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MySQL to Sqlite converter

# Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs. # Awk is choos..

1:32 am, June 25, 2022
php functions
Spam IP Database and delete button

The Background and Reason for the SPAM IP Database and Delete I actually wrote up half of this article and was still testing the function and lost the whole post, which will teach me for adding it st..

12:24 pm, November 22, 2021
site bugs
still more comment spam

this is getting annoying now. so much spam. i already have the google recapture, but spam is still getting through. who runs this stuff, bots i guess. annoying.  update: 10 August 2021 Still..

6:16 am, August 6, 2021
verify the google recapture server php

i was still getting quite a bit of spam even after using google recapture v2 and i think this is just as i was using the javascript only version, which disables the submit button if the capture is not..

12:45 am, June 25, 2021
counting the occurrence of words in a multidimensional array

array sorting example The array Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Some [1] => great-looking [2] => special [3] => editio..

4:19 am, June 3, 2021
add google captcha to enable and disable a form button

This will check if the google checkbox is checked and then enable or disable the form button depending on the outcome. This is just a basic version of this check, you should also check that the captu..

12:14 am, November 12, 2019
take full page screenshot screencapture using chrome dev tools

This isnt really html, but its handy ;) Here is how to take a full page screen shot using the chrome dev tools. Open dev tools in chrome and the page you want to capture the image from F12 Pr..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


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The text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. It accepts a comma-separated list of shadows to be applied to the text and any of its decorations. Each shadow is described by some combination of X and Y offsets from the element, blur radius, and color.
text-shadow css reference