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four box responsive section with all classes find and replace boxsection title foundation grid (4 box)
four box responsive grid, find and replace the word... boxsection with your new section name to generate all class names and section names to match for rapid section creation. Demo Codepen
two box responsive section with all classes find and replace boxsection title foundation grid (2 box)
easy copy and paste section and find replace the word boxsection with your new class names, using foundation grid.
html and css hoizontal simple timeline section in foundation
a horizontal simple timeline section example done in foundation grid with some custom styles. This also uses the Lato Font quick install! So Quick!.. :P Also works on responsive and mobile dev..
foundation grid for 6.6x - also known as the foundation xy grid
some foundation grid demos for 6.6x foundation you can get foundation here: or here more docs on this here: https://get.foundatio..
foundation old grid format
This uses the old foundation grid style, i think it was a float grid, not sure which version it was maybe version 5 foundation. Somewhere around here:
CSS Grid Frame Work
8 Dec 2020 Yes i dont have an cool names for it, I just wanted something fairly light that can replace the bootstrap and foundation grid and basic components that i use so often, some of these framew..
using foundation 6.4 xy grid basics
Foundation 6.4 introduced a new xy grid which replaces the old row and large-x format here is a basic grid layout (foundation grid) add some style to show the cell border <style> .grid-x .ce..