Loading the fonts Gist : not tested
CSS Grid Frame Work
8 Dec 2020 Yes i dont have an cool names for it, I just wanted something fairly light that can replace the bootstrap and foundation grid and basic components that i use so often, some of these framew..
Monitoring Visible Objects on Screen
i found this one when researching how to detect visible objects on screen, and then doing something with them. This one does not use any external scripts to change the box colour as it becomes visible..
extracting the useful bits of bootstrap
Back in the early instances of bootstrap they used to provide a build system for the individual components. It seems that these days its all or nothing, or use some kind of build tool to include the b..
jquery accordion
here is an easy drop in if you need a quick and dirty accordion sometimes you just need something quick, here is mine for the jquery accordion also changed the default selected tab to green rather t..