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php redirect

quick and simple php redirect to a url

12:42 am, June 28, 2024
Bind 'this' to a Class Method

Binding 'this' to Class Methods in React React class components allow you to define custom methods alongside managing state and props. These methods often need to access component properties li..

11:52 pm, June 11, 2024
php functions
Return a file extention from a string

This php function returns a file extention from a string.  I think it will only work if the string does not have any additional . in it.  I think a better way to do this function would be ..

5:45 am, April 7, 2023
chart js line chart dont show below 0

had an issue where the chart was displaying values in the negative, and wanted to start the chart at 0 and no go below. the additional option fixed this issue.  Javascript options: { scales..

1:37 am, April 5, 2023
slick slider
Slick slider code testing with slower slides and auto play on videos

additional testing with changes for slick slider videos and auto play

4:28 am, March 1, 2023
four box section template in foundation with classes find and replace (4 box)

this section uses the large-auto classes so you can add or remove boxes easily.  find and replace the name "boxsection" to rename your new classes for the section I have layed this one out a ..

11:08 pm, October 24, 2022
php functions
shorten string php, string length php, clip string length php

I'm pretty sure i have done this function before but i cant find it due to the keywords being wrong! Here is a function that takes a string and shortens it and adds .. to the end, with the rest of th..

2:38 am, October 3, 2022
simplepie php
return author title from simplepie rss atom feed

i was just returning the author from this, and for some reason it returns a number. $class->$target_item = $item->get_author(); where you also need to pass the get_name function to this to ext..

2:47 am, October 1, 2022
Site Bugs
Search Duplicating Bugs

Still having issues with the word above duplicating, not sure why.  Search Page PHP - Get Search Value $search_value_encoded = htmlentities($search_value); Check for Search value, and then ..

6:39 am, May 20, 2022
php functions
Spam IP Database and delete button

The Background and Reason for the SPAM IP Database and Delete I actually wrote up half of this article and was still testing the function and lost the whole post, which will teach me for adding it st..

12:24 pm, November 22, 2021
php functions
youtube search api request function

This function requests a search from the youtube search api, and searches the text in the snippet for the seearch string. You can get your own API key for this from the google developers console. They..

2:04 am, November 4, 2021
php functions
list all array json function list_all_array_json

I wrote this a while ago, and i always forget the complex functions i write so ill add it here.  This loads all fields and then returns them as json. 

5:51 am, November 3, 2021
Using props with Stateless Functional Components in React

Here is an example of a Stateless Functional Component but i cant get the PropTypes working correctly in my demo, not sure what im doing wrong here, but the code seems to work in the compiler just not..

5:30 am, October 19, 2021
list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables

I think this is more neat than passing in individual variables into the list_all function, seems to work ok so far.  Still in early stages of this listing function, more needs to be built into i..

12:15 am, October 18, 2021
replace singular variable assignment with an array loop and variable variables

I found this useful when passing in an array to a function, rather than assigning all the variables in the function manually from the array just loop through each item in the array and asign them that..

11:58 pm, October 17, 2021
How to Compose React Components in React

In this code we nest the components NonCitrus and Citrus into the Fruits Component. Then nest the Fruits within the TypesOfFood component.  Also added the additional components, Vegetables, Non..

11:29 pm, October 14, 2021
timeline class and function

this is a class extend that generates a timeline based on structured data and order's the items by year decending. this code will not work out of the box as it has other requirements, but it is a goo..

5:02 am, October 8, 2021
bootstrap list group card with footer

a list group within a card and also a footer on the card for additional links. 

12:13 am, October 8, 2021
load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loop

i find this useful when loading a bunch of items in a class while looping through data, rather than assigning variables manually i just add the array of item names into the class to begin with and the..

8:36 am, October 7, 2021
twitter social sharing meta tags

I had done this one so many times on client sites I actually forgot that i had not applied it to my own site! Doh! Anyway this is the tag setup i use for adding the title, url, author and featured im..

11:51 am, October 5, 2021
simple php ip blocker

just to quickly block annoying ip addresses using an array and $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] so i woke up this morning to find 200 comments from this spam ip, here is a simple script that will block that i..

11:26 pm, July 29, 2021
vertically align text within a fixed height div using flex

this can be used to make text align nicely while still keeping the same layout. the example below shows how you can set the height of the containing element and still have the text aligned center to ..

9:55 am, July 29, 2021
Scroll down indicator css javascript and html

I have seen these a couple of times, indictating to the user that there is further content down the page, and they should scroll to view it. Then as you scroll down the indicator dissapears. So we w..

5:35 am, June 22, 2021
site documentation
Comments Listing should be a custom list rather than using search

For some reason when i listed the comments under posts on this site, i used the search function and then searched for the related uid, which maybe was easier at the time than adding an additional cate..

3:57 am, June 14, 2021
form submit override with javascript

if you need to run some additional checks on a form before submitting it

5:48 am, April 30, 2021
using moment.js to make your time format nicer

moment.js is a very nice way to handle multiple date strings and output them in a nicer format.  grab the latest copy of momen from cdnjs lets say our date is in this format, i think this is un..

11:15 pm, March 16, 2021
checking for spam comments function

with this function, you can scan through your incoming comments and check them for keywords the function will scan through the comment text and then provide you with a score as you get more spam com..

5:27 am, February 10, 2021
using the last-of-type css selector to remove a border from the last item in a list

i find using the last-of-type css selector quite useful when there is a list or re-occuring items and the last one has to be slightly different from the other ones.  This allows me to target the..

1:55 am, February 10, 2021
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor

This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..

12:14 am, February 5, 2021
TortoiseSVN for updating wordpress plugins

For updating wordpress plugins, and probably other SVN related stuff, i found that using TortoiseSVN is the easiest. For windows anyway.  Just go to the downloads page, and pick the correct flav..

11:10 pm, January 28, 2021
site bugs
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]

I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..

2:58 am, January 21, 2021
site bugs
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣

I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..

2:44 am, January 12, 2021
bootstrap collapse or toggle a div visibility

if you have bootstrap and want to toggle an element or show and hide a div its already built in, just use the following code to toggle something. 

1:13 am, September 28, 2020
add a class or remove it based on window scroll location

if you inspect the header div you will see a class added to it when scrolled down, i have added additional margins to it so you can still see it even when scrolled. then you add a fixed property to m..

1:45 am, June 30, 2020
css using perspective for transforms

just playing around with the perspective and transforms, it does weird and annoying things to the margins. I was interested in how this page worked, so i thought i would try and deconstruct it a bit. ..

5:57 am, June 16, 2020
list items matching a category title

this is just raw at the moment, not tested or working. this is matching a category number at the moment so would need an additional way to link that number to the category name, or know what the categ..

4:08 am, June 12, 2020
Bootstrap Card Formatting HTML and CSS - Header and Footer

just a bootstrap card format with header and footer elements, makes a piece of content neat easily

2:38 am, July 10, 2019
grid column and row spacing

here we add some additional spacing to our grid, we can get certain cells to take up 2 parts of the grid using grid-column: 1 / 3; to get box number 5 to take up 2 cols we can add grid-column: 2 / 4..

2:14 am, July 3, 2019
function to create a uid from html

this function converts a html string into a uid or unique id type string, its not actually unique, but its a string that can be used to make the title of something that contains html into a usable str..

12:44 am, March 22, 2019
white space pre-wrap formatting

when you want to preserve line breaks in plain text without having to add br tags or p tags.

10:23 pm, January 1, 2019
Core Class - Basic Core Structure

A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to..

11:33 pm, December 13, 2018
remove all of an element in a string <h1>

good if you want to remove all of the instances of an element in a string like if you have a <h1> tag in your string and want to remove it you can use the following code. $additional = "some te..

6:25 am, August 31, 2018
wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnail

this is surprisingly hard to find code that lists all blog posts in a template with the feature image that does not use an additional plugin. you shouldnt need a plugin to do this as its already built..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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