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load json data url or api with javascript

this loads a target json url or api using raw javascript so no jquery required with this one then logs the data returned to the console. 

4:43 am, October 26, 2021
load json data url with jquery

loads a api or json url or endpoint using jquery and console logs the result Tested working on my test json file, check the console and it should be there. 

4:36 am, October 26, 2021
loop through a complex object json javascript

just a note to say that a complex object is an object with more than one nested object in it for example just kinda playing around with this one to get the handle on objects and how to access them C..

12:19 pm, May 25, 2021
load json with vanilla javascript no jquery

this basically does the same thing that a jquery .getJSON does but without the need for jquery.

9:57 am, May 25, 2021

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::first-letter (:first-letter)

The ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element applies styles to the first letter of the first line of a block-level element, but only when not preceded by other content (such as images or inline tables).
::first-letter (:first-letter) css reference