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🔗How to add a Link in HTML?
How to add a link in your HTML and other random things about html links!
HTML how to add an IMAGE! Quick HTML Tutorial
Just doing a bit of a series on HTML basics, i will list them here as i add them. We upload an image to imgur, and i show how to get the image link and insert it into html to show it! Super basic a..
HTML How to CENTRE Text Easy! - Quick HTML and CSS Tutorial
How to center text in html, there is a few options i discuss here and probably more that i missed out. Codepen:
Quick Embed - Google Font - DM Sans
DM Sans font quick embed and css class
CSS Object Fit for Image fill rather than using background image on a div
CSS Object Fit can crop off the sides of an image, while also preserving its aspect ratio, and then fill in the space to fit any size. Object Fit You can use: object-fit: With the following ..
Quick Embed code for Titillium Web Google Font
Quick Embed code for Titillium Web Google Font and a bit of test code to see if the font is working properly. Im not sure if including all styles of this font is a good idea. Who even uses italic thes..
Quick Embed Figtree Font
Quick embed code and test paragraph for the google font figtree
Video different sources on screen sizes video embed html responsive
video embed tag using media tag to switch video sources depending on screen size This example will switch the video souce at 800px screen width.
fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox - updated with fixed code parts
do people still use lightboxes, it seems yes in some cases. ;) if you feel the urge to use lightboxes and need to link to some youtube videos this is how you can do it. you will need jquery and fanc..
Deprecated: parse_str(): Calling parse_str() without the result argument is deprecated
I had this error on a function that i was not even sure i was calling. This was on some old code i was testing for an old site, i must have fixed this error on a never version of the function. ..
Quick Embed - Google Font - Fira Sans
fira sans font quick embed and css class
Slick slider code testing with slower slides and auto play on videos
additional testing with changes for slick slider videos and auto play
Chat GPT slick slider code testing
slick slider testing using code from chat gpt 1. write for me the code to embed a video into slick slider in html and css 2. can you also add the javascript required to get this working 3. can..
Quick Embed - Google Font - Inter
Quick Embed code for google font inter
Proxima Nova Font alternative on google fonts Figtree Embed and Quick Install Code
According to a recent google search by me the font Figtree is the closest one to the Adobe Font Proxima Nova, so lets do a quick install code for it and test if its actually the same. All Style..
Google Font Embed - Play Gaming Font
Quick Embed Codes for the google font Play, kind of a gaming style of font. As usual you can choose the @import or the link tags in the scripts section to embed this font quickly. Then apply the c..
font quick embed inter all styles google font
For some reason every time I go into google fonts website it seems to get more and more complex, i dont really care too much about all the font details i just want the embed link! Anyway... Maybe im g..
Video Placeholder Image HTML
a quick image embed for a common video placeholder image size made by this amazing placeholder site
Quick Embed Import and Code Samples for Google Font Roboto
quick embed codes and code examples for the google font Roboto. Roboto Font Preview
Factorio Megabase-In-A-Book
Just in case i decide to start up playing factorio again... Megabase in a Book Lets Play Book Contents Copper Smelting Iron Smelting Steel Smelting (from Ore) Steel Smelting (from Plate) Gr..
Oswald Font Quick Embed
Quick Embed code and class for Oswald Google Font. This includes all font weights and styles for the Oswald font, just add the class oswald onto your elements, or you can apply it to all page element..
Playfair Display Font Quick Embed - Google Font Quick Embed
Note: you only need the @import in css or the link href not both to embed this font. This font reminds me a bit of Times New Roman
a google font like muli - mulish and embed code
mulish font embed codes and styles with example
Twitter Post Fetcher Script
Uses javascript to fetch a twitter feed from a user screen name. Totally stylable alternative to using the twitter embed code. Your Welcome...
font similar to century gothic questrial google font quick install
I found this font to be closely related to the paid font "Century Gothic" the only issue i found with this font is that it only comes in regular weight. But Questrial is free to use, so that is..
convert a string into its html entitles using php htmlentities function
this takes a html string such as the following example and converts it into its html entities. it will take a character such as < and convert it into < so that the string is not parsed as h..
get directions from google maps form embed
this is a random form that posts back to google maps showing the directions needed to get from one address to another location, im not sure where this would be usefull. Maybe on a site where you neede..
how to embed google fonts icons
For some reason when i go to embed a google font icon, they dont seems to have any obvious way to actually use it, i can find the icons ok here. But then when i go and use it it links to a how to embe..
youtube search api request function
This function requests a search from the youtube search api, and searches the text in the snippet for the seearch string. You can get your own API key for this from the google developers console. They..
open sans @import embed font quick
just a quick and nasty css import for the Open Sans google font.
creating embedded php code from a database field
i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..
how to bundle css files together using windows or mac
so i was wondering how to do this the other day using some modern end tools, and i found this way just do it straight from mac or windows. lets say i have these css files main.css style.css..
load random videos module using template
load 3 random items and extract the video url, and use the youtube function to create a thumbnail and link to that video page
extract youtube image from video url
showing how you can get the image wallpaper in different sizes from a youtube video I used to have this tool a while ago, it just passes the video id and extracts the images and also can produce the ..
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line: BASH ( echo "<table class='charts-css bar show-labels show-heading'>" echo "&l..
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor
This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..
test <p>test</p> x .my-selector{ value:1px;} HTML <table></table> CSS .css{} Javascript function test() { console.log('test'); } PHP a = 1; x x
codemirror htmlmixed textarea
a working (hopefully) version of codemirror using the htmlmixed mode, not sure why its not doing code highlighting. Update: 5 Jul 2022, this is working now.
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]
I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..
make labels or badges look better
How to make these look better. The labels are used in the list items to show a small version of the category or sometimes the view count for a list item. How they look currently Dark Mode Ligh..
easy twitter embed code
Just need to switch your twitter user name to show that feed here. Back when i used to use twitter, apparently.
hero box with title sub title logos and call to action buttons
Here is a basic hero box section that contains: Title Sub Title 6 Logos (could replace with carousel logos) 2 call to action buttons I think it can be made more responsive, by replacing the..
Leaflet Quick Start Example
just a quick start map embed for leaflet js an alternative to google maps
switching stack order of floats with flex
responsive stacking, changing the order of how they stack. so by default they should stack in order they are listed in, like if the pink box is 1st then it should stack on top of the blue box when it ..
scroll to top html css and js
add a button to your website that allows scrolling to the top of the page css add scroll behavior smooth to your html, to allow the page to scroll nicely rather than just jumping to the top, in supp..
stretching an image to fit in a banner image with gimp
sometimes i need to get a square image to fit in a rectangle box this is a way to do it with GIMP get a square image, or pick any image (pexels) fit it in this box.. For this one we will be using ..
adding pulsating dots to your css ul li list
get rid of those boring dots in your list and add some pulsation! See the Pen Pulsate your <ul><li> list item dots! by Luke (@kruxor) on CodePen.
hide parts of a form until the 1st item is selected
this code can be used when you just want to show the 1st field on a form then when it is selected it shows the rest of the form elements
Nginx Server Block with Rewrite
Nginx Server Block with Rewrite Here is a basic nginx server block with rewrite to the index.php file. So it takes all the parameters and passes them into the index, into the variable $p or $_GE..
flems embed in url is a single-file, embeddable Web sandbox. It keeps all its state in the URL, so just make your changes, copy the URL from the address bar, and send it wherever you please. Most popular link s..
change favicon with jquery
Updated: This seems to not work on this page, as it has multiple link icon elements to deal with different sizes. I just changed it to a function and it runs ok, but the browser seems to choose a diff..
load google sheet data into json string with jquery
Just discovered this the other day, you can actually export google sheets data into json format and load it directly into your site, how good is that. A free mini basic database! Initially i was lo..
fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox
Updated version with code here do people still use lightboxes, it seems yes in some cases. ;) if you feel the urge to use lightboxes and need to link to some youtube videos this is how you can do it..
copy image to data uri using chrome base64 encode
Update: 26 Aug 2020 - Fixed video and original image link all should be working now in chrome. Found this one useful if you want to convert an image to base64 encode and link it directly in css or ht..
youtube embed no controls auto play iframe
Sometimes you want the video to loop and play with just no controls on it, this is how you can do it. You can still click to pause it, but the normal controls are gone. Also it seems you have to ..
youtube embed iframe
<iframe width="100%" height="340" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
video embed full screen all screen sizes
this will make a video cover the full screen of the browser no matter what size it is. It will do some cropping to make it fit. <style> body, html { margin:0; padding:0; } .video-cont..
video embed tag
to embed a video in a web page example Video not suported, download it here. code <video width="100%" height="340" preload="none" poster="myImage.jpg" autoplay loop controls&g..
video embed no controls
embed a video, for use as a background or a slide element, or wherever you need a large video. I found that there was a bug in chrome (which is probably fixed now) that was ignoring the autoplay tag ..
embed and use a ttf font font face
Handy if google fonts does not have your required font and you have the correct licence for showing it on your site... ;) css /* Include the font, you can call it whatever you like */ @font-face ..
css grid for responsive layouts and how to use it - 12 col layout
Note: Added version 2 of this with no rows for the grid css grid for layouts with no rows Update: 12 Nov 2024 - Fixed code and embed as is was linking to some broken and weird iframe. Grid should wor..