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KruXoR - September 2022 - Newsletter #1

View this online here... So its been a busy week for me anyway, like most weeks. I actually decided to start getting up early after reading (or started reading) the 5am club book. Im still not up to ..

4:36 am, September 20, 2022
Winamp Final Version 5.9 - Download and Thoughts

I started up my old school winamp this morning and noticed that a new version has been released! I was not expecting this as its soo old, and its tiny on my screen now, but it still has all the featur..

12:09 am, September 12, 2022
Site Updates
Some New String tools

Added a couple of new tools, that i had to add fairly quickly while doing another task. Thought i would make them into re-usable tools for future coding endevours.    Create UID from Strin..

1:54 am, July 15, 2022
Idea: create blocks of code that can be re-used and added easily to recreate site parts

Note: this might be a bit hard to read through as its just my raw notes on this subject/idea. Idea: create blocks of code that can be re-used and added easily to recreate site parts. I started this ..

4:18 am, July 6, 2022
Site Updates
Bike Stat motorbike spec database import and data research

I had this site ages ago, actually now that i look at the database it was around 2014 called bike stat. Which had a bunch of motorbike statistics and engine sizes, i cant really remember the site, so ..

3:19 am, June 24, 2022
What's the Point of Docker?

What's the Point of Docker? These are my notes on installing docker on a VPS, there a bit jumbled, but mostly a full collection of the commands i used to get docker working with docker co..

3:47 am, June 16, 2022
Site Updates
Site Widget Controls

Currently the widgets on this site, the things on the right hand side, are pretty much automatic and just load in as they please.  Current Widget Load Process: Call widget class.  Add w..

4:56 am, June 10, 2022
Site Updates
KruXoR Site Updates June 2022

I always just keep adding to this site and dont document the changes anywhere, so many changes and no one seems to notice, but I keep improving it anyway. I notice, i guess so its worth it.  I t..

2:53 am, June 10, 2022
API and Javascript
Love Like Dislike API and Javascript

Working Example Full Page You can check it out below, just include the script and it records the details based on the current URL.  Love Like API Demo Quick Embed Add this to the page where..

4:06 am, March 15, 2022
Data Imports
Importing CSS Reference

I thought it would be kinda cool to have the css reference as some kind of database that i could refer to. this is how to import it somewhere else. Import CSS Reference Function This is the initial..

11:48 pm, February 22, 2022
New Ubuntu Server Setup Details and Packages for NGINX with SQLite Web Server and Certbot

This is the list of things that i install and commands that i run to setup a new linux VPS Server using Ubuntu, this is for version 18.x or 20.x of ubuntu, and the php-fpm version usually also changes..

3:11 am, February 9, 2022
web development
add a live reloading server with one npm command

I work on a lot of html sites, and usually i go into the editor make a change, go back into the browser and hit reload or clear cache and reload, repeat process. I saw all of these NPM's and other th..

11:43 pm, January 13, 2022
Tools and Utilities
tools i still want to create

This is my inspiration list, or when i have a tool idea, i should add it here so next time i have nothing better to do, create one of these tools. Once created i will move the tool link over to this c..

12:03 am, December 13, 2021
Tools and Utilities

Here is a collection of the tools i have created and also a list of the tools i still want to create.    SEO Tools   SEO Keyword Research This tool allows you to type in a keyword ..

1:22 am, December 9, 2021
does google still post back the search term with the link click

i remember a while back when you could actually see what search result words were being used to link back to your pages using the data sent back from the google click.  now when i test this i ca..

1:04 am, August 26, 2021
Clean Windows Setup

So i was watching a video today where they went through setting up and cleaning a windows installation, and man i thought i really want to do this.  My PC and Laptop just get so cluttered with a..

6:27 am, June 12, 2021
Factorio Blueprint Books

Here is a couple of blueprint books for factorio that i found, sources included.  You can import them using the paste string, and clicking on this button in factorio: Then paste it in here an..

2:17 am, February 20, 2021
My Favourite Atom Packages (Plugins) 2020

I did a list for this last year, updating it again for this year, i will add and remove packages as i change them. This is just my personal preferences for atom as i usually code in js css html and ph..

11:35 pm, October 13, 2020
How to get spreadsheet data into a meaningful/useful format using php and sqlite

I had some data recently that i thought would be very good in a web page format. So i started copy and pasting it into a html editor and then realised that this data is all in the same format as its i..

12:52 am, August 18, 2020
RS3 Most Efficient Skilling Methods - With Videos

This is a some what high level guide to the fastest skilling methods in RS3. Some of the skills have high requirements, so this just lists the fastest methods to skill them. This guide is based on thi..

12:28 am, August 18, 2020
how to fix - Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding()

I use the php readability library in some of my code, and found on a new server that it was throwing the error. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() For me t..

5:25 am, April 8, 2020
Image Resizing with PHP and SimpleImage Library

How to resize images with PHP using the SimpleImage Library I always forget how to do this even though its pretty simple once you know what to do. Here is how i resize images if they are over a ce..

12:45 am, September 12, 2018
pi hole and hassio

What is Pi Hole? Pi Hole is basically a firewall that sits on your home network and blocks out all the adversiter and tracker sites. So if you want to block a large percentage of the dodgy/ad/tracker..

1:11 am, August 24, 2018
Adding a template to wordpress to show a list of posts on a custom page template

So i had a request the other day to add a blog to wordpress that had been converted to a promo site with a static front page. Sounds easy, well it is if you know how to add a template to wordpress...

1:40 am, April 17, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

Subscribe to weekly updates about things i have added to the site or thought interesting during the last week.

You could also follow me on twitter or not... does anyone even use twitter anymore?

If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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I'm a big believer in energy and the secret and that sort of thing.
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The column-rule-style CSS property sets the style of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
column-rule-style css reference