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HTML how to add an IMAGE! Quick HTML Tutorial

Just doing a bit of a series on HTML basics, i will list them here as i add them. We upload an image to imgur, and i show how to get the image link and insert it into html to show it! Super basic a..

1:20 am, November 15, 2024
flex to align pagination in list format

using flex to turn a unordered pagination list into a horizontal list

5:44 am, October 22, 2024
React - Use State to Toggle an Element

Mastering React State: Toggling Elements with Confidence React's state management system is a powerful tool for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. One common use case involves to..

12:33 am, June 12, 2024
green circle tick svg

converted into inline css and html

12:06 am, January 15, 2024
Using the HTML tag details for easy accordions

Using the HTML Tag ` ` for automatic accordions.

12:32 am, October 27, 2023
mysql to sqlite notes

  ### MySQL to SQLite converter ```pip instal..

4:33 am, August 3, 2023
clean excess binary logs from mysql - free up space

Update: 30 July 2023 I actually prefer this command, i just have to figure out why im getting so many binlog files! MYSQL PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE '2023-07-30 00:00:00';PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE NOW..

1:16 am, July 4, 2023
javascript functions
make clickable element with clickable class open link in new window

makes an element with a link into a clickable element. This finds the 1st a tag in the target element and then opens the link in a _blank tab. Then if you have an element that you want to be clickabl..

2:58 am, May 2, 2023
Deprecated: parse_str(): Calling parse_str() without the result argument is deprecated

I had this error on a function that i was not even sure i was calling. This was on some old code i was testing for an old site, i must have fixed this error on a never version of the function.  ..

6:39 am, April 11, 2023
php functions
Return a file extention from a string

This php function returns a file extention from a string.  I think it will only work if the string does not have any additional . in it.  I think a better way to do this function would be ..

5:45 am, April 7, 2023
getcwd usage in php to get the current working directory for file includes

the builtin function getcwd in php gets the current working directory, this can then be used to include files or check the current working directory rather than manually adding the directory into your..

4:13 am, April 6, 2023
slick slider
Chat GPT slick slider code testing

slick slider testing using code from chat gpt 1. write for me the code to embed a video into slick slider in html and css 2. can you also add the javascript required to get this working 3. can..

4:21 am, March 1, 2023
write to file php

9:27 am, November 29, 2022
add ssh keys on your linux box in 10 seconds

Here i was typing in the ssh password over and over when connecting to ssh, when i could have just typed this one command and had my ssh keys copied to my linux box! What was i doing all that time! :..

11:00 pm, November 23, 2022
windows commands
how to show your DNS in windows and then copy it to the clipboard in one command

Here is how you can show your current DNS server in windows command line and then copy it to the clipboard, ready for pasting.  Open Windows Command Prompt<windows key> + R Type cmd ..

3:43 am, November 9, 2022
four box section template in foundation with classes find and replace (4 box)

this section uses the large-auto classes so you can add or remove boxes easily.  find and replace the name "boxsection" to rename your new classes for the section I have layed this one out a ..

11:08 pm, October 24, 2022
php functions
imgur upload from php

function that takes an image and uploads it to imgur using a client api id, and then returns all the data. i did this one ages ago and did not make it into a function, but this version should work as..

12:45 am, September 30, 2022
font quick embed inter all styles google font

For some reason every time I go into google fonts website it seems to get more and more complex, i dont really care too much about all the font details i just want the embed link! Anyway... Maybe im g..

4:58 am, September 19, 2022
codemirror with auto preview window

this should auto preview html code into the preview area using code mirror

7:15 am, July 5, 2022
MySQL to Sqlite converter

# Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs. # Awk is choos..

1:32 am, June 25, 2022
php functions
get string between other strings function php

So it turns out that i have had this issue before of finding a string in between other strings and made a function for it that i forgot about. 

5:00 am, June 24, 2022
using preg_match to extract text from elements

using preg_match to extract specified text from elements I also tried this search "if you have the start and end of a string extract the middle with php" as thats really all i need it to do, i have t..

1:41 am, June 24, 2022
encode spaces in items passed to url to %20 not +

I was using urlencode in php and it was encoding words with spaces into word+space rather than word%20space This can be resolved by using the function rawurlencode rather than urlencode.

5:04 am, June 20, 2022
php function load as table - load_as_table

Load data and add into a table format by passing in the required fields as an array.  Example Result Live Example

1:01 am, June 10, 2022
php convert number with k on the end to full number

I have a function that converts raw numbers into shorthand or human readable numbers, but was wondering how to convert these back if they are stored in that format, and also makes it better if you are..

9:16 am, May 29, 2022
add a user and add the user to sudo group

basic adding of a user in linux and then adding the user to the sudo group to allow it to run super user commands like apt update or other potentially system breaking commands. Note: replace "usern..

2:23 am, May 19, 2022
Clear Youtube DL Cache to fix 403 Forbidden error, youtube-dl 403 forbidden

If you are getting the error: File "C:\Python\Python34\lib\urllib\", line 588, in http_error_defaulturllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden It could be cache that is causing this..

3:02 am, May 1, 2022
git basics - git init, git commit, git all, git *

create a new repository git init the following code can be typed in a terminal window, once you have installed git for your OS. This will create a directory called git-test assuming you already hav..

3:23 am, April 22, 2022
Footer Design and Redesign

I never usually look this far down on the site, but its a bit average... Lets fix it!   Some simple changes Just a few elements added and moved around a bit. Added another row to the f..

12:31 am, April 1, 2022
Javascript Objects Notes

As javascript objects are used so often in javascript i thought i would write an overview and some notes on how they work, well how they work for me anyway. I guess how they work for me should be simi..

2:37 am, March 28, 2022
best way to write html into an existing page javascript

this probably isnt the "best way" but it is a way that works. say you want to add some elements to a page with javascript this is a method to do it.  Add an element, before including the script..

3:21 am, March 11, 2022
Regions of New Zealand - In Dropdown Form

Split into north and south island lists Also added a combined list, with a disabled options for north and south. /your welcome! :)

3:18 am, February 25, 2022
convert characters to entities using javascript replace

takes a html string and replaces the html elements into their equivalent characters. e.g: replaces < with &lt;

12:05 am, February 20, 2022
php functions
convert a string into its html entitles using php htmlentities function

this takes a html string such as the following example and converts it into its html entities. it will take a character such as < and convert it into &lt; so that the string is not parsed as h..

8:48 am, February 19, 2022
Auto Create HTML Code Snippets

make anything within a <code> tag into a nice looking code snippit with highlighting via prism. To get this code to make a snippit, you need to: Give an element a .make-snippet class and it's ..

4:17 am, February 14, 2022
Slick Slider
Slick Slider Showing Multiple Items at a time

Just wanted to test some review type items showing more than one on slick, Seems to work well.  This shows two items at a time, but you can show as many as you like. Could be good for a testimo..

4:55 am, February 9, 2022
center image preview with lightbox and caption

I just wanted a thumbnail or preview of the image, where if clicked it would load into a lightbox, but the preview just shows the center of whatever image is added to it.  Note: I just picked ra..

2:54 am, January 12, 2022
get yesterdays date with javascript

This gets todays date and minuses one day from it to be ... yesterday.  let yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-1));console.log(yesterday); This format is the full da..

10:39 pm, January 10, 2022
php functions
get php to validate its self with php check syntax

Did you know that php has a syntax checking function built into it? Well it does and this is how you can use it to check your php files for errors, rather than just running them and hoping for the be..

5:45 am, December 1, 2021
php functions
Spam IP Database and delete button

The Background and Reason for the SPAM IP Database and Delete I actually wrote up half of this article and was still testing the function and lost the whole post, which will teach me for adding it st..

12:24 pm, November 22, 2021
pi400 how to take a screen shot

This is actually built in, well if you have scrot installed anyway. Which it already was for me. Press Print Screen button and it saves it into your home folder.

6:40 am, November 20, 2021
Add custom symbol to ul li list and align text items

Pick a symbol from here. Then you can copy and paste it into the following css to change the list symbol, for more unique looking list items.  If the list items dont align correctly you will nee..

5:01 am, November 19, 2021
convert json string to a php array

takes a json string in php and converts it into a php array using the json_decode function.

11:44 pm, November 16, 2021
how to decode xml in php

how to decode xml into an array in php Here is a full example taking an xml string and converting it into a php array. 

11:36 am, November 16, 2021
php functions
youtube search api request function

This function requests a search from the youtube search api, and searches the text in the snippet for the seearch string. You can get your own API key for this from the google developers console. They..

2:04 am, November 4, 2021
using php parse_url function to remove the query string from a url

I recently had to remove the query string from a url, the bit after the ?key=1 or whatever is after the actual url.  I initially thought i could just use a explode function on the ? which would ..

5:54 am, November 1, 2021
add every value in the load_array array into the out for testing

quick foreach to add every variable and variable name into out and return it. good for testing.

3:40 am, October 31, 2021
write the contents of a url into a file with php

save the content of a url into a file with php using the following command. This grabs the $url and saves the content into the file my_file.html  

8:43 am, October 27, 2021
sqlite fetchArray into another array

was having an issue when trying to return a multi array using sqlite over multiple rows. Stack Overflow Inspiration  I tried a few of these but it was not incrementing key, and also it was only..

2:55 am, October 25, 2021
how to join an array in javascript using the join method

This example shows how we can join an array into a string using the join method. Its a nice quick way to convert your array into a string with a delimiter such as , or ; Here we can see the test arr..

2:01 am, October 19, 2021
list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables

I think this is more neat than passing in individual variables into the list_all function, seems to work ok so far.  Still in early stages of this listing function, more needs to be built into i..

12:15 am, October 18, 2021
How to Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component in React

Props are like properties that you can pass into a component in react. A prop would be something like this in your component.  JSX <div>  <MyProp id="1234" /></div> The..

12:24 am, October 16, 2021
How to Render a React Class Component to the DOM

This shows how you can get react to render a component into the page or DOM. So actually getting and showing the code that you have been writing in react. 

9:28 pm, October 15, 2021
How to Compose React Components in React

In this code we nest the components NonCitrus and Citrus into the Fruits Component. Then nest the Fruits within the TypesOfFood component.  Also added the additional components, Vegetables, Non..

11:29 pm, October 14, 2021
How to Use React to Render Nested Components

It can be useful to take components and render them inside other components while still making them into seperate items. This shows how you can take each component and nest it within another one and ..

3:10 am, October 14, 2021
adding react with JSX using babel

just wanted to see how JSX would work with react and babel, so this way you can write JSX and babel compiles it for use with react.  This is apparently not a good way to do things and can be qui..

9:18 am, October 11, 2021
react hello world with variable name

i was just testing some of the hello world examples on the react site, and as they use JSX they cant be directly entered into your code, so you need to run a pre compiler (not sure of the exact term f..

4:00 am, October 11, 2021
bootstrap alert template

here is a templated bootstrap alert where you can switch the alert type with the @alert_type variable. Here are the different alerts: primary secondary success danger warning info light dar..

12:53 am, October 8, 2021
list group bootstrap template

this generates a bootstrap list group basic template layout, nice option for lists with links in them rather than using a ul li style list, this makes them into neater looking elements so rather than ..

11:43 pm, October 7, 2021
php html template class system

just a simple php templating system to extract your html files from within the php code into external files, makes things (or your code) a bit neater.

11:31 pm, October 7, 2021
views list function for checking what views have been made on the current week

this is related to the views class that i added with monthly week number and yearly views, this is the function that i use to extract the top viewed pages for the week num, month num and year num. I ..

8:54 am, October 7, 2021
load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loop

i find this useful when loading a bunch of items in a class while looping through data, rather than assigning variables manually i just add the array of item names into the class to begin with and the..

8:36 am, October 7, 2021
How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly charts

Building a better Simple Page View Counter Currently this site has a very basic view counter on it.  Here is how it currently works. Load the page, function checks if the page has a existing r..

2:01 am, September 23, 2021
load from fields array php class function

this class function loads from multiple fields from an array, much easier than passing in a bunch of variables into a function nice and clean, the only issue is you need to remember what fields to add..

12:28 pm, September 22, 2021
easy section wrap in foundation

i am always writing these wrap sections so i thought i would just add a basic one here, easy to copy and paste into a new section

4:33 am, September 20, 2021
site documentation
moving the hits widget into the post header and footer

I wanted to make a smaller deal of the views page widget, i was adding it as a full widget and it does not need to be that huge so moving from widget area to the top of the post.  Move it down..

12:52 am, September 2, 2021
creating embedded php code from a database field

i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..

4:23 am, August 26, 2021
bootstrap dark mode

Bootstrap Darkmode    CSS Dark Mode Preparing for dark mod..

1:24 am, August 19, 2021
how to bundle css files together using windows or mac

so i was wondering how to do this the other day using some modern end tools, and i found this way just do it straight from mac or windows.  lets say i have these css files main.css style.css..

9:52 am, August 16, 2021
load random videos module using template

load 3 random items and extract the video url, and use the youtube function to create a thumbnail and link to that video page

4:32 am, August 8, 2021
site bugs
still more comment spam

this is getting annoying now. so much spam. i already have the google recapture, but spam is still getting through. who runs this stuff, bots i guess. annoying.  update: 10 August 2021 Still..

6:16 am, August 6, 2021
split a string into links using the comma

this is a common function for some field data, lets say you have a string like this. category one, category two, another category in one field or string but i want it to display like this category ..

5:48 am, August 6, 2021
extract youtube image from video url

showing how you can get the image wallpaper in different sizes from a youtube video I used to have this tool a while ago, it just passes the video id and extracts the images and also can produce the ..

3:52 am, July 31, 2021
how to view a web page in its printer format

if you have to check a website in its print or @media print format this is how you can emulate it in browser if you are using chrome or edge.  Open the Dev Tools (usually F12) Click the menu ..

6:26 am, July 28, 2021
white space break word css

controlling the white space of an element with break word, this can be handy if you need to fit something into a fix but the item has no spaces, otherwise usually by default this will overflow out of ..

5:36 am, July 27, 2021
globe svg testing (broken)

nope seems not to be working, it seems you cant just copy the glyph path into a normal svg and hope for the best, oh well i tried. 

6:32 am, June 29, 2021
simple backup to google drive fron linux

i added these scripts a while ago to backup mysql databases and web files to google drive a while ago, i just run them on a daily cron to copy the backups every day. the files so the bain backup_a..

1:04 am, June 27, 2021
site bugs
this is a weird one table underline appearing and dissapearing on mouse over

very strange that also reminds me that i have to get rid of these random searches idea: i was thinking of adding a more detailed hit system where it can record the month and also the year of the..

12:52 pm, June 21, 2021
responsive menu research full screen multi level

i was just looking into responsive menu's that are easy to impliment and navigate even if they have multiple levels still just in research mode at the moment Menu One Menu Sub One Menu Sub..

3:07 am, June 15, 2021
site documentation
hero widget header - creates a nice looking hero item from a target uid and class

this creates a "nice" looking hero widget, just wanted to create something that looked decent and had an attached background image, surprizingly annoying to link items together. For some reason i kee..

12:10 am, June 11, 2021
make your images look non squished when not using image backgrounds v2

this is a working version of this post, for some reason that image was deleted I think due to a content upgrade.  Basically this uses the object-fit: cover; to make images not stretch when they ..

6:22 am, June 4, 2021
show the difference between two dates in years, months, days, hours and seconds

i modified this code into a function that also detects if there is any values in each item before adding it to the text. 

1:03 am, June 4, 2021
counting the occurrence of words in a multidimensional array

array sorting example The array Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Some [1] => great-looking [2] => special [3] => editio..

4:19 am, June 3, 2021
write string contents to a file with php

this will create a file called my_file_name.txt in the current php working directory usually this is the same one that the script is running in and write the text yay! into that file if the file al..

12:48 pm, May 26, 2021
json load from jquery and loop through the results

this is the same as this post but i have added the object to an external test file. so rather than already having the object data on the page we have to load it somehow Note: you can test that the o..

6:48 am, May 25, 2021
passing in arrays to your functions rather than using variables

this is probably an old technique, but i discovered it the other day when i was playing around, and i thought wow i should do this to all my functions, i cant see the downside, apart from having to re..

1:11 am, May 11, 2021
change photoshop to show px rather than pt

if your photoshop is showing pt when you select font sizes, you can change this in the settings.  in the Edit menu go into Preferences and then Units and Rulers then you can change both uni..

2:11 am, April 7, 2021
python extract images into an array from a url

this should extract all images from a url into an array using python python from bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom urllib.request import urlopenurl = ""page = urlop..

6:56 am, April 4, 2021
python url to text with beautiful soup

python using beautiful soup to convert a url into text Python from bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom urllib.request import urlopenurl = ""page = urlopen(url)html ="u..

2:08 am, April 4, 2021
php basic page router

this php page router while pretty basic does the job for this site. it takes all the query string and splits it with the / into $p variables you will also need the following nginx or similar page rew..

12:29 am, April 4, 2021
git pull changes from a repository

use this to pull from an existing git repo into a new directory

1:27 am, April 3, 2021
using moment.js to make your time format nicer

moment.js is a very nice way to handle multiple date strings and output them in a nicer format.  grab the latest copy of momen from cdnjs lets say our date is in this format, i think this is un..

11:15 pm, March 16, 2021
add click event to multiple link items and load the link content into a target div ajax

this will get a group of links with existing href targets and load them dynamically with an ajax callback you will need to also include the full jquery script as the slim one does not include the aja..

3:51 am, March 9, 2021
minutes to decimal calculator javascript version

trying to do a more simple version of this post.  the php version requires post back to the server, so i think this c..

11:38 pm, March 7, 2021
adding background blur to an image using css fill screen

I had noticed this cool looking effect used on places like google, and other sites that display portrait images, i think i saw it on the google home as well or maybe google photos.  Its basicall..

5:23 am, February 19, 2021
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor

This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..

12:14 am, February 5, 2021
How to set a cookie and expire it in 30 days

Here is some basic usage for the js cookie library. Include the following script. Or you can grab the latest version at the cdnjs website. HTML <script src="

9:51 am, February 2, 2021
how can i make my code look nice, or highlighted in evernote

* update: this is actually a paid tool, so i will be skipping this, as the code highlighting function is not that important to me. If anyone finds a nice free way to do this let me know. I have only ..

9:36 am, February 2, 2021
site bugs
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]

I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..

2:58 am, January 21, 2021
explode a string into an array

This uses the php explode function to split a string into an array based on a delimiter character. I always forget which order this goes in.

5:19 am, January 13, 2021
checking the current url and then marking a link active based on that url

i want a script that can check the current page uri and then match it to a list of links to be able to add an active class that survives page reloading So here we go... 1. Get the current page url. ..

1:32 am, January 13, 2021
site bugs
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣

I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..

2:44 am, January 12, 2021
make labels or badges look better

How to make these look better. The labels are used in the list items to show a small version of the category or sometimes the view count for a list item. How they look currently Dark Mode Ligh..

6:09 am, December 31, 2020
include tinymce only if a user is logged into the site

For google page speed i had an issue when every page was loading tinymce, which is quite a large script. I only actually use this script when editing pages, so this is the change i made to only inser..

5:44 am, December 23, 2020
make an image white with css using filter brightness and invert

If you have an icon or something with transparency this can be useful if you dont want to have to edit the image and create another copy of it you can apply the filter brightness and invert. You can ..

5:16 am, December 22, 2020
Monitoring Visible Objects on Screen

i found this one when researching how to detect visible objects on screen, and then doing something with them. This one does not use any external scripts to change the box colour as it becomes visible..

12:07 am, December 1, 2020
Quick tool to convert time into decimal

I needed a quick tool that can convert say 20 minutes into decimal, as im doing this a lot these days. Here is what i come up with, well you can google it as well and that works, but this form is a bi..

12:55 am, November 16, 2020
match a category id in wordpress and then add styles just for that id

this is in template-parts/content.php which may be different based on your theme or version of wordpress.  you can locate the category id in wordpress by going into categories and then clicking ..

6:20 am, September 29, 2020
Bootstrap Darkmode Switch

I have tried this before without success but i googled "Bootstrap Darkmode Switch" and found this repo at the top of the list. So i thought i would give it a try on here and see how it looks. Demo pag..

11:54 pm, August 18, 2020
What is Core?

17 Aug 20 core is php content management system where the content is editable from the front end of the site, so there is no real back end to this system. i designed it to be easily extended so every..

6:52 am, August 17, 2020
change upper case case string to lower case (uppercase, lowercase)

this can change a lower case or any case into upper case using the str to upper php function Example

6:02 am, July 21, 2020
convert a string to uppercase with php

use this function to convert a lower case or sentence case string into its uppercase form

12:31 am, July 14, 2020
stretching an image to fit in a banner image with gimp

sometimes i need to get a square image to fit in a rectangle box this is a way to do it with GIMP get a square image, or pick any image (pexels) fit it in this box.. For this one we will be using ..

1:16 am, June 30, 2020
wordpress adding post custom field meta and displaying it on you template

if you want to be able to add custom post fields into your pages in wordpress and display them in your template this is how you can do it, no plugin is required for this as post meta is available by d..

1:33 am, June 24, 2020
css using perspective for transforms

just playing around with the perspective and transforms, it does weird and annoying things to the margins. I was interested in how this page worked, so i thought i would try and deconstruct it a bit. ..

5:57 am, June 16, 2020
loading content into fancybox modal using ajax

This loads content into a fancybox modal using an ajax request so you can specify a url to load into the modal when the button is clicked

4:30 am, June 5, 2020
tar.gz to compress a directory in linux and then decompress it

a pretty common way to zip up contents in a directory into one (or technically two) archive(s). Add to tar.gz This will add the directory and all sub directories into the archive called the-archiv..

2:41 am, May 26, 2020
Nginx Server Block with Rewrite

Nginx Server Block with Rewrite Here is a basic nginx server block with rewrite to the index.php file. So it takes all the parameters and passes them into the index, into the variable $p or $_GE..

11:16 pm, March 29, 2020
php convert date now into a sql timestamp

an easy way to get the current date from php into a mysql or sql timestamp format, this uses the server time

12:43 am, November 25, 2019
Using the Spread Operator to Evaluate Arrays In-Place Tests

My tests using the Spread Operator rather than the apply function. In the 1st function show_max_array i use the apply operator to convert the array into comma seperated values. In the show_max_array..

1:02 am, October 14, 2019
Complex Arrow Function Example

Here is an example using a Complex or Higher Order arrow function, which slightly reduces the amount of code lines used. This should return the square root of all positive integers passed into it.

5:14 am, October 1, 2019
using arrow functions to convert small functions into one line statement functions

in this exercise i will take a function variable and write it in one line using the arrow function

12:09 am, October 1, 2019
split a string into an array using split javascript

this will split the string into an array based on the spaces inbetween words. you can split it based on any character, for example if you had words in csv comma format you could use the second example..

4:47 am, September 16, 2019
sublime text find and replace style tag

good if you have inline styles you want to remove using regex find and replace. in sublime press ctrl + H to do find and replace then paste in the style="([^

12:43 am, August 19, 2019
using local storage rather than cookies to store data (localStorage)

you can see what is stored in local storage by typing this into your browser console. localStorage Adding something You can add something to local storage by using the setItem function.

11:31 pm, July 16, 2019
using a css grid area template

here we can specify areas for the grid. using grid-template-areas. once the areas are defined we can add the items into each area with grid-area: header in each element Use grid-area Without Creatin..

2:26 am, July 3, 2019
Dropdown Box with Searchable Text

Here we have a dropdown select box, that you can type into to search the available options. No Javascript Required for this the browser does all the work. Press into the text box, and you will see a..

11:57 pm, June 30, 2019
create a mysql or sqlite current timestamp with php

just in case you need to create a CURRENT_TIMESTAMP using php, this formats the current date into the following.

5:45 am, May 27, 2019
Cut a string when it finds a certain character with PHP

ok so lets say we have a string like this: Hi there im a string. I am also part of the same string. And we want to shorten the above string into just:  Hi there im a string. This is what i wo..

5:30 am, April 17, 2019
function to create a uid from html

this function converts a html string into a uid or unique id type string, its not actually unique, but its a string that can be used to make the title of something that contains html into a usable str..

12:44 am, March 22, 2019
How Many Days Since a Date and other Calculations

Here i calculate the number of days since a certain date in php and use the values for checking how much something costs per day.  Start Date Lets add the date that the item was purchaced. In d..

12:27 am, February 11, 2019
Date Conversion PHP

Convert 1/1/2011 into 2011-01-01 00:00:00

10:40 pm, January 14, 2019
Core Class - Basic Core Structure

A Core class that can be used as a base for all content types and uses the extend classes to define the database variables. So basically you can set up core class and then create sub extend classes to..

11:33 pm, December 13, 2018
convert all images into base64 encoded

if you have a bunch of html with inline image links this will convert them into base64 images inline. <?php $html = "my html string with multiple image tags..."; $dom = new DOMD..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
file get contents reads entire file into a string

you can use the file_get_contents function to read a file or a web address usage get a url content $homepage = file_get_contents(''); echo $homepage; get a file con..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
using parse_url to extract parts of a url

Category: PHP the parse_url php function will split a url into an array of url fragments $url = ""; var_dump(parse_url($url)); parse_url example ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
csv read example

Not sure if this is the best or correct way of handling CSV file imports, but it worked for me. here is an example of opening a csv and importing the content into a class, you will need to create ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
extract meta tags from file or url as array

php has a built in function that can be used to extract the meta tags from a page url into an array. usage just pass it a url, if you call this file meta.php. usage: meta.php?url=

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
detect window scroll position jquery

This one adds or removes a class if the document is scrolled 50 px near the top of the window. $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(document).scrollTop() > 50) { $('nav').addClass('shrink');..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
load google sheet data into json string with jquery

Just discovered this the other day, you can actually export google sheets data into json format and load it directly into your site, how good is that. A free mini basic database! Initially i was lo..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
tiny mce editor tinymce

Just loading the editor, as its useful for formatting stuff sometimes 😋. I usually use a function to load it into text areas with the tool bars + styles that i find useful. Example fu..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
testing chartjs

Update: 30 June 2020 I checked this code, and it was broken all fixed now. The issue with the demo included on the main site is that it was trying to run the chart js before the chart library was load..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
find all elements add class jquery

this will grab all a elements, and dump them to the console. var allLinkElements = $( "a" ); console.log(allLinkElements); then we need to split into a jquery object, this is a jquery version of an..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
load content with jquery

Load data from the server and place the returned HTML into the matched element. this one seems simple but very useful $( "#result" ).load( "ajax/test.html" ); this one will load the content o..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
stacktable jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens

stacktable.js The purpose of stacktable.js is to give you an easy way of converting wide tables to a format that will work better on small screens. It creates a copy of the table that is converted in..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
make clickable element with clickable class

makes an element with a link into a clickable element

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
form elements australian state list

A list of the Australian States converted into a form element select option dropdown. Sorted in alphabetical order.

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
meta refresh reload page

this can use a meta tag to get the browser to reload the current page. the following code will reload the page every 30 seconds. usually you have to add meta tags into the header of your page, not ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
emoji data - version 1.0

  Emoji Data version 1.0 This is a better emoji list that you can search by title ctrl + f emoji-data.txt # Emoji Data for UTR #51 # # File: emoji-data.txt # Version: 1.0 # Date: 20..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
Form elements New Zealand region list

A list of the Regions of New Zealand converted into a form element select option dropdown. Sorted in alphabetical order. Ready to paste into your own form.

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
truncate text long titles with text overflow ellipsis

this one can be useful for fitting text into smaller places without it looking broken. text-overflow: ellipsis; this basically adds the 3 dots where the end of the text used to be... Also if you are ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
darken background image using css

darken a background image using css only useful if you have overlay text or just want to add a nicer effect to an image, i usually find that adding this to an image with the text over the top makes it..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
stack a table using css responsive

this can be useful for fitting tables into smaller screens, usually add this to a media query. #tableid td { display: table-row; width:100%; display:block; } and with a screen size added @me..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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If you found something useful or like my work, you can buy me a coffee here. Mmm Coffee. ☕


🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually, you’ll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish. . . . Somehow the more you give away, the more comes back to you.
Paul Arden
Random CSS Property


The :last-child CSS pseudo-class represents the last element among a group of sibling elements.
:last-child css reference